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Zombie Episode

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

What it's All About:

For all of you horror movie fans out there, this episode is all about the zombie. Since Samhain is coming up and I don't want to do another show on it, I thought it would be fun to talk about this monster. I will be talking about their history for those of you who don't know and more. So listen to this show.

Songs Featured:

Links Mentioned:

Spirit Guide of the Week:


Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Ice Cream





Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess' Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard Tuatha Dea with their cover of Zombie. And you can already guess what the topic of today's show is going to be about: Zombies. But first, if you can, please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook, goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home, or wherever you can talk to everyone you know. And don't forget to check out the blog. Now for the topic: Zombies. Since I don't want to do another Samhain episode, I thought I might do this one. Of course, if you're going to listen to my past shows on Samhain, you are welcome to do so. But I figured that I might have some fun this year. I will be talking about the history of the zombie myth and some more fun facts about them.

Let's continue on with the show with Zombie Ambience by Kristen Lawrence.


The history of Zombies is a sad one. This mythology came from the enslaved people of Haiti in the 17th and 18th centuries. As you know, many slaves came from North and West Africa to work in the plantations. So, naturally, they brought their beliefs with them, even though they were forced to convert to Christianity and work in the plantations for little or no money. The original belief by the slaves in those times is that if you die by suicide, you will not be able to return to the afterlife and walk the earth as a zombie for eternity. At that time, zombies weren't portrayed as monsters who eat brains. Instead, they were seen as mindless, soulless corpses still working in the field and obeying their masters. After the Haitian revolution, Voodoo became the main religion. It is a combination of Catholicism and several African beliefs. The zombie mythology also became a part of Voodoo ideology. Some practitioners known as the bokor use traditional herbs, animal parts, and other objects to create something called Zombie powder. That powder had a chemical called tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxin that comes from the pufferfish and is toxic and deadly. If someone does take a small amount of tetrodotoxin, they will have trouble walking, respiratory problems, and confusion. Higher doses of this toxin can also lead someone to become paralyzed and/or be in a coma. As a result, they could appear to be dead and be buried alive. But then later can be revived. Because of this, the Haitian people are scared of the Bokor. But, before I forget, not all Haitian Voodoo practitioners are Bokor. And some priests do believe that zombies are only a myth. I am going to talk more about Zombies after you hear City of the Dead by Inkubus Sukkubus.


Here's another spirit guide of the week. I am going back to the animal kingdom to talk about the deer. If the deer is your totem animal, you are great at trusting your instincts. You know when a situation will become negative. As a deer person, you also can read body language and pick up other people's vibes. Spirit animal deer wants you to find strength within yourself if you are going through a tough time right now. If the deer is your power animal, you need to be more gentle with yourself. One way you can do this is by meditating. Deer is telling you to release any judgment, resentment, and grudges toward someone. Because you are highly sensitive and intuitive, you need to find nurturing friends and a safe place to go. It's most likely going to be outside because you love to recharge in the woods. Power animal deer also lets you know that you have the power to be more vigilant and quick to get out of a tricky situation. And you need to call on totem animal deer if you need some help being creative. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.


That was Castalia with Run Like a Deer. Since Zombies are more Voodoo and Hoodoo (I would not see totally), it was hard to find something pagan-related. It's not that I have nothing to say here I do. I found two articles that talk about us being zombies in this world of consumerism and how that is destroying our planet. And before I forget, we pagans do not believe that the zombie apocalypse will ever happen. So I put both the links in the show notes, and they are from Wildhunt and Patheos. I think that I will give you the names of both articles. One article is named Suffering & Satisfaction in Patters of Consumption (and Zombies) by Sam Webster. The other is Pagans and the (Zombie) Apocalypse by Niki Witing. You can read those two articles now or in your own time.

Here's Cynthia McQuillin with Slay the Dead.


Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Again there are three symbols: Ice Cream, light, and ceiling. If your dream had ice cream in it, it represents luck, satisfaction, pleasure, and success in your life. If the ice cream in your dreams tasted sour or foul, it means betrayal, sadness, and frustration. If in your dreams, the ice cream had melted, it's telling you that your desires and hopes have failed. Lights in dreams usually mean guidance, understanding, insight, clarity, radiance. If you see dim lighting in your dreams, it lets you know a part of your subconscious that has to do with primal thoughts and feelings that haven't developed well. To see a bright light in your dreams means that you are going to a higher level of understanding. If the bright light in your dreams is from an object, it represents the divine consciousness. To see a motion sensor light in your dreams tells you that you are going the right way in your life. If you can't turn off the light in your dreams, it represents and lack of focus somewhere in your life. Ceilings in dreams mean a spiritual or mental point of view. And if the ceiling in your dreams had water damage, you're not focusing on an emotional problem. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show.


This following folktale comes from Nigeria. It’s on the World of Tales website, and it’s called The Tortoise with a Pretty Daughter.


I hope that some of you were watching the original 1973 movie The Wickerman. That song that you heard is Landlord’s Daughter from Magnet and featured in the film. Before that, you heard Arthur Hinds with Child of Light. That is it for the show. Again I am your host, Midnight Starr. I’m still waiting for a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol. Or if you want to, you can like, share, or comment on goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home, through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, and on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. I am going to leave you with Celtic Feast of the Dead by Fritz Jung. Blessed be and be safe.



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