What it's All About:
This episode, spurred on by a recent article from downtheforestpath.com, I explore a brand-new phenomenon called Wicca Bashing. I kindly ask you to join me as we explore all aspects of this subject, exposing its complexities and ramifications, without giving too much away. Listen here to learn the real story behind Wicca Bashing and to acquire more insight into this topic.
I should also apologize since the logo poll has now ended. I didn't mention that in this podcast, because I recorded it before the announcement of the new logo on May 1st.
Songs Featured:
Meditation Background Music by Jerome Chauvel from Pixabay
Links Mentioned:
Choose an Old Litha Show for June:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)



Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard a classic from Loke E. Coyote: Witch Wars. The topic of today’s show is all about Wicca Bashing. I would want to kick off this episode with a few quick updates and announcements before we get started. You have two surveys waiting for you. First, choose a new logo for the show - your vote will determine the winner. The winning logo will remain the podcast's representation for three consecutive months. You can vote by accessing the link provided in the show notes, or by scanning the QR code on both the Substack newsletter and blog page. In the second survey, pick which of my previous episodes you'd like to revisit next month. Again, simply click the link and vote for your choice. Remember, these surveys are only available for a month, so be sure to vote now. To stay updated on future episodes, subscribe to my newsletter at musicgoddessvault.substack.com. Choose between a monthly plan for $7, an annual plan for $70, or sign up for free. Become part of this community and stay connected! Do you have suggestions for future show topics, spirit guides, or dream symbols? Connect with me on social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, Threads, bluesky, or visit my blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home. I can't wait to hear from you!
Now for the topic: Wicca Bashing. Some of you have already read this article, simply called Wicca Bashing on downtheforstpath.com. I came across this two days ago when someone posted this on Social Media. By the way, I do have the article for you to read in the show notes. For those of you who haven’t read this, I will go into more detail about this topic after you have listened to Decepticons by Cloud the Pagan Rapper.
I'm going to present two scenarios, both taking place on social media. In the first one: You're new to the Wiccan path, eager to soak up all the knowledge. You join a pagan Facebook group, proudly announcing yourself as a new Wiccan. But soon, your post gets bombarded with comments, mostly from seasoned practitioners who've moved on to other paths like Celtic, Norse, Hellenic, etc. They're not holding back, sharing what they now think about Wicca in a negative way. Now, switch gears. Picture yourself as someone who's been walking the pagan path for years. You started as a Wiccan, but eventually found a new path that resonated with you. Now, you're not shy about voicing your opinions on social media. You're calling Wicca outdated and flawed, championing the path you're on now. This, my friends, is what is call Wicca Bashing. It's when those of us who used to practice Wicca start dissing the whole practice, making those still on the path question it themselves. It's like a superiority complex, with some claiming their current path is way better than Wicca. And let me tell you, this stuff runs rampant on social media, thanks to the anonymity it offers.
I will go over the major points raised by this blog. But I am not going to do that until shortly after the Spirit Guide of the Week and Harold Sanford Carter's song Wicca Death and Witchcraft Born.
Time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. This time it is the spirit animal Bobcat. When the bobcat serves as your power animal, it's a symbol of your inner strength. This suggests that you're an empath who finds solace in solitude. It's not about feeling lonely but rather about carving out personal time to relax after a hectic day. Having the presence of the bobcat spirit means you lean heavily on your intuition rather than solely relying on external opinions. You possess a keen awareness that not everyone in your social circle, whether friends or family, necessarily has your best interests at heart. You've developed a knack for discerning when people aren't being genuine and can see beyond their facade. If the bobcat is your power animal, you're really good at keeping secrets. You take trust seriously and are careful not to spill the beans or share private stuff about others. Your instinctive nature guides you in knowing when to remain silent or to speak up. And, if the bobcat is your spirit animal, you're comfortable being in the dark, both in literal and metaphorical terms. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Hagalaz Runedance with Where the Lonely Souls Go. So here are some of the themes of that van der Hoeven talks about in her article Wicca Bashing. The first topic is the state of social media and misinformation. These days, we are being told what to think, instead of questioning the topic and making our own opinions about it on our own. This is on any topic, and that is dangerous. Thus, we seem to one-upmanship, each other, proclaiming that, “My religion is better than yours.” The Wicca bashing on these platforms can really make newcomers question their choice. Another point she made is about the history of Wicca. The bashers think of it as a made-up religion that emerged from a climate of cultural misappropriation and discrimination. But that was then, and like many things, Wicca has evolved. As the author of this article says, “This isn’t your grandma’s Wicca. However, Wicca-bashing individuals think of it as just another fluffy bunny and believe it has fallen out of fashion. One thing that she mentions in the article, which is true is that Gardner didn’t come up with the Threefold Law and harm none. That was added on later by someone else. However, not every pagan believes in this, which is fine. The last point is controversial not only in the Pagan community but everywhere: AI. There's a lawsuit in the United States between Chat GPT and numerous authors alleging plagiarism. Some of those involved are pagan. Van der Hoeven worries that new pagan authors rely on AI, recycling old ideas instead of new ones. She suggests checking how many books the author released last month, to spot AI-generated content. I can see this point being that writing a book without AI takes years and not one month. I know this from talking to other writers who have had a hard time selling their books. They get paid in pennies, not thousands of dollars. Authors who use AI might have released two or three books last month. I think that the main message of this article is to be aware of who will read your posts or comments about a certain pagan topic. Not everyone on, say Facebook, has been on the path for years. There are some who are starting out as Wiccans for the very first time. We should respect others regardless of where their journey has taken them. What is your opinion of this article? Please let me know. I am going to turn your attention back to some more music: It’s Not Pagan! by Pagan Rap Gang.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. This time there are three: Actor/Actress, AIDS, and Amorous. A dream in which you run into an actor or actress signifies your pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. Dreaming of being an actor suggests that your efforts and dedication will ultimately pay off. Dreaming of being a supporting actor or actress indicates the importance of offering support to others in your life. To dream of being an extra in a movie represents feelings of being unimportant and ignored. If you dream that you have AIDS, it might suggest that something is wrong with your mental health. If you dream that your partner has AIDS, it could mean that you are in a toxic or violent relationship. Dreaming that someone else has AIDS emphasizes how critical it is to treat others with more empathy and understanding. Dreaming of being amorous signifies feelings of seduction. If you dream that someone else is acting in an amorous manner, it means that there are people who might try to lure you into having unlawful enjoyment, which could cause you to lose sight of your own ethical standards. And a dream in which you see animals being amorous symbolizes primal impulses. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Time for a nice deep and relaxing meditation. Once again, if you are driving any vehicle right now, please skip ahead. This next meditation comes from the album Seven Longer Relaxations by Richard Fowler Yoga. This one is titled Mindfulness of Breath and Body Relaxation.
Before the meditation you heard Poisonous Passion by Demonika and the Darklings.
That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. Before I end this episode, let me quickly remind you of a few things you need to know. There are two polls running at the moment. Please be sure you vote in both to show your participation. I am searching for a new logo and would really like your help in deciding which would be best. The options are provided in the show notes or on my blog and Substack page if you scan the QR code. Furthermore, you can select an earlier episode of this podcast to listen to again. Use the link in the show notes or scan the QR code on my blog or Substack page to join in. This poll will remain open after the logo one ends. You have a whole month to make your decision, so go ahead and do it now! Do you have any suggestions for show topics, questions about spirit guides, or particular dream symbols you would like me to look into? Feel free to reach out to me through my website at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home or connect with me on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, X, Instagram, Mastodon, Thread, and Bluesky. I look forward to hearing from you! Be the first to get the latest episodes and stay ahead of the game by subscribing to my newsletter at musicgoddessvault.substack.com! As I close out this episode, let us all lose ourselves to the beat of Alexian's Cool to be a Witch. Blessed be.