What it's All About:
The Triple Goddess is a concept in Wicca, a modern Pagan new religious movement, which usually includes the feminine deity, the Earth Mother, the goddess of love and fertility, and the goddess of death and magic. The idea of three phases can be traced back to ancient history. The three phases are thought to represent the cycles of nature- that is, earth/sky/sea or birth/life/death. I will be talking about all this in the show, so stay tuned.
Songs Featured:
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Photo by Vivek Sharma on Unsplash.
Dream Symbol: (There are two)

Photo by Natalia Deriabina on Shutterstock.

Photo by Cesar Cid on Unsplash.
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. What you heard was the short tune Triple Goddess Blessing by Lisa Thiel. Today’s show is all about the Triple Goddess. But first, if you haven’t done so already, you can check out the blog goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home. Also, please spread the word of this podcast through the blog, the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, and on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. Now for the topic: the Triple Goddess. I know that most of you already know about this. However, there is more to this than the idea of maiden, mother, and crone. There is more to it than meets the eye. The idea of three phases can be traced back to ancient history. The three phases are thought to represent the cycles of nature- that is, earth/sky/sea or birth/life/death. I will explain all of this after you hear a favorite song of mine by Kellianna, I Walk With the Goddess.
You can call it triple, triad, threefold, or triplicities. Nonetheless, the ancients did not have any concept of a single triple goddess. Thanks to author Robert Graves in his book The White Goddess, This is a Wiccan creation. He was influenced by Celtic lore, although some scholars think there might have been other ancient cultures that he was inspired by.
Another name that I came across during my research of the triple goddess is the Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung and his theory of archetypes. Jung's view on the triple goddess embodies the feminine archetype. He wrote that she was an image of "the total of female psychological qualities." The goddess has three faces, each one portraying a different feminine personality. As you know, the triple goddess symbolizes the moon's three phases, which is femininity. She also represents three stages of womanhood, maiden, mother, and crone. The maiden is the virgin; the mother is fertile, and the crone represents wisdom. She can be seen as either a deity or a force that lives in every woman. Later in the show, I want to talk about three other aspects of the triple goddess. First, let's continue with some more music. Here's Goddess by Burning Sage.
It’s time for another spirit guide of the week. I am going back to India to talk about the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. She is the most beloved spirit in India and here are the reasons why. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, abundance, prosperity, beauty, luck, health, and fertility. She brings life into all living things. To the people of India, Lakshmi represents everything pleasurable, good, and joyful. Because of this, she is the most popular deity in India. She has a white elephant that showers the earth with rain and abundance. The god Vishu is her husband. Lakshmi is a part of the Tridevi, the Hindu version of the triple goddess, including Parvati and Saraswati. Many pictures in India show her being nicely dressed, abundance giving woman, with a lotus in one hand, sitting or standing on a lotus throne. Lakshmi doesn’t have a dark side, but if you do not venerate or welcome her, she will get bored and leave along with all her beautiful gifts. What you can offer Lakshmi on your altar are the following: Fruit, candy, milk, flowers, incense, beads and/or coins. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was X Fortune by Derek Schmidt. I will not go into which of the ancient goddesses has the triple goddess in her. Some of us will have already worshiped one. I know that every pagan has seen the triple goddess symbol. That is of the waxing, full, and waning moon. To me, it represents a woman's life cycle and a woman's menstrual cycle. I mean, doesn't the moon come out in all three forms every month? The first half of my answer would be no because most non-pagans don't actually see it as the Triple Goddess or even think about what it means to them. However, for some pagans (including myself), these symbols have deeper meanings, which tie into our personal beliefs and practices with nature. Such as menstruation being a natural part of women's cycles, which links back to how we view each other on an individual level. Another representation of the Triple Goddess is birth, death, and rebirth. So another way to put it is the life cycle phases from conception to old age. And this does also applies to the three stages of a moon going from birth to rebirth. Another representation of the Triple Goddess is birth, death, and rebirth. So another way to put it is the life cycle phases from conception to old age. And this does also applies to the three stages of a moon going from birth to rebirth. I know from my research that there are other ways to interpret the Triple Goddess, so it is all up to you. So here's some S. J. Tucker for you: Goddess.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. There are two in this week's dream symbol. They are labor and ladder. If you are a woman and you dreamt that you were in labor, as in giving birth, it represents your wish to become pregnant. If you are pregnant and dreamt that you were in labor, it's just a way to rehearse before your child's birth. If you had a dream where you had labor pains, it signifies anticipation for the future. If you had a dream where someone else is in premature labor represents being prepared for the unexpected. To climb up a ladder in your dreams means achieving your goals. To climb down a ladder in your dreams signifies disappointment. If you dream that someone is holding the ladder while you climb up, you do have the support to reach the heights of success. If you had a dream where you fell off a ladder, it represents facing failure. If you had a dream where you escaped from something using a ladder, it's telling you that you will have success once you get over lots of obstacles. To walk under a ladder in your dreams means back luck. And if the ladder was broken in your dreams, it's letting you know that you are constantly facing failures. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
This next story comes from Island Folklore dot com. It is a Taiwanese folktale called The Mother Goddess.
That is it for the show. Again I am your host, Midnight Starr. I am still waiting for suggestions for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol to talk about. If not, you can always like, share, or comment. And you can do that through goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home. Through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page. Or on Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault. You can also catch me on Twitter at Midnight starr two. I will leave you with something by Heloise Pilkington: I am the beauty of the Goddess. Blessed be and be safe.