What it's All About:
In this episode, I look into the world of totemism, examining its historical roots and how it intersects with modern paganism. Join me as I explore the ancient origins of totemic beliefs and their enduring relevance in contemporary pagan practices. From animistic traditions to incorporating totemic symbols in modern rituals, we'll go into the ways in which paganism has embraced and adapted these ancient concepts. By connecting the dots between the past and present, this episode offers you a unique perspective on the continuity of spiritual beliefs and the evolving role of totemism within the vibrant tapestry of modern pagan traditions. So, grab your headphones and embark on a journey with me as we navigate the intriguing intersections of history, spirituality, and the contemporary pagan experience.
Songs Featured:
Spirit Guide Background Music by James Milor from Pixabay
Dream Symbol Background Music by Yrii Semchyshyn from Pixabay
Meditation Background Music by Ivan Ryzhko from Pixabay
Links Mentioned:
December Choose a New Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast Logo Poll

Choose Your Favorite Old Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast for January Episode Poll

Get in Touch Through Social Media:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)



Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. What you heard was a classic by Spiral Rhythm, Children’s Totem Chant. The topic of today’s show is all about Totemism. Before going into today's topic, I have some updates for you! I've set up two polls for you to engage with: one to select a new logo and another to determine which episodes I should revisit. Don't miss out on the chance to have your say—cast your vote by clicking the link provided in the show notes or simply scan the QR codes on the blog and Substack page. Time is of the essence as these polls will be open for a month. New listeners, you're more than welcome to join in! You'll find links to both polls in the show notes. Pagan musicians in Canada – your have the opportunity to take center stage on the Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast! This is your chance to be heard by listeners all around the world. And for those of you international musicians, the door is wide open for you too – feel free to connect and become part of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault podcast. Before I go into the topic, I like to invite you to explore my newsletter over at musicgoddessvault.substack.com. Take your pick from three subscription options: $7 monthly, $70 yearly, or a complimentary subscription. Your support is invaluable! Keep an eye out for an upcoming poll where I'll seek your input on potential additional perks for subscribers on my podcast. Are you eager to share your show ideas, suggestions for spirit guides, or interpretations of dream symbols? Reach out and connect with me on a variety of platforms! Find me on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, or visit my blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home, and Threads. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Now for the topic: Totem. This is something that we all learn when we first get into paganism, and some of us forget once we are in it for years. I’ll be talking about the history of Totemism and how it’s incorporated into modern paganism.
But before we get into the next segment, let’s treat your ears to another musical delight: Animals All the Same by Alexander James Adams.
Totemism is a cultural concept that comes from the Ojibwa word, meaning "relative of mine." It's all about the deep connection between people and nature, especially focusing on our ties to our ancestors. This idea is common among indigenous tribes in the Americas, Africa, and Australia, where it helps organize individuals into different groups or clans within their communities. For example, some Native American groups associate themselves with symbols like bears or eagles, showcasing how humans and nature are linked within these ancestral groups. The term "totemism" was first used by Trader James Long in 1791. When it comes to expressing totemism culturally, tribes in Northwestern North America make totem poles. These are wooden structures with intricate symbols representing different clan’s stories, and not religious symbols. Despite efforts by missionaries to remove them, many totem poles are still standing, sharing stories of their ancestors. I'll be exploring how totemism connects with modern paganism after you listen to the haunting melodies of Ancestors of Stone by Dargaard.
Time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. I am going back to the animal kingdom to talk about the alligator. If the alligator is your spirit animal, you are patient, persistent, and resourceful. If you learned something new, you need to take your time to absorb that knowledge. When you are in a troublesome situation, you need to take some time to assess it. First, you need to gather all the facts and look at this situation from every side. If the alligator is your power animal, you tend to keep to yourself most of the time. You want to protect your personal territory and set boundaries. However, you do spend time with family and friends, and you need to create this work-life balance. Also, someone you know has confided in you to keep something a secret, which you need to keep hidden. The alligator, as a spirit animal, shows up when you are at the end of one cycle or phase and starting a new one. And if the alligator is your power animal, you are interested in learning about ancient wisdom and knowledge, but you don’t know where to begin. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Green the Waters by Ginger Ackley featuring Steph Dlugon. Before I delve into how Totemism influenced modern paganism, I should mention that I am going to tread lightly on this subject. The reason is cultural appropriation. The reason I say this is that in paganism, we do tend to take what was originally from another culture to make it our own. In saying that, Wicca initially didn’t include any form of totemism until later on. In a way, some of us pagans are following the path of our ancestors. I don’t think that it’s considered totemism, but it is identifying the group of people that are your family, clan, etc. But it also became personal as we meditate to find our own power animal, who can guide us through our life. However, there will be some people who would disagree with what I just said, and they want to be culturally appropriate, which is okay. We do live in a world where we are free to make choices without hurting anyone or any group. But, in a way, whether it is personal or personal within a group structure like family and clan, is one of many ways for us to connect with nature. If you are interested in learning more about totemism, again, there is tons of information on the web. Now for another musical break with Unite all Pagan Clans! by Pagan Rap Gang.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. This week there are four: Web, weight, and well, If you dreamed that you see a web, it signifies your desire to control everything around you. Seeing your own weight in a dream signifies your personal value, self respect, influence, or persuasive prowess. Dreaming of losing weight indicates that you are no longer being weighed down by some responsibility or emotional burden. If you dreamed that you were losing weight, it suggests that you are no longer being weighed down by some obligation or emotional weight. If you are dreaming of being overweight or gaining weight, it implies that you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Dreaming that you are underweight suggests that you need to exert more effort in a certain aspect of your life. In dreams, wells typically signify hidden abilities and talents that may not have surfaced or been fully recognized. If you dreamt of a dry well, it suggests there is a lack of emotional fulfillment in your life. And dreaming that you fall into a well indicates a loss of emotional control on your part. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
If you're listening to my podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. The next track comes from the album, Guided Meditation. It's called Ashley Quaine - Meditation by Ashley Quaine.
That was We, Animals by Elvenking. Before that you heard Penny in the Well by Emerald Rose. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. I'm excited to invite you to be a part of something exciting for this podcast. I’m running two polls, and I really want to hear your thoughts. First of all, I'm on the hunt for a new logo, and I'd appreciate your input to help me in selecting the perfect one. You can locate the links in the show notes. If you're tech-savvy, there are QR codes on both the blog and Substack page, for a speedy way to explore the options. Now, moving on to the second poll – Revisiting one of my earlier episodes. Your insights will make it even better. Same deal – you can find the links in the show notes, and QR code is on my blog and Substack. After the votes are tallied, I'll unveil the winning logo. This design will then compete against four fresh contenders. I'm anticipating the logo that resonates most with all of you to become the new face of "Music from the Goddess’ Vault." This logo will need three months of battle. If that succeeds, that will be the one. Meanwhile, the exploration of the old episode poll will continue. You've got a whole month to make your decisions. No need to wait – do it now, click away. This is your chance to make a lasting impact, and I'm eager to see where you take this show. Do you have a show topic, a spirit guide, or a dream symbol in mind? Share it on the website at https://goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home or on well-known social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, and Thread. I'm excited to hear your ideas! Calling all Canadian Pagan musicians! I would be delighted to connect with you, so please feel free to get in touch. I love to explore and showcase more incredible Canadian Pagan music! If you want to be the first to listen to the latest episodes, you can sign up for the newsletter at https://musicgoddessvault.substack.com. To conclude this episode, I'll be playing We are the Witches by Crow Women. Blessed be.