What it's All About:
For those of you who didn't know, I did a show all about Norse Mythology in the past. But, I did another episode on how white supremacists are using anything Norse and pretend that they are pagan when they are not. That's when I decided to delete the first show. However, I am rectifying that to redo the topic of Nordic Mythology. Before I forget I mispronounced two of the gods' names in the spirit guide of the week.
Songs Featured:
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol:

Welcome to another episode of the Music of The Goddess' Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. What you heard at the top of the show is Norse Folk by Pagan Rap Gang.
Today's episode is all about Norse Mythology. But first, if you can, please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook, goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home, or wherever you can talk to everyone you know. And don't forget to check out the blog. Now for the topic: Norse Mythology. I did do a show about Norse Mythology in the past. I heard that Iceland was building a temple in Reykjavik for those of you who don't know. Someone wrote to me about doing a show on it, so I did. Unfortunately, when I did the Racism in Paganism show, I decided to delete that episode. Today, I decided to bring it back for all you open-minded Norse Pagans and Heathens. I'll be talking more about Norse Mythology. But I think that I might be playing another tune from Pagan Rap Gang. How about Straight Outta Norse.
Of course, when you think of Norse, what comes to mind are Vikings. Yes, they are ancient people from Scandinavia. You all know that they conquered northern Europe in the middle ages. And they were the first Europeans to come to North America. I can’t remember how many years ago, but some Canadian Archeologists discovered an Ancient Viking Settlement somewhere in Newfoundland, Canada. Their stay in Canada was brief because of issues with the indigenous people who lived there. The place where the settlement got discovered in Canada is now a Unesco Heritage site. Of course, there are scholarly talks that the Vikings might have traveled to the United States. But that is up for debate. In the next segment, I will be talking about Norse Mythology. But, first, here’s SKALD with their cover of The Doors Riders On the Storm.
Here's another spirit guide of the week. I am sticking with the theme today to talk about the Norse goddess Frigg. She is the spirit of divination, marriage, fertility, and childbirth. Frigg is also the goddess of clairvoyance and prophecy. She is the queen of Asgaard. But she is best known for being Odin's wife. Frigg's father is Fjorgin, and her mother is unknown. And she has three sons: Baldur, Hodor, and Hemrod. Frigg is sometimes confused with the goddess Freya. The one big difference is that Frigg is more elusive. But she does appear in some myths. In these tales, Odin does ask his wife for advice on lots of issues. She knows what the outcome is of these problems but never reveals them to anyone. When you see a picture of Frigg, you know that she's always wearing a large blue cape representing the sky. And the day Friday is named after her. As for what you can offer Frigg on your altar, I could not find any information on that. So you're on your own. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Hagalaz’ Runedance with Frigga’s Web. In the original podcast, I talked about the construction of the Asatru Temple in Reykjavik, Iceland. I did check to see if they finished it today. I have researched it, and it looks like it hasn’t. You can correct me if I am wrong here. By the way, all the mythology about the Norse Gods came from Iceland in the Poetica Eddas. Asatru is a form of Heathenry that originated from Iceland. And if you didn’t know by now, four days of the week were named after Norse Gods. They are: Tuesday was initially Tyr’s day; Wednesday was Odin’s Day. Thursday has initially been Thor’s day. And you already know that Friday was either Frigg’s Day or Freya’s day. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were ancient Roman names from the moon, the Sun, and Saturn. Going back farther, Norse had a significant influence on the English language. With Words like Husband, berserk, and law. I know that I am going all over the place with this, but I know that many Pagans and Heathens are interested in Norse Mythology because some of their ancestors were Scandinavian. If you are new to the path and are interested in Norse Mythology, there are lots of information you can google on the web. The next tune that I am going to play for you is Odin’s Resignation by Pan Galactic.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. There is only one in this week’s dream symbol, and that is spiders. To see spiders in dreams usually represent you feeling alienated in some real-life problem. To dream that a spider has many eyes indicates your intuition. If the spider in your dreams is multi-colored, it is telling you that you need to avoid a situation. To dream that a spider is making a web has three different interpretations. The first one represents a reward that you will receive for your hard work. The second is creativity. And third representation is the world wide web, where you need to go out there and communicate with others. Spider eggs in dreams usually mean that you don’t recognize what you are fully capable of doing. To dream of baby spiders indicates a brand new or current relationship. If the spider in your dream is going up a wall represents something positive that will manifest itself. If the spider in your dreams is going down the ceiling onto you, you are having problems getting out of a relationship. To be bitten by a spider in your dreams indicates a battle that you are having with your mother. To kill a spider in your dreams means bad luck. And if a spider in your dreams is dead, it indicates that you conquered some feminine seduction. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Again, if you are listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. This next track comes from the lp Basic Yoga Meditation by Swami Jnaheshvara Bharati. It's called 7 Minute Meditation.
That was Freya by Omina. Before that, you hear Unto Ashes with Spider Song.
That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. Do you have a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol to talk about? Of course, you can like, share, or comment. And the ways that you can get your suggestions out is through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook Page, on goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home. Or on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. I am going to leave you with another song from Hagalaz Runedance. This one is Hel: Goddess of the Underworld. Blessed be and be safe.