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The Change One Goes Through After Becoming a Pagan Episode

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

Image done in Canva.

What it's All About:

Becoming a Pagan can be a life-changing experience. It's not just about a change in beliefs — it's a change in lifestyle. When a person becomes Pagan, they open themselves up to a different way of looking at the world. They learn to see the connection between all things and the sacred energy that flows through them. They embrace the cycles of nature, and they become more aware of their place in the grand scheme of things. In addition, they build a connection with the elements, animals, and plants around them.develop a deeper connection to the elements, the animals, and the plants around them. They become more knowledgeable about rituals and magick, and they understand the power of intention. Becoming Pagan can be an intense journey, but with it comes a newfound understanding of the world and our relationship to it. It's a journey that is both exciting and empowering. This topic was in response to a request I got on Mastodon to talk about this.

Songs Featured:

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Spirit Guide of the Week:

Image created in Canva


Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Photo by Gervelemae on Unsplash.

Stuffed Animal

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash


Photo by Rhodi Lopez on Unsplash




Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your true host, Midnight Starr. At the start of the show, you heard Lindie Lila with the Cauldron of Changes. Today's show is discussing everything that changes when you become Pagan. If you love this show, show some support for the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast on You either pay five dollars a month, fifty bucks a year, or just splurge and get a one time fee of twenty. All you have to do is check it out: You can also make a donation to or Keep up to date with Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast by signing up to my newsletter. You'll be in the loop when new shows appear. You can access past episodes by paying $7 a month or $70 a year. Or you can subscribe for free at That's Ultimately, if you have any ideas for this show, you can get in touch with me via the blog Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page. Check me out on TikTok at Midnight Starr (with two r's and the number two). Instagram and Twitter @goddessvault. And on Mastodon at Alrighty, let's talk about the shifts we all experience when we become pagan. This topic was one of the two things Brannen on suggested. Their second idea will be in the upcoming show. This made me think that it all comes back to the person, how their lives have been affected. I want to give you a broader perspective, and then talk about the changes I experienced after becoming pagan. But let's kick off with some more music: Pagan Pride by Witch’s Mark.


This one's a tricky one to figure out through the web. The only article I've found is by Jason Mankey, and it's about how paganism changed his life in five ways. This can be found in the show notes. For Mankey, his connection to his deity was strong, his appreciation of nature, he found his soul mate and so much more - you have to read the article Five Ways Witchcraft Changed My Life. What changes a pagan makes is personal to them. Some might discover that they are highly sensitive and intuitive. Another change is that their belief system shifts. I'll go over my views changing later, so you know. I guess the main thing is that most of us have found the place we belong within the pagan community.As for the belief system, some of us pagans get more in touch with the power of the feminine. People say witches are a feminist symbol nowadays. We pagans also believe in the masculine's power because of yin and yang. We've become more aware of climate change and want to help the environment. Most of us recycle our stuff. Some of us will become Pagan Activists. And some of us will become vegans. A few of us pagans are going to become entrepreneurs in different forms. The jobs I'm considering are ones that have metaphysical stores and apothecaries on and offline. Some of these pagan entrepreneurs are also craftspeople themselves. Or some of us become yoga instructors, authors, artists, musicians, Reiki healers, herbalists, fortune-tellers, mediums, psychics, social media influencers, and many other metaphysical jobs. You can put me in the group of pagan podcasters, but not all of us make money. Later I'll attempt to explain my transformation after becoming pagan. Before we continue, I'm going to play Scott Cunningham by Cloud the Pagan Rapper for all of you.


It's time for another spirit guide of the week. I am going back to the animal world to talk about the butterfly. If the butterfly's your totem, get ready for a huge shift in your life. This could be an old habit, a mindset shift, or a change in lifestyle. Spirit Animal butterfly is all about transformation of one form or another. If you're going through a big change in life like a divorce or changing careers, call on butterfly to make it easier for you. Your power animal, the butterfly, is here to remind you it's important to take a break and not take yourself so seriously. You have a natural ability to attract people towards you, and you have an impeccable sense of fashion. If the butterfly is your spirit animal, you catch sight of beauty in just about every stage of life. You even appreciate the cycle of life. Struggling to find joy in life? Power animal butterfly has a suggestion: express yourself through dance. When you've got a butterfly as your spirit animal, changes are easy to handle. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.


That song was The Butterfly by Drumspyder. I'd say the changes I went through after becoming pagan were quite something. Just like Mankey, I understood (And still do) the cycle of life and how beautiful nature can be. Checking out the view from my suburban home's window, nature's beauty is something to appreciate. I still remember the time when I had a run in with two Mormons while they were going door to door. One of them asked me if I knew what the purpose of life was. I stayed silent, but I already knew what the meaning of life is from paganism in my head. Of course, you know that I have become a pagan podcaster. The main reason I made this show was because there were a lot of other pagan shows that were more about interviews than music. Plus, I have heard nobody talk about the different deities that are out there. I first made this show with interactivity in mind. I wanted you to give me suggestions as to topics, deities, dreams, and music to play. But that didn't always go as planned. I have given some notice about my intuition. Not sure if it's highly sensitive. I got into Wicca and paganism because of the amazing power of the feminine. And I now get how important the femininity is in the balance of life. The other thing that has changed. I'm not a tarot reader or a dream interpreter, but they're useful resources when I'm stuck at my own crossroads. Or when it comes to my dreams, if I've got one, that's a bit strange and needs to be interpreted. I have close to 20 tarot cards. Three of them are music-related and the priciest. My favorite tarot card is, of course, a music one. It's a New Wave Tarot Deck. I will put a link to that one in the show notes. It also comes with a companion book. Here’s The Changeling by KIVA.


Here's another dream symbol to interpret.There are three: Stuffed Animal, Computer, and Funeral. In dreams, stuffed animals typically represent immaturity. Alternatively, you're attempting to run away from your troubles and obligations. If a stuffed animal strangles you in a dream, it means that something that was once emotionally reassuring isn't causing you too much tension. To dream of a stuffed animal being struck by cars denotes a loss of childhood innocence. Computers in dreams symbolize modern life, knowledge and technology, or access to new possibilities. Dreaming of a computer virus or crash may symbolize an uncontrollable situation in your life. To dream that your computer has a smart virus that would create bizarre or odd artwork, reflects your innermost wishes. A dream in which your computer has a mind of its own suggests that you are worried about technology and that you are feeling powerless. In dreams, funerals typically represent the end of a circumstance or piece of yourself. Dreaming of attending a parent's funeral while they are still living means needing to free yourself from their limitations. If you dreamed you attended someone else's funeral; it means that you buried a prior relationship and putting the past behind you. And if you dreamed you were attending a stranger's funeral, it may be a sign that you need to let go of or create a place for something new in your life. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.


From the, this one comes from Australia, and it's called The Galah and Oolah the Lizard.


That was Leslie Hudson with Predator. Before that, you heard Funeral Empire by Tempest.

That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. Got an idea for a show topic, spirit guide or dream symbol? Share it on the website, through the Facebook page, TikTok at Midnight Starr with r’s 2, Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault, and now on Mastodon at If you want to help keep this show going, you can donate money to either,, or you can become a fan on If you want to be the first to hear the latest episode, you can sign up for the newsletter, I am going to leave you with We Turn the Wheel by Crow Women. Blessed be.



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