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The ADHD Pagan Episode

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

Updated: Nov 24, 2022



Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash.

What it's All About:

There are pagans with ADHD out there. Like many other things in their lives, they have difficulties maintaining their path, whether or not they are a solitaire. ADHD is also a challenge for those already in covens. I will explain some challenges of being a pagan with ADHD, as well as some of the positive aspects.

Songs Featured:

Links Mentioned:


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Spirit Guide of the Week:

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash. Lynx

Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Image by Oshomah Abubakar on Unsplash.


Image by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash.




Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. This show began with Pagan Rap Gang's The Pagan World is Back!.

This episode is for all of you ADHD pagans out there. Before we move on, let's do some housekeeping. Now that I have a Ko-Fi (or coffee, however you prefer to pronounce it) account, I have also opened a Patreon one as well. Whichever crowdfunding site you choose to donate on is up to you. The money will be used to keep this podcast going. Here's the link to Ko-Fi: To donate on Patreon, go to You can donate once or monthly on both sites. There is only one difference between Patreon and Ko-Fi: Patreon takes a percentage off your donation, while Ko-Fi does not. If you are a creator of either (or both) Ko-Fi and Patreon, please connect with me. I would love to see what you do. Plus, it's nice to connect with others. Once again, here are the links to where you can donate: and There is now a newsletter for this podcast. Newsletters will be published every two weeks on Friday. The show's latest episode will also be released. As a result, you'll be the first to know when a new episode will come out. You can sign up for this newsletter at If you want to subscribe, you can do so for free, or you can pay seven dollars a month or 70 dollars a year. This is good because you don’t have to miss another episode because that will go into your mailbox. Again, the newsletter link is Please check out the blog goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home if you haven't already. You can listen to the show from there. Please share this podcast on the blog, the Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault, and TikTok at Midnight Starr two. That's Midnight Starr (with two r's) and the number two. Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about The ADHD Pagan. Like some of you, I too have ADHD. I understand the struggles we all face when living with the condition. Because I am an inattentive type, I am more prone to hyperfocus and time blindness. That's what I'm dealing with at the moment. If you don't believe ADHD exists, try forgetting something, or being late all the time. Everyone forgets and is late occasionally, but not every day. That is ADHD, and it is real. It can even affect how we practice our craft. I'll explain this more later. Now let's listen to some music: Pagan Beat by Arthur Hinds.


In Paganism, there isn't much information about ADHD. Some information was found, but there should be more. You may have forgotten when the ritual is, what the moon phase is, or what the ingredients are for a spell if you are a pagan with ADHD. Irrespective of whether you are solitary or not, this is true. If you forget when rituals are, there are tons of ways to remind yourself. Calendars, electronic devices, witch's almanacs, etc. The choice is yours. Next, try remembering them, and if you still have trouble, try another approach. You can always substitute something else for an ingredient that you forgot for a spell. It might be necessary to start earlier than what your GPS suggests if you are always late to a coven ritual. Furthermore, those systems do not predict what the traffic will be like or how long it will take you to get in and out of your car. So you need to get a head start. It's better to arrive at a ritual at least 30 minutes before it begins. I have had one experience with this. I was with a group of pagans and we ended up missing a ritual because of a newcomer with ADHD who was looking at a product in the mall for a long time. As a result, we had to watch the ritual, and that wasn't fun. It is etiquette in most covens that if you are late to a ritual, you cannot enter ‌the middle of it because it will disrupt the flow of energy. You'll have to sit out that one. The best thing to do is to arrive early or on time. Impulse spending also has a connection to ADHD and paganism. How many crystals do you really need? For me, it's tarot cards. I own almost 20 of them. Of course, I also have a lot of crystals. My last purchase was a book called The Book of Answers by Carol Bolt. It may have been two months ago when I bought it. It's more of a divination book than a book to read. You can read instructions on how to use it. Now that I've mentioned it, I'll also include the book in the show notes. I'm getting off topic there, but that's another ADHD issue. To get back on track, the point I was trying to make is that you don’t have to spend money on ritual and divination products. Some of them you might not need in the long run. There are also ways to get around that. If you don't have a wand, you can use your fingers instead. If you don't have the item, you can substitute something else that you already have. Another example is that you can use a kitchen knife instead of an athame. I'll talk more about being a Pagan with ADHD later on. Among these things will be the etiquette of conversations with neurotypical pagans and alternative ways to meditate. This song is Crystal Cave by S. J. Tucker.


It’s time for another spirit guide of the week. Let's return to the animal kingdom to discuss the Lynx. If that is your power animal, you are a very patient person. When the time is right, you pounce into a relationship or situation. You are also clairvoyant and clairaudient. It means paying attention to what you see and hear. Those of you with the lynx as your power animal must know someone who might take advantage of you. It is important to trust your intuition in this case. If your spirit animal is the lynx, you have the ability to recognize other people's hidden talents and abilities. Encourage them to use those gifts. Now that you have their trust, you are great at keeping their secrets. Some people, however, may feel uncomfortable around you because they feel that you know more about them than they want to admit. If the lynx is your totem animal, you are independent and need more time to be alone. You need to spend more time in silence. Whenever you talk way too much, call upon your spirit animal lynx to tell you that you need to listen more. Call on the power animal lynx if you feel you need protection from psychic attacks. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week


The song was I Don't Speak Human by OMNIA. There is a YouTube video in the show notes about a witch's experience with ADHD and being on her path. Additionally, she talked about depression and anxiety. Later on, I will mention another topic she discussed. If you have ADHD and you're in a coven, you also have issues communicating with neurotypicals. In these cases, a lot of talking, repeating yourself, interrupting, not listening, and fidgeting are all issues. Whenever I had to repeat a story to a new person at a festival or ritual, I felt bad. It reminds me of a pagan that I once knew. Every time I tell her a story, she interrupts me and asks me a question related to it, so she can follow along. It didn't bother me at all. It was then that I realized how inconsistent my stories were. It made me happy that she did that. It means she was listening to me. There is another thing that some pagans have a problem with when it comes to their path and that is meditation. I know that there are ADHD pagans that have a problem sitting still and meditating. I don’t because I am more of the hyper focused type. But for those of you who can’t there are alternative ways to meditate that you haven’t even thought of. What if you meditate while walking instead of sitting? Nature walks are a great way to unwind. You will definitely feel calmer after that. Cooking can also be a time for meditation. There are some people who find making a meal relaxing. There is also eating meditation. This one involves all five senses. What about cleaning your house? There are some people who find that relaxing. What about gardening? Isn't it relaxing to plant a seed and watch it grow? Besides stretching, yoga is also a form of meditation. Meditation doesn't have to involve sitting in a lotus position. You have to figure out which one works for you. As far as spells are concerned, there aren't any specifically for ADHD. ADHD spells exist for focusing, forgetting, depression, and other things. In spite of this, there are some positive aspects to being ADHD or neurodivergent witch. Hyperfocus can be both a curse and a superpower for some of us, such as myself. Second, some pagans with ADHD are highly sensitive and psychic. They can't be around crowds, for example, because of the energy there. Third, ADHD pagans are creative. Among us, there are a lot of craftspeople, musicians, and artists. Finally, being an ADHD pagan means that it is okay to be ourselves and be weird without anyone looking at us strangely. Let's take a music break with Three Weird Sisters' My Karma Broke Down.


Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Once again, there are two in this week’s dream symbol: Pool and Egg. In dreams, a pool typically represents the need to recognize and comprehend your emotions. If you have a dream about a dark or murky pool, it may be a sign that you are feeling down. If you were playing or shooting pool in your dream, it symbolizes your competitive spirit. Seeing or eating an egg in a dream represents your untapped possibilities, fertility, and birth. If you see colorful eggs in your dream, it represents the joyous occasion being celebrated. If you see scrambled eggs in your dream, it signifies your dedication to a predetermined course. To dream of hard-boiled eggs shows your dedication to your objectives and your reluctance to veer off course. White eggs in a dream are a symbol of your network of support as you launch a new project. In dreams, seeing rotten eggs denotes lost opportunity. A nest of eggs in your dream represents some financial benefit; the larger and more plentiful the eggs, the greater the reward. If you see eggs hatching in your dream, it foretells that you will achieve your objectives. If you dream that there are cracked or broken eggs, it means that your life is fragile and you feel vulnerable. And if you see fish eggs in your dream, it suggests that a subconscious thought has surfaced. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.


Time for a nice, deep, and relaxing meditation. If you are driving, you can stop now, but you can listen to the rest of the show when you are not on the road. This meditation is from the album 30 Days of Guided Meditations from Tuja. The following is A Centering Meditation by Tuja and Pam Rader.


Before the meditation, you heard Heather Alexander with Eggs and Crumbs. This concludes the show. Don't forget to subscribe to the Music From the Goddess' Vault newsletter. There will be a full podcast on this next one, I believe. You can subscribe to the latest episode at if you want to be the first to hear it. Also, if you want to support this show, you can donate as little as three dollars one time or each month to both Patreon and Ko-Fi. The sites are and If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide or dream symbol, or if you want to like share, comment, you can visit the Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page, the Goddess Vault One Wix Site dot com forward slash home - on TikTok at Midnight Starr (with two r's) 2, and on Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault. Let me leave you with Calling All Witches by Cloud the Pagan Rapper featuring Lone Wolf and moisture. Blessed Be.



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