Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash.
What it's All About:
How does Taoism fit into Paganism? The answer to this question is that it doesn't. It's not a religion but an ancient philosophy and way of life. Some people who practice the Taoist path identify as Pagans or Wiccans because they believe in nature worshiping and using magic for healing purposes. I will explain more about Taoism on the podcast.
Songs Featured:
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:
Unable to find a photo of Lord of T'ai Shan.
Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash.
Video Tape

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash.

Photo by Harsh Gupta on Unsplash.
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. As you can tell, my voice is sounding better. The very first song that kicks off this show is by Drumspyder, and its called The Butterfly. The topic of today’s episode is Taoism in Paganism. But first, if you haven’t done so already, you can check out the blog goddess vault one dot Wixsite dot com forward slash home. Also, please spread the word of this podcast through the blog, the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, and on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. I am now on TikTok under Midnight Starr (with two r’s) 2 (The number 2 that is). Now for the topic: Taoism in Paganism. This is another one that I am going to learn about the same as you are. I did learn about Taoism from Hayhouse Radio years ago when I was first starting off on my pagan path. I’ll explain what Taoism is and what it has to do with Paganism. Here’s Cloud the Pagan Rapper with Inner Forensics.
Taoism, also known as Daoism, was created by Lao Tzu around 500 B.C.E., who wrote the book Tao Te Ching, in China and is considered one of the most influential texts in East Asian philosophy. The text discusses various topics such as nature, destiny, and enlightenment, focusing on living an ethical life that follows natural order or "Dao." It has been interpreted to mean many different things over time because it's so abstract but generally focuses on the balance between yin and yang. It soon became a religion and a philosophy, where it is believed that both humans and animals live in balance with the Tao, otherwise known as the Universe. Taoists understand that there are two forces of nature: yin (negative) and Yang (positive). Yin represents darkness, while Yang represents light. According to this belief system, the goal for life is to be able to harmonize these opposing forces by finding equilibrium between them, so they work together in harmony rather than fighting each other. This practice helps one develop an inner sense of calmness, focus on breathing techniques like pranayama or meditation, which helps increase awareness about thoughts, emotions, body sensations, etc., chanting mantras and offering gratitude for daily blessings received throughout your day-to-day life. Now you know what Taoism is, and there is a little hint in there as to how it relates to Paganism. Here’s Alexander James Adams with Creature of the Wood.
I am going back to China to talk about the Lord of T’ai Shan. He is the spirit of the mountain T’ai Shan in the Chinese province of Shantung. He is the landlord of that area as well. T’ai Shan is one of the five sacred Taoist mountains. This Lord also has dominion over life and death. He also controls ghosts. There is a myth that after a person dies, their soul travels to Mount T’ai. Another myth is that the Lord of T’ai Shan is married to the Jade Emperor’s sister, the Green Jade Mother. It is said that the Jade Emperor and his sister emerged from the mountain to rule the earth. Then the Green Jade Mother wed the Lord of T’ai Shan, who rose to prominence as a spirit. They had a daughter, the Lady of T’ai Shan, and the most popular spirit associated with the mountains. What you can offer the Lord of T’ai Shan are the following: candles, incense, silver and gold foil, wine, and a fancy feast that features duck, chicken, goat, and pig. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Damh the Bard with Wild Mountain Thyme. In the last discussion, you already figured that there are two similarities between Taoism and Paganism. One is the importance of nature and darkness and light or the yin and the yang. An article on my show notes and the blog says that both belief systems are almost identical in their core beliefs, which focus on the natural world as sacred. Honoring all life forms, including animals; ancestor worship (especially veneration for those who have achieved enlightenment); spiritual knowledge being passed down through oral tradition. It means that you can incorporate Taoism into your pagan practice if you want. You will learn more about Taoism as another path to living in harmony with nature, the balance between yin and yang, and the concept of nonaction. That later is more about being naturally spontaneous and not conscious decision making. I just got a message from Ben from the band Magicfolk. They have a new album out that you can buy and download just by going to Bandcamp dot com. I am going to play a tune called Behind the Rain.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. There are three in this week’s dream symbol. They are videotape, virgin, and abdomen. To dream that you are watching something on a videotape means that you need to take a break and relax. To dream that you are rewinding a videotape indicates that you regret something you did in the past. To dream that you are fast-forwarding a videotape tells you that you want to escape from a real-life situation. Virgins in dreams usually mean that you are pure and innocent. If you dream that someone is a virgin symbolizes honesty and sincerity. If you aren’t a virgin in real life, but you dreamt that you were, it is telling you that you feel remorse and need to stop thinking about the past. If you had a dream of losing your virginity, it indicates your need to be close and intimate with someone. If you see your own abdomen in your dreams represents your own instincts and emotions. If in your dreams, your abdomen is exposed, it means that you are feeling vulnerable and having trust issues. And to dream of a swollen abdomen, it's telling you that you are working on something new. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
You know the drill. If you listen to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. I don’t know if I did air this next one a few years ago. But here’s one from the Honest Guys called Guided Meditation: 5 Minute Stress Relief.
That was Force of Nature by Brian Henke. Before that, you heard Michelle Mays singing Maiden Song. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, dream symbol, or instead like, share, or comment, you can do that through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, Goddess Vault one dot Wixsite dot com forward slash home. On TikTok at midnight star (with two r’s) and the number 2. And on Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault.I will leave you with Hagalaz Runedance and their song Behold the Passionate Ways of Nature. Blessed be and be safe.