What it's All About:
There is more to scrying than just the crystal ball. Plus this is not exactly how you see media portray this divination. There will be a discussion on the history, the different types of scrying and how you can do it. Plus there is more in the show coming up.
Songs Featured:
Ballad of the Crystal Skulls by Tuatha
The Magpie by Broceliande
Guided Meditation: Imagination - River Stream by Jessica Howard
Attack the River Well by Alexander James Adams
Links Mentioned:
The Magpie Spirit Animal - A Complete Guide to Meaning and Symbolism. (trustedpsychicmediums.com)
Magpie Symbolism, Dreams, and Messages | Spirit Animal Totems (spirit-animals.com)
The MAGPIE SPIRIT ANIMAL Ultimate Guide (Meanings & Symbolism) (thesecretofthetarot.com)
The Art of Black Mirror Scrying: Guiley, Rosemary Ellen: 9780986077807: Books - Amazon.ca
Scrying: How To Develop This Ancient Divination Skill — The Traveling Witch
What Is Crystal Pendulum Dowsing? This Practice Can Help Answer Your Biggest Questions (bustle.com)
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)



Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard “The Crystal Ball” by (I hope that Pronounced this right) Bjornemyr. Today’s episode is all about scrying. For those of you who haven’t done this, please check out the blog. Its goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home. Go ahead and let me know what you think of it and this show. And you can even listen to this podcast on the website. If you can, please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook, goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home, or wherever you can talk to everyone you know. Now for the topic: Scrying. For those of you who don't know what that word means, I'll give you one example of it: One is the crystal ball. I do have some experience using a crystal ball, and it's not like what you see in the media. I have done another form, which I can't remember the name of right now, but it does involve sticks or metal rods. There are many different forms of scrying, that is just one of them. I will be discussing the history and the various forms of it after you hear: "Magic Mirror" by Emerald Rae.
I couldn’t find any definitive history of scrying in general. However, I can tell you the history of crystal gazing. Crystal gazing has been around forever. It has been practiced by the Iroquois, Incas, Egyptians, Pawnee, Persians, the people of the Yucatan, and the Chinese. However, the earliest known recorded use of this divination came from the Celtic Druids of Gaul, Britain, and Ireland during the Iron Age. Anyway, the first crystal gazers would stare into a stone and go into a meditative trance. It allows them to subconsciously open and reveal secrets of the past, present, and future. It is true with other forms of scrying as well. And it went on from there. There is more history of the crystal ball that I don’t want to get too much into. In the next segment, I am going to talk about the different ways to do scrying. Here’s “Ballad of the Crystal Skulls” by Tuatha.
It's time for the Spirit Guide of the week. I got a request from a listener on Facebook to stay in the animal world and talk about the Magpie. If the magpie is your totem animal, you are intelligent, resourceful, and adaptable. However, the magpie is telling you not to be too materialistic. Otherwise, you tend to pursue false ideas and perceptions. You might have to use your intuition to see what is real and what isn’t. That being said, you have to take risks. If there is an opportunity that presents itself to you, you have to act on it immediately. Call on Magpie if you are not too sure to take advantage of that situation or not. If the magpie is your power animal, you need to learn to be humble. Otherwise, treat others with respect. Hey, you have the intuition to help others. And speaking of communication, spirit animal magpie tells you that you really have to speak up for yourself when you need to. However, be clear and straightforward about what you are going to say. You are also a creative person with a wide variety of interests. You're curious about everything that comes your way. And if the magpie is your power animal, you need to balance yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That is it for now, stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was "The Magpie" by Broceliande (I hope that pronounced that name right.).
I should talk a little bit more about scrying that I didn't do in the first segment. This is before I get to different ways that you can do it. Scrying is also known by other names like "seeing" or "peeping." It's a practice of looking through a medium to get a vision or message. It is not a formal or clearly defined discipline. And before I mention any scrying techniques, the first thing you should do before doing any of these is to be in a dark place, whether at night or in a dark room with minimal lights. You can add music or do whatever you want to set the mood. And, of course, you do have to set an intention next. So that it is more precise, here are the different methods of scrying. Of course, you got the very famous crystal ball gazing. I have done it myself, and in my experience, I only see pictures like that of a town or a wolf. I don't see my actual future. Those are maybe just a symbol of what might happen in the future that I haven’t figured out yet. That is my experience with that. Another form is something that you can do without spending a dime. It's called water gazing. You do it by going to the nearest pond, lake, or river. Or you can grab a large bowl and pour some water into it. Then you do a meditation and then gaze into the water. Another scrying technique that you can do is fire gazing. You can do this near a campfire or just by lighting a candle. Again do a meditation and stare into the flames to see what images come up. Another form of scrying that is popular is the mirror. It's not just your ordinary mirror, it has to have a black backing on it for better reflection, or the front of the mirror is all in black. Of course, you do the same thing without saying that famous line in Snow White. Here is a strange technique for scrying that everyone is doing even right now. That is staring at your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. To do this, you have first to clean your devices and then turn them off and gaze at the black screen. And I don't know if these following two techniques are considered scrying or not, but I will talk about them anyway. They are dowsing and pendulums. Dowsing is where you have either a Y or an L-shaped rod that could be made out of wood or metal. It is used to find water, metal objects, missing objects, and feeling auras. A pendulum is a pointed crystal on a string. You hold it by the rope, and you can ask a closed-ended question, like a yes or no, and you can see how or where the crystal pointer moves to. Since I have essential tremors, I cannot do this one myself. Anyway, those are the different techniques of scrying. If you want to know about these techniques, there are books on Amazon that you can buy and, of course, tons of information on the web. This next tune is from the album “John Barleycorn Reborn''. It's a track called “The Scryer and the Shrewstone'' by Peter Ulrich.
Here's a dream symbol to interpret. There are three in this week’s dream symbol. They are railroad, rainbow, and rat. If you see a railroad in your dreams, it means that you are getting set towards achieving your goals. To cross railroad tracks in your dreams denotes that you are going against what other people have laid out for you. If you had a dream where you are walking alongside railroad tracks, it represents completing your tasks. If you see a rainbow at night in your dreams, it indicates an emotional or spiritual connection in your relationships or religious beliefs. To dream of a white rainbow means heightened spirituality. If you dream that you had rainbow-colored hair, it's telling you about your carefree nature. To dream that something else is rainbow-colored means that you need to see something in a positive light. Rats in dreams usually represent feelings of greed, guilt, doubt, envy, and unworthiness. If you had a dream where a rat bites your feet, it's telling you about the rat race in your waking life. To dream of a black rat means deceit. And if you had a dream where you caught a rat, it signifies that you are not letting any of these emotions get the best of you, whether they are betrayal, jealousy, or greed. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show.
It's time for a nice, deep, and relaxing meditation. Again, if you are listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle or really want to concentrate, please skip ahead. This following meditation comes from the EP Guided Meditation: Imagination by Jessica Howard. This is "Guided Meditation: Imagination (River Stream)"
That was “Attack the River Well” by Alexander James Adams. Before that, you heard “Rainbow Woman” by Lisa Thiel. That is if for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol; Or you just want to like share, or comment; you can do so at goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home, through the music from the goddess’ vault Facebook page, and on Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault. I am going to leave you with Myrkur and their song “Boden og Kragen.” Blessed be and be safe.