What it's All About:
Santeria, which has its roots in the syncretism of African and Catholic religious traditions, has a rich history and a deep spiritual significance. In this podcast, I’ll explore this unique and complex belief system.
I will discuss how it has impacted the lives of its practitioners and its enduring influence on cultures around the world. Join me as I navigate the intricacies of Santeria and uncover the deep spiritual connections that make it such a captivating subject of study.
Songs Featured:
Meditation Background Music by Ivan Ryzhko from Pixabay
Links Mentioned:
New Logo Poll:

Choose an Old Yule Episode to Listen to:

Get in Touch Through Social Media:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)



Water Heater
Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. That was David Wood and Lady Bridwen kicking off the show with I'm a Pagan Woman/I'm a Pagan Man. The topic of today’s show is Santeria. Before we get into the main topic, Now, let's transition to some exciting news – I have two engaging polls lined up for you. One lets you have a say in selecting a brand-new logo, and the other lets you pick which previous episodes we'll revisit. You can cast your vote in the show notes or simply scan the QR codes available on the blog and Substack page. Don't delay, though – these polls are open for a month, so be sure to participate swiftly! Updates on both polls: There is a winner for both. For the logo one, there is a new champion in the number one spot, going against four new competitors. As for the Old Episodes you want to hear again, I will give you one hint: You’ve already listened to this one many times. New listeners, you can join in too! Find links to both polls in the show notes. I'm thrilled to offer a fantastic opportunity to Canadian Pagan musicians. You have the chance to have your music featured on the Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast, allowing you to connect with a broader audience and enhance your online visibility. And to our international musicians, you're included too! Don't hesitate to get in touch with me right away to seize this exciting opportunity. But before we move on, there's something else I'd like to share with you. I'd like to suggest that you check out my newsletter over at musicgoddessvault.substack.com. If you have any ideas about what extra goodies you'd like as a subscriber, I'd love to hear them. I'll be running a poll soon to get your input. This is in regards to both Substack and Redcircle.com. But if you're thinking about getting the newsletter, you've got three options: you can pay seven dollars each month, go for the yearly plan at seventy dollars, or even get it for free. Your support really matters to me! Now, let's talk about how you can connect with me. Share your show ideas, spirit guide suggestions, or dream symbols on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, visit the blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home, and Threads. Now, for the topic: Santeria. You might be wondering what that is. It is not a form of Paganism, but rather an ancient belief system from another part of the world. I’ll explain more after you hear Grow Wild by Leslie Hudson.
Santeria, also known as Regla de Ocha, is translated to mean the 'Way of the Saints.' It is a West African religion that originated with the Yoruba people and was brought to Cuba during the slave trade. In those days, enslaved individuals were not allowed to openly practice this religion. However, that didn't stop them. They used Catholic figures to represent their original gods and kept their practices hidden. Santeria is all about the practitioner having a personal relationship with the Orishas through sacrifice, initiation, divination, and mediumship. In the 1980s, Santeria experienced a revival. I'll dive deeper into this fascinating religion right after you've enjoyed listening to Mother Earth by Korpiklaani.
Time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. I am back in Africa to talk about the Yoruban goddess Yemaya. She’s also known as Yemoja. She’s associated with all things to do with sea and saltwater. Yemaya, also lives in the sea. After all, she is the goddess of the sea. Yemaya represents motherhood and oversees all matters related to women. Her name translated means “The mother whose children are fish.” Yemaya is the matriarch of the Orishas, since she also the mother of most of them. And she holds the position of the powerful spirit and is the most beloved among the seven African powers. What you can offer Yemaya on your altar are juicy fruits with seeds, such as pomegranates and watermelons, as well as dishes of duck, fish, and lamb. You can also offer pork cracklings, banana or plantain chips, pound or coconut cake, and garnish those offerings with molasses. Additionally, present Yemaya with jewelry, perfumes, brand new soap still in the wrapper, white roses, and sea creature figurines or toys. That is it for now. Stay tune for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Yemaya by Libana. Here's a gist of what Santeria is all about. Practitioners believe that one god has created the universe. However, the lesser divine beings, called Orishas, are the ones who are there to help the followers. These Orishas represent different forms of nature with human characteristics. Each follower is assigned one Orisha who will guide them for life. If someone is having bad luck, they have to please the Orishas in order to bring balance back into their life. However, the practitioners can't directly communicate with these divine beings. This is where the Santeria Priests, known as Babalawos, act as a go-between these two worlds. They do this through divinations. They also have elaborate ceremonies that often involve rum, drums, cigars, and animal sacrifice. If you are interested in learning more about Santeria, you can always look it up on the web. Time for some more music with Hagalaz' Runedance and Seeker Divine.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. The three are Wagon, Wasp, and Water Heater. When you dream of a red wagon, it represents the happiness and carefree fun of childhood. When you dream of a covered wagon, it symbolizes the challenges and burdens you're carrying. When you see a covered wagon in your dream, it represents the difficulties and weight you're bearing. In dreams, seeing wasps can suggest feelings of evil, anger, and negativity. If you dream of being stung by a wasp, it suggests that someone may hold negative feelings or hatred towards you. Having a dream where a white wasp is chasing you may symbolize the presence of someone of Caucasian descent who could be seeking a connection with you. When you dream of a water heater, it often signifies the act of internalizing your anger rather than openly expressing it. Encountering a tankless water heater in your dreams is a reminder not to hold onto your emotions or nurture negative feelings. If you dream of a water heater breaking or blowing up, it's a sign that your anger is getting ready to come out strongly. And if you dream of a rusty water heater, it could mean that you're not paying attention to or overlooking your feelings of anger. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Again, if you are listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. This next meditation comes from the album with the same name as the track, Guided Meditation by elli.
Before the meditation you heard, Crow Women with Wondrous Water. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. I'm thrilled to personally invite you to take part in two polls that will directly shape the future of my podcast. First, there's a one to select a brand new logo, and the second poll revolves around one of my earlier episodes. Your voice matters, and you can make your choice by simply clicking on the links provided in my show notes or by scanning the QR codes featured on my blog or Substack page. Once the votes are in, I'll be revealing the winning logo, and there will be even more exciting competitors to choose from. As for the winning older episode, it's scheduled to hit the airwaves next month, complete with fresh content. You've got a whole month to get involved, so don't hesitate to jump in and have your say right now! Do you have an idea for a show topic, a spirit guide, or a dream symbol? Share it on the website at https://goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home and on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, and now on Thread.
If you're a Canadian Pagan musician, I'd love to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I can't wait to discover and feature more Canadian Pagan music! And if you want to be the first to hear the latest episodes, you can sign up for the newsletter at https://musicgoddessvault.substack.com. As I wrap up this show, I'm going to play Walpurgisnacht by Faun . Blessed be.