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Revisiting World Goddess Day Episode

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

woman waving her dress on stone formation beside body of water
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

What’s it All About:

This podcast primarily focuses on World Goddess Day, which is September 3rd. I was distracted by recent events in Charlotteville and Montreal, so there's a rant about racism at the end. I'll discuss this more in a future episode. The spirit guide of the week is Diana, and the dream symbol is eating in your dreams. There's a meditation adapted from The Goddess Oracle Deck and Book by Amy Sophia Marashinsky.

Songs Featured:

  1. Goddess, Help Them by Mr. E

  2. I Walk With the Goddess by Kellianna

  3. We All Come From the Goddess by Lindie Lila

  4. May the Blessings of the Goddess by Alicia Bonnet

  5. Diana, Mistress of the Hunt by Hekate's Wheel

  6. I Am the Goddess by Spiral Rhythm

  7. The Feast by Deep Eynde

  8. I Found Peace by Ruth Barrett

  9. Let There Be Peace by Elaine Silver



Choose an Old Samhain Episode for October

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Spirit Guide of the Week:

A Statue of Diana.
By Bernardino Cametti - Self-photographed, Public Domain,

Dream Symbol:

woman in white lace shirt holding brown woven basket
Photo by Dushawn Jovic on Unsplash





 Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard Goddess, Help Them by Mr. E. Today, I’m revisiting the World Goddess Day Episode of 2018. Before we dive into today's topic, I have a short announcement. Help me pick a classic episode to revisit in October! Cast your vote in the Choose an Old Episode Poll for Samhain. Find the poll in the show notes or scan the QR code on my blog or Substack. Next, I have two questionnaires for you to take. I'm working on some amazing perks for my Patreon supporters, and I need your input! Share your ideas for the best rewards by clicking the Patreon Perks link in the show notes. Want to shape what's next for Music from the Goddess Vault? Click the link in the show notes to share your ideas for future episodes. Maybe you're curious about Spirit Guides or dream symbols, or maybe you have a totally different topic in mind – all ideas are welcome! You can share on social media (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Blue Sky, Mastodon) or head over to my blog at Let's keep the conversation flowing! Want to be the first to hear the latest episodes of Music from the Goddess Vault? Head over to and subscribe for FREE! Early access and exclusive content await! Plus, for those who want to show extra support, paid subscriptions are available for just $7 a month or $70 a year. Now for the topic, World Goddess Day. I don’t know when I will be airing this episode. It could be before or after September 6th. That’s the date for World Goddess Day this year. This show aired in 2018, it was also around the time the tragic events in Charlotteville and Montreal happened. Yes, I do talk about racism again here. I should mention that the links that I mention in the show are no longer valid. So I did update those in the show notes. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this show again.


Welcome to another episode of the music from the Goddess' Vault podcast. I'm your host, Midnight Star. You just heard one of my favorite songs, which is I Walk with the Goddess by Kellianna. I hope that song had you up on your feet dancing. The topic of today's show is all about World Goddess Day. I'll explain what that day is and when it is. All I can say is that it's coming up soon. Oh, there will be a meditation in this show. First, let's listen to a song that I know you've all heard during fest or ritual. This is Lindy Leela's version of We all Come from the Goddess. 


According to (yes, it's a website as well), World Goddess Day is this year on Sunday, September 3rd. What is this day about? According to the site, it's a day to unite all of us Mother Goddess worshipers around the world. This project began in 2014 and has been growing steadily ever since. On the website, they listed 80 events around the world in 2015. The goal of World Goddess Day is to give the Mother Goddess a day of visibility by sharing her myths and stories. September is the ninth month of the year, and that number is considered sacred to the goddess. Again, if you want to learn more about World Goddess Day, visit I'll be talking about ways to celebrate this day and how you can join this project. For now, I'm going to play May the Blessings of the Goddess by Alysha Bonnet. 


It's time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. This week's Spirit Guide is a goddess. I had to go to a pagan Facebook page to ask which goddess. I got two responses, but instead of doing another Greek goddess this week, it's the Roman goddess Diana. She is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, women and children, wilderness, fertility, hunting and wild animals.

Diana is also the ruler of the night, while the god Jupiter rules the day. She is similar to the Greek goddess Artemis, and Diana is also known by other names all over Europe like (In audible) in the Czech Republic, Dewicca in Serbia, and (In audible) in Transylvania. I didn't find any myths regarding Diana, but what I did find was that when Christianity took over, she was vilified as a witch. What you can offer Diana on your altar are the following. First, she likes to drink. So offer her Strega liquor, wine or guava. Cake in the shape of the moon with candles on top like a birthday cake. You can also offer Diana anything on behalf of wolves, wild creatures and preservation of the wilderness, which is also appreciated. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week. 


 On the World Goddess Day website, they mention some things that you can do to celebrate on Sunday, September 3rd. Here are a few things that you can do: Organize a meeting in the park with other goddess worshipers where you can sing and celebrate her.

Do meditations to heal the planet. That is something that we desperately need right now.

Organize a public ritual in honor of the goddess. Give a talk and educate others about the goddess's origins and the importance of a rebirth. Organize a group to collect trash from parks, beaches, and other public places. You can organize a spiral dance, weave a quilt, or share flowers with your neighbors. There are many other things that you can do to celebrate World Goddess Day. If you want to add your event to the website, you can go to and click on the "Add an Event" tab. Here's Spiral Rhythm with I Am the Goddess.


This week's dream symbol is eating in your dreams. Food in dreams represents love, friendship, ambition, or pleasure in your current life. To dream that you are eating with others signifies harmony, intimacy, prosperity, personal gain, and joyous spirits in your waking life. If you dream that you are eating alone, there are two different meanings. The first is that you are currently experiencing loss, loneliness, depression, rejection, and being cut off from social ties right now. Or the alternative can be that you want to be independent.

If you dreamt that someone clears away the food before you finish eating, that dream is telling you that you have a problem with those who are dependent on you. To dream that you are eating candy represents the joys and treats in your current life. It can also mean indulgence, sensuality, or forbidden pleasures. If in your dreams you are overeating or not eating enough, it signifies a lack of fulfillment in your life. To dream that you are a picky eater means that you are holding back on something in your waking life. And if you dreamt that you are refusing to eat, that is telling you that you want more independence and don't want to rely on everyone else. 


 Again, I need help from you guys. I am running out of meditation scripts. There isn't that many on the internet nowadays. If you have an MP3 that you have created, please send it to me. My information is at the end of this podcast. I got this meditation from the Goddess Oracle deck and book set by Amy Sophia Morrison, and is published by US Game System Incorporated. This one is called The Journey to Kwan Yin.


That was Ruth Barrett with I Found Peace. I admit that I lied at the beginning of this revisit. I did mention what was in the news at the time that I recorded the episode in 2018. You can go listen to that if you wish. Nonetheless, that is it for this show. Don't change the channel just yet, I've got some exciting stuff coming up. Want to help decide which old episode I bring back in October? Vote in my 'Choose an Old Episode Poll for Samhain' now! Find the poll in the show notes or scan the QR code on our blog or Substack page. Next up, I've got two questionnaires for you to fill out. I'm cooking up some exciting Patreon rewards, and I need your input! Share your ideas by clicking the 'Perks for the Show' link in the show notes. Help shape the music and topics on Music from the Goddess Vault! Click the link in the show notes to share your ideas for future episodes. Curious about Spirit Guides or dream symbols? Have a completely different request? Let me know! We can keep the conversation going on social media (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Blue Sky, Mastodon) or head over to my blog at Don't miss a note! Sign up for my newsletter at It's the inside scoop on new episodes. Be the first to know – subscribe today! To end this show on a peaceful note, let's listen to Let there be Peace by Elaine Silver. Blessed be.



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