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Revisiting the Yule Christian Episode of 2019

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

brown bread with white and black panda print.
Photo by Kisoulou on Unsplash

What it's All About:

Here I discuss what some might term Christian Paganism, exploring perspectives of ChristoPagans, Christian Wiccans, and Trinitarian Wiccans, unraveling their connections to Paganism. Share your thoughts on these fascinating intersections, and be sure to subscribe for more insightful discussions. Join the conversation. Let's explore the rich tapestry of Yule Christian Paganism together!

Songs Featured:

Links Mentioned:


December Choose a New Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast Logo Poll:

Choose Your Favorite Old Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast for January Episode Poll:

Get in Touch Through Social Media:

Spirit Guide of the Week:

A painting of a red-haired naked woman with a snake around her body.
By John Collier - Own work, Public Domain,


Dream Symbol:

yellow Labrador retriever biting yellow tulip flower
Photo by Richard Brutyo on Unsplash




Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard a brand new track from Cloud the Pagan Rapper called Decepticons. For today's show, we're going back to 2019 to revisit the Yule Christian Episode that you voted to hear again on this podcast. Before we jump into today's topic, I have some quick announcements. I've got two polls for your input—one to choose a new logo and another to help me decide which podcast episodes to revisit. Don't miss the chance to vote! Click the link in the show notes or scan the QR codes on the blog and Substack page. Act fast; these polls are open for just a month. If last month's winner, still in the top spot, gets chosen again, this could be the final one. New listeners, you're more than welcome to join in! You'll find links to both polls in the show notes. Canadian pagan musicians, here's your chance to shine on the Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast! This is your opportunity to showcase your talent to listeners worldwide. International musicians, you're more than welcome to join in as well. Feel free to reach out and be a part of the Music from the Goddess' Vault podcast community. I'd love to invite you to check out my newsletter at Choose the subscription that suits you best: $7 per month, $70 per year, or a free subscription. Your support means the world to me! Stay tuned for an upcoming poll where I'll be seeking your input on possible extra benefits for podcast subscribers. Excited to share your show ideas, suggest spirit guides, or discuss dream symbols? Let's connect! Find me on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, Threads, or visit my blog at I can't wait to hear from you and make this podcast experience even better! Now, I am going to talk about Revisiting the Yule Christian Pagan Episode of 2019. I feel sorry for anyone who is Christopagan these days. Mainly, it's because some people from the Alt-Right Wing are creating a negative impression of all Christians. In the early years of this show, I used to share announcements about global pagan events at the start of every episode. However, I stopped doing that, not only due to the pandemic but also because it took up too much time for me. There was also mention of a WordPress website that I no longer use for this show. And I updated some links for you to look at. Let's go back and revisit the Yule Christian Paganism Episode of 2019.


Welcome to another episode of The Music from the Goddesses of Vault podcast. I am your host, Midnight Star. What You heard was Christmas Dirge by Nellie McKay. I would like to do a shout out to loyal listeners out there. They are Gina and Don. They both donated some money to the Music from the Goddess' Vault Go Fund Me Page. Now I can finally get this podcast, a website and a blog. If you would like to donate some cash, you can either click on the link on the show notes or go to the Go Fund Me page and look for Music from the Goddess' Vault. I am going to announce the new website on Facebook and Twitter. So go on to either of them and check back often. My overall goal is to raise $2,000 for the podcast. However, now that I got the web page out of the way, next, I need $120 to pay a SOCAN Tariff. SOCAN is a Canadian singer songwriter organization. Their tariff is more like Creative Commons, a way for me to pay all the musicians that you hear. These people are not rich. They are hard workers like you and me. And this tariff or Creative Commons gives me the chance to play their music legally. I used to pay $105 every year, but thanks to the bully U.S. President Donald Trump, the SOCAN tariff prices went up. I don't know by how much. So my guess is right now that I need $120. If you want to donate a little bit of money to the podcast GoFundMe Page, Please do so. The deadline to pay for this license is Friday, February 1st, 2019. Anyway, here are the events coming up, hopefully in your area. If you are a pagan living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. There's the Minton Pagan meetup sponsored by Northern Gaia, happening on the second Wednesday and fourth Tuesday from 7 p.m. till ten of every month. Now the meeting place is confusing on WitchVox, so you might have to join to find out. It's either at the Second Cup at Churchill Square or on the second Wednesday it'll be at Tim Hortons on 10665 Jasper Avenue. Or on the fourth Tuesday at Tim Hortons on 112th Street and 85th Avenue by the University of Alberta. It's a coffee meet up for all different paths. The only way that you can join is by going to and look for the Edmonton Pagan Meetup Group. I have to apologize to all the U.S. pagan men out there because this next event is for women only. If you are living in California, in the U.S., the Daughters of the Goddess wants you to come celebrate Winter Solstice and ____ Swedish goddess of kindness, charity, health and protection. It'll be on Friday, December 21st, somewhere in Concord, California. It's best to check back with them close to the date, but you must RSVP before that. For more information on this event, go to For those of you listening in Australia on Thursday, December 6, the Aldergrove is having their wyrd (That's the word with the Y instead of an O) web circle at the Aldergrove at the Glen located at 9921 New England Highway in Gleneagles, New South Wales at 6:30 in the evening. It's a social gathering that is held on the Thursday closest to the dark moon. They do crafts and rituals, as far as I can see from the website. Men, women and children are welcome and it's free to attend. For more information, go to the All the links will be in the show notes. Before I go on to today's topic, I did read a Vice article called Racists Are Threatening to Take Over Paganism. By the way, I did do a podcast on racism and paganism last year. If you read further into the article, they talked about the most notorious Alt-Right reconstructionist Pagan named Shauna Feiner, quoting the article here, Feiner sees Christianity as "...a violent foreign Jewish religion that was forced onto European peoples. On the other hand, Odinism is the final stage of deprogramming, she told me." Otherwise, she not only offended people of one religion, but two. What do you all think? I am not going to do another Yule episode. However, I'm still going to play some of that music. Instead, I'm going to focus more on a subject that some but not all pagans have a problem with: Christianity. However, the focus is more on Christopaganism, Christian and Trinitarian Wicca. Otherwise three branches of paganism with a Christian bent to it. I'll explain what those are, after you hear this favorite Yuletide pagan song called The Christians and the Pagans by Dar Williams.


When I was looking for information on Christian paganism, I didn't find much until I found three different groups which are ChristoPaganism, Christian and Trinitarian Wicca. Each of these forms of Christian Paganism are similar, but are different in some respects. The similarity is that Christianity can co-exist with paganism. I'm going to explain all three separately, starting with ChristoPaganism. What ChristoPaganism is, is that it's a spirituality that combines the beliefs and practices of Christianity with the beliefs and practices of paganism. They believe in merging Jesus Christ and his teachings with the spiritual nature of Mother Earth. ChristoPaganism, value experience over dogma. Otherwise, it's not forced upon you like most of Christianity has been doing. Rather, it happens organically in anyone who allows the Holy Spirit, Mother God, or whichever Christian deity to speak to and through them. Some Christopagans view Jesus Christ as a God. Others view him as the Prophet. And there are those that view him as just a cool dude. Being an eclectic pagan myself, (I will talk about that in a later show) I see Jesus as a cool Reiki master. Some ChristoPagans worship Jesus alongside his mother, Mary. If you want to know more about ChristoPaganism, there are two books that I have found that you can order on Amazon. One is called ChristoPaganism: An Inclusive Path by Joyce and River Higginbotham. The second one is Jesus and the Goddess: Living into a Christian Pagan theology by Reverend Claudia Hall. I will be talking about Christian Wicca. But first, this next Yuletide song is one that I enjoy listening to: Santa Claus is Pagan to buy Emerald Rose.


It's time for the Spirit Guide of the Week. This week's Spirit guide is not only Sumerian, but also Babylonian, Assyrian Canaanite, Hebrew, Mandean, Persian, Sabine and Arabic. She also does appear a little bit in the Christian Bible. Today's Spirit Guide is Lilith. She is the spirit of darkness and night. Lilith has dominion over sexual desires, erotic dreams, and sacred sex magic. She was originally a wind spirit who was associated with trees. One thing is for sure is that Lilith is a wild and free spirit who cannot be chained or contained in the Jewish Bible. She is Adam's first wife. However, her relationship with him was contentious. Lilith refused to take direction from Adam. She would rather be equal to him than a subordinate. And that's why they separated in the Christian Bible. Lilith is more of a black Madonna. What you can offer Lilith on your altar are the following: frankincense, plates of jam, tea, baby dolls, images of the animals she loves, and trees. You can create a wilderness for her, or offerings may be placed on an altar, indoors or outdoors. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another Spirit Guide of the week.


That was Lilith by Wendy Rule. I should have mentioned Christian Wicca first because like paganism, it is an umbrella term. It is based on the teachings and the practices of the Bible, Wicca, Kabbalah, and Gnostic Gospels. Most of the practitioners of this path believe that God has manifested to us through the Father, the Son and the mother to the Christian Wiccans. The Holy Ghost Spirit is female and is referred to as the spiritual mother. The popular Christian Bible forbids anybody worshiping Jesus's mother, Mary, because she is a mortal woman. Since Paganism is polytheistic, Christian Wiccans place Mary on the same level as God himself. Also, the Christian Wiccan view of sin is different from that of the Bible. The popular Christian belief is that we are all born sinners. The Christian Wiccan belief is that sin is created as a result of our actions. There is another book that I found on Amazon on the subject called The Path of the Christian Witch by Adeline Sinclair. Go check that one out. Here's Trobar de Morte with Yule: The End of Darkness.


That was Dog by Lemuria. So the last of the Christian pagan path is called Trinitarian Wicca. They do not consider themselves as Christian Wiccans or ChristoPagans. Their beliefs are Christianity, mixed with Alexandrian and Diana Wicca. Trinitarian, work exclusively with the goddess inclusive Christian pantheon. Otherwise, they work with Mother Mary, Eve, Mary Magdalene, and all the other women in the Bible. Practitioners of the Trinitarian path do celebrate the Wiccan way, observing the eight Sabbaths and 13 aspects. They also do uphold the Wiccan Rede " as ye will but harm none." Church dogma to the Trinitarian does not have a place on this path either. Some other things that don't have a place on this path are concepts like original sin, salvation, baptism, heaven, hell, and Satan. These are not conflicting topics to Trinitarian practitioners. If you want to find out more about Trinitarian Wicca, you can always google that. And I do have one link that you can find in the show notes.


Here is another myth. This next story comes from The website is actually called The Baldwin Project. This story also comes from Old Hungarian Fairy Tales by Baroness Orcy, and it's called The Twin Hunchbacks.


That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. I'm thrilled to invite you to join me in something exciting for my podcast. I'm conducting two polls, and I genuinely want to hear your thoughts. I'm on the lookout for a new logo, and I'd love your input to assist me in choosing the perfect one. You can find the links in the show notes. Or find the QR codes on both the blog and Substack page for a quick way to explore the options for my podcast. After the votes are counted, I'll reveal the winning logo. This design will then go head-to-head with four new contenders. I'm expecting the logo that resonates most with all of you to become the fresh face of "Music from the Goddess’ Vault." This logo will undergo three months of competition. If it succeeds, that will be the chosen one for my podcast. Now, onto the second poll – Revisiting one of my earlier episodes. Same deal – you can find the links in the show notes, and the QR code is on my blog and Substack for my podcast. And this poll will be ongoing. You have an entire month to make your decisions. No need to wait – take action now, click away. This is your opportunity to create a lasting impact, and I'm excited to see the direction you'll take this show for my podcast. Do you have a show topic, a spirit guide, or a dream symbol in mind? Share it on my website at or on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, and Thread. I'm eager to hear your ideas for my podcast! Calling all Canadian Pagan musicians! I'd be thrilled to connect with you, so don't hesitate to reach out. I love to explore and feature more incredible Canadian Pagan music for my podcast! If you'd like to be the first to listen to the newest episodes, you can subscribe to the newsletter at for my podcast. The last song that I will be playing for you is On Midwinter’s Day by Damh the Bard. Blessed be.



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