What it's All About:
Remember that Old Episode poll I had last month? Well, it turns out the popular choice was the Beltaine episode of 2016. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I can't seem to locate it anywhere. I was using a Podomatic account, Google Podcast, and Spreaker back then, when I initially began gathering my collection of past episodes on a spreadsheet. I thought I had saved it on Soundcloud too, but it seems I was mistaken.
But worry not! Instead of the elusive 2016 episode, I've unearthed Another Beltaine Episode from 2017. It's a gem in its own right, and I'm excited to share it with you all.
Now, here's where you come in. If you're a longtime listener of the Music from the Goddess' Vault podcast and happened to save that missing 2016 episode, please, oh please, let me know. I would be very grateful for your help.
Until then, stay tuned, and let's keep the music flowing.
Songs Featured:
Beltaine by Cernunnos Rising
Beltaine by Arlene Faith
Links Mentioned:
Choose an Old Litha Episode for June Poll
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are two)


Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard Magicfolk with Beltaine (Calan Main). In today’s show, we’re going back to 2017 to listen to Another Beltaine Episode. Before we get started, I would like to make a couple of brief announcements and updates to start off this episode. First off, I owe you all an apology for something I missed in the last episode. I announced the winner of the logo poll on May 1st, but I realize now that not everyone might have caught that update. As you see, it takes me about two weeks to get a new podcast out, which is why I forgot to put it there. In this second poll, you can choose which of my previous episodes you'd like to revisit next month. It's a chance for you to have your say in what content you want to hear. Don't miss out on your opportunity to vote. Simply click the link provided in the show notes and select your favorite episode. I can't wait to see which episode comes out on top. I also have two surveys up. Both are just questions. The first survey is about Patreon and Redcircle benefits. I've tried Patreon before, but I'm considering giving it another shot, as well as exploring Redcircle benefits. However, I'm unsure what to include in those tiers. Please share your suggestions in the survey. The second survey is for future show topics, Spirit Guide, and Dream suggestions. Find the survey links in the show notes or connect with me on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, Threads, bluesky, or visit my blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home. Looking forward to hearing from you! To stay updated on future episodes, consider joining my newsletter over at musicgoddessvault.substack.com. You can opt for a monthly plan at $7, an annual subscription for $70, or sign up for free. Become part of this community and stay connected! Now onto the topic: Revisiting Another Beltaine Episode of 2017. Before the old episode poll, I checked my Soundcloud and Podomatic inventory. Even though I'm not on Podomatic anymore, I thought I had the episode on Soundcloud. But unfortunately, I don’t. Due to storage space limitations, I don't save my shows. If you're a longtime listener and happen to have .mp3 versions of my episodes, please reach out. I'm aware that I'm missing a few from the first two years that aren't listed on my spreadsheet. Anyway, I apologize for this mistake. Instead of the first Beltaine episode that won last month's poll, I'll be sharing Another Beltaine Episode from 2017 today. I've updated the links, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddesses Vault podcast. I'm your host, Midnight Starr. What you heard at the top of the show was the song Beltaine by the band of the same name. Of course, since no one suggested anything, today's topic is going to be all about Beltaine. I think that I found some new information on the ritual, but if you want to make a suggestion on a topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol, you can go to the Facebook page, or you can tweet me @goddessvault. Let's continue on with Good Beltane Fire by Alexander James Adam.
As I was looking for new things to say about Beltane, I found this article on Patheos.com. It's called Eight Things to Do for Beltane as a Solitary Pagan. I don't think you have to be solitary to do these eight things, but I'll read them out to you. Number one: plant flowers. Ostara's the time to start doing that. But if you live in an area in the Northern Hemisphere like I do, and spring is late, it's best to do it now. Number two: buy fresh-cut flowers. This is more for those with green thumbs. I try to buy seeds and grow my own flowers, but it didn't turn out well. Number three: introduce yourself to the local land spirits. Otherwise, go into your garden or the local park and look for fae and other spirits. You can do this with your kids, but if you are at a park by yourself, make sure that you silently communicate with your land spirits. Number four: leave a gift for the fair folk. Otherwise, make food offerings.
Number five: read the story of the coming of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Or read any story about Beltane. Number six: perform a divination. Beltane, like Samhain, is the time when the veil is at its thinnest, exposing the light half of the year. You can scry, read tarot cards, or runes to discern what you want to accomplish in your life right now before Samhain. Number seven can only be done outdoors, and that is to walk between two fires. Do not jump over a fire; it's too dangerous. Instead, walk between two of them. I've done that once in a ritual indoors. However, please do not follow suit. Besides, Beltane is the fire festival. And number eight: If you have the time, take a nap under a tree. Here's one of my favorite Emerald Rose songs: Fairies Stole My Keys.
It's time for the Spirit Guide of the week. I'm going back to the animal realm for this week's Spirit Guide. Today's totem animal is the cow. Spirit animal Cow represents sustenance, abundance, potential, calming, rounding, and provisions. If your totem animal is the cow, you are more connected to nature and Mother Earth. Spirit animal cow also symbolizes new beginnings, fertility, and reproduction. You can call on the cow if you're going to be a new mother, already have kids, or are looking after someone else's children. Totem animal cow is also telling you that it's time to mend and heal the relationship that you have with your own mother, whether she's dead or alive. You can also call on the cow if you feel the need for some nurturing and nourishment, both physical and emotional. This is also true if you have emotional wounds from being neglected or abandoned in childhood. If your totem animal is the cow, it means that it's a very nourishing time for you right now and that there's nothing to worry about. You are well provided for despite any fears and doubts. And if your spirit animal is the cow, that means that you are a generous and giving person. You are willing to put other people's needs ahead of your own. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another Spirit guide of the week.
That was Old Dun Cow by the Brobdingnagian Bards. Here's another article I found on Patheos.com. This one is called Four Ways to Incorporate Beltane into Your Busy Life. The first one is the most obvious one, and that is to do some spring cleaning. The second one is also the most obvious and a repetition of what I said earlier: start seeding and growing plants. This next point is something different, but similar to the previous one: honoring ancestors with plants. You can either use plants from an ancestor's funeral or plant a tree or other plants in the deceased's honor. I know that most of you have already seen a video stating that traditional funerals are environmentally hazardous. This video also suggests an eco-friendly way to bury deceased loved ones. Instead of using tombstones, have a tree grow from the soil of the deceased. How about that? And number four is to discover a nature shrine. You can find one in your local park or create one in your own backyard.
Here's Cernunnos Rising with Beltane.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret.
I thought that I might not include animals in the dream symbol segment, because they are the same when I have to explain them in the Spirit Guide of the week. But now I am thinking that I should include all symbols. This week's dream symbol is squirrels in dreams, and I'm also going to talk about stadiums in dreams as well. If your dream had a squirrel or two in it, it means that you are hoarding something in your waking life. Otherwise, you're holding on to something too much and you need to learn to let it go. An alternative meaning to squirrels in dreams says that you need to reserve your time and energy. If you dreamt that you ran over squirrels with a lawnmower, that means that you are trying to change your beliefs and alter your ideas in order to conform with others in your real life. If you dreamed that you are feeding a squirrel, it's letting You know that comfort will come about through your hard work. If you dream had a white squirrel in it, it represents perseverance in your life. And now stadiums. If you dreamt that you were in a stadium, it symbolizes your determination to succeed in life and achieve your goals. That is it for this week's dream symbol. If you want a dream for me to interpret and maybe have the dream symbol featured, the contact information will be mentioned at the end of the show. So keep dreaming.
That was called Dumb Cops Attacked by Squirrels by Pagan Babies. This next segment is for the pagan parents out there, who want to know how you can celebrate Beltane with the kids. There are many ways that you can do that. Here are a few. The first is the most obvious, and I've seen kids do this during Beltane, and that is to be involved in the maypole dance. I consider this organized chaos, and it's a lot of fun. As pagan parents, though, fertility doesn't only mean sex. Fertility can also represent the abundant earth. What better time to teach your kids how to plant food than during Ostara or even Beltane? Have a brunch, lunch or dinner in your backyard with the whole family. This also includes picnics in the park, if you will. Another thing that you can do with your kids during Beltane is crafts. Anything from flower crowns or mask-making, to basket weaving. And of course have a family bonfire night. Here's Magnet with Fire Leap.
Here is another myth. This next folktale comes from Oaks.nvg.org. This is a Scottish legend called The Kindling Changeling.
That was Changeling Child by Heather Dale. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. Before I finish up this episode, let me briefly recap some key points you should remember. The logo poll is now finished, but the Choose an Old Episode one is still going on. You can take part by scanning the QR code on my blog or Substack page, or by following the link in the show notes. You still have an entire month to make your decision, so feel free to take action now! Two questionnaires are waiting for your input in the show notes, blog, and Substack page, each featuring just one question. Share your thoughts on perks related to Patreon tiers in one, and provide suggestions for future podcast topics, spirit guides, and dream symbols in the other. Alternatively, you can visit my website at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home or connect with me on social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and more. I am looking forward to your ideas! There are two questionaires with one question each that are waiting for your response in the show notes, blog, and Substack page. In one, it talks about what perks to include in the Patreon tiers; in the other, it asks for suggestions for future podcast topics, spirit guides, and dream symbols. As an alternative, you can reach me on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more, or you can visit my website at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home. I am looking forward to your ideas! Stay ahead of the curve and be the first to receive the newest episodes by subscribing to my newsletter on musicgoddessvault.substack.com! As I bring this episode to a close, let's surrender to the rhythm of Beltaine by Arlene Faith. Blessed be.