Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.
What it's All About:
It is a serious subject. This isn't about pagan discrimination. There are a few heathen covens out there who make the rest of us look bad. Not all heathens or pagan are racist. It is irrelevant what color your skin is. Go ahead and be a pagan. We discuss this group as well as my own personal reasons for doing this show. I apologize for the two mistakes I made. First, I'm angry with these racists, so the sound quality is uneven. The second mistake I made was giving you the wrong URL for one of the articles I mentioned. It's humanisticpaganism.com/2016/08/31/ho…cleland-host/ (Note: this URL might not be up anymore). Crystal Blanton's book Bringing Race to the Table: Exploring Racism in the Pagan Community is available at Amazon.com/Bringing-Race-Tab...ook/dp/B00T5KABMS. Heathens United Against Racism has changed its name to Heathens Against Hate. They can be found on https://www.heathensagainst.org.
Songs Featured:
Other Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Image by Douglas Bagg on Unsplash.
Dream Symbol:

Image by the New York Public Library on Unsplash.
(00:00 - 02:27)
Warning: This episode contains political content. If you want to hear something fun instead, check out previous Music From the Goddess' Vault shows. You already know why I posted this one again. Something happened in my country of Canada that is tearing us apart. Due to a few idiots who held our economy hostage for their own political views. It was not a protest against Covid mandates. Rather, it was a rally to gain more followers for the white supremacist movement. Besides, who brings US Confederate flags and Nazi symbols to a protest against Covid mandates? I did not see those in other protests against these measures in my province. The worst part of this is that these idiots used their own kids as shields. As you already know, I have strong opinions on the issue of racism. I did, however, hesitate to replay this episode which aired on September 29, 2017. Furthermore, many people need to be reminded repeatedly because they just don't get it, and you can't simply ignore this. During this protest, there were Neo Nazi groups posing as pagan groups in Ottawa and at the borders. I mentioned one of them in this episode. These people are a misrepresentation of our community and should be expelled permanently. I do believe the biggest culprits in all of this are those who spread misinformation. Disinformation is often the result of media bias. There are some additional resources in the show notes for you to look at regarding false news and misinformation. But most importantly, do not immediately share any information that someone sends to you via social media. You should be skeptical at first. Then, ask yourself where this information came from. Did it come from a reliable source, such as, for example, the New York Times? Or was it a Reddit post? Also included in the show notes, are ways you can learn how to check facts online. There is even a fact-checker on Google that you can use. Most of the misinformation they got on there is about Covid. Regardless, if you find out the information is nothing but fake news, don't ignore it. Misinformation will grow as more and more people believe it. Flag it and let anyone working in social media or on a particular website know. The poster will be notified, by them, that the information is fake. Furthermore, I would like to thank the Heathen Federation of Canada for making everyone aware that racism is not tolerated within the Heathen or Pagan community. Regardless of race, gender, or sexuality, everyone is welcome to join us. I appreciate your time in listening and hope you enjoy the show.