Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash.
What it's All About:
The idea of relating to Nature and the Environmental movement is an important part of Paganism. We believe that we are all a part of the Earth, and as such, it's our duty to take care of each other as well as protect the environment. It doesn't only mean planting trees or recycling; this also includes being involved in activism movements like those against global warming or extinction events on behalf of animals.
Songs Featured:
The Altar by Threefold
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Image by Richardo Resende on Unsplash.

Image by Lisa Yount on Unsplash.

Image by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash.
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You heard Pagan Rap Gang with Mother Nature. Today’s show is all about Paganism and the Environment. I just got a message from Instagram for all of you listening in Texas. Wolf Charm Coven is going to host a weekend retreat on March 19th to the 20th. It will be at Turkey Trot in Uvalde, Texas (I hope that pronounced that right) starting a 5 p.m. There will be music, dance, food and a Norse Pagan Ritual. For more information, please contact them on Instagram until wolf charm underscore coven. Or you can email them at shelbi.barrett18@gmail.com. If you haven’t done so already, you can check out the blog goddess vault one dot Wixsite dot com forward slash home. Also, please spread the word of this podcast through the blog, the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page. On Instagram and Twitter @goddessvault. And on TikTok @midnightstarr. That is Midnight Starr (with two r’s) and the number two. Now for the topic: Paganism and the Environment. It goes hand in hand, since paganism is all about earth worship. It is also true when it comes to activism as well. The earth is the only home we have and no one should trash it. As pagans, we believe that all living things deserve respect. Pagans also worship the earth in many ways such as planting trees or burning candles around a fire to honour nature and paganism itself. I will be talking more about Paganism and the Environment later. But first I want to play Soul of Nature by Jenna Greene
Guess what? Tons of articles are on the web about Paganism and the environment. There is even a new term that I have encountered on my research: Eco spirituality. That term is a way to combine the environment with our spirituality. Think of like this, way before Christianity, our ancestors had to find a way to connect with the environment. They didn’t have all the technology that we have today. So, they had to rely on all the nature that surrounds them. Thus personifying some of what you find in nature into human deities that our ancestors can relate to. They didn’t have TV or the Internet. Instead, they sat around the campfire telling stories of creation or how their country was created (For example, Romulus and Remus finding what is now the city of Rome) and other myths. The ancient farmers needed someone to pray to bring them rain so that the crops will group and be bountiful. They relied on astronomy and astrology for the changing of the seasons for the same reason. But how does this relate to we pagans in the modern world. A world where we as humans separated ourselves from nature when we shouldn’t have. I will talk about that next. First here’s Alexander James Adams with Balance of Nature.
It’s time for another spirit guide of the week. I am going south of the equator to talk about the Incan goddess Pachamama. Like Gaia, she is the earth herself, the sacred mother, and the goddess of all life. She governs over animals, humans, and the fertile earth. Pachamama is the most admired goddess in South America because she makes agriculture possible for the masses. There were many cultures in the Andes who venerated her. Thus, depending on the area, Pachamama’s consort may be Pachacamac, Supay, or Inri. When Christianity took over, many of the things that she was associated with were given to the Virgin Mary. When Pachamama gets angry it is either in the form of an earthquake, or she withholds anything to do with abundance. But she still gives us the gift of food on the table, medical herbs and the ground that we walk on. So, what you can offer Pachamama on your altar are the following: Food that is cooked, water, alcohol, coca leaves, incense, cigarettes, and clothing that are the size of a doll. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Mama Gaia’s Goin’ Through Menopause by Mama Gina. We all know that our modern world is still taking the environment for granted. We all know what is at fault here. Here’s another term that I forgot to talk to you about. I’ve heard about it when I was reading Starhawk’s book Spiral Dance. The term is ecofeminism. It's a term that combines politics, feminism, and environment at the same time. It's also a branch of feminism that looks at the connection between women and nature. I know that a lot of you pagans out there who are also environmentalist and trying your best to save the environment. You already know how we are continuing to destroy it. I would have to include pandemics such as Covid in the environmental discussion. I know that there are conspiracies that Covid started in a Virology lab. However, note the word Virology there. A virus is a biological parasite. It does jump from being to being. Even though it came from a lab, it still came from an animal of so sort. However, we still don’t know the animal that Covid came from. What I am saying is that the destruction of the environment also affects our health too. So, we try our best to recycle and use cloth instead of plastic bags. Where I live right now, there is a debate as to the future of the oil industry here. I hope that someone finds a way to make things out of something else other than plastic and find an alternative to fill up our vehicles. Let’s listen to Behold the Passionate Ways of Nature by Hagalaz Runedance.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. There are three in this week’s dream symbol. They are umbrella, alligator, and altar. Umbrellas in dreams usually means that you are shielding your emotions and don’t want to deal with them. To dream that you have an open umbrella indoors, represents your unmet emotional needs. If you cannot open an umbrella in your dreams, while it's raining, its telling you that you are ready to face and let all your emotions out. To see a broken umbrella in your dreams symbolizes problems that you were not prepared to face. Alligators in dreams often means, unknown instincts, betrayal, treason, and deception. If you see a baby alligator in your dreams, indicates that you are gullible. If you are running away from an alligator in your dreams, represents you not wanting to face the awful and frighting side of you. To dream that an alligator bites you, means that you have not learned anything from your past failures. Altars in dreams usually represent some personal sacrifices that you have to make. If you had a dream that you are kneeing next to an altar signifies aspirations that are not being fulfilled. To dream of a satanic altar, it's telling you that there are some bad energies going on in your life. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Again, this next tale comes from Folk. It is from Japan, and it is called The Rats and Their Daughters.
That was Songs and Daughters (of Robin Hood) by Damh the Bard. Before that, you heard The Altar by Threefold. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host Midnight Starr. Again, if you have a suggestion for a song, show theme, spiritual guide or dream symbol: Or if you just want to like, share or comment; You can do so at goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home. Through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page. On TikTok at midnight starr (with two r’s) two. And on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. I am going to leave you with Cernunnos Rising with Dance With Nature. Blessed be.