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Pagan Singles Episode

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

woman waving her dress on stone formation beside body of water
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

What it's All About:

In this episode, I talk about modern paganism and how it intersects with dating and relationships. Join me as I explore the diverse experiences of pagan singles, challenges, and the unique ways they connect with like-minded individuals who share their spiritual beliefs. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or simply curious about paganism, this episode offers insights into a fascinating and often misunderstood aspect of the dating world. Tune in to discover the magic of love in the pagan community.

Feel free to reach out with any feedback or questions about this episode. It's always exciting to hear from my listeners, and I'm here to answer any inquiries you may have. Thanks for joining me on this mystical journey!

Songs Featured:

Spirit Guide Background Music by Yoav Alyagon from Pixabay

Dream Symbol Background Music by saavane from Pixabay

Story Background Music by Ruud from Pixabay

Links Mentioned:


Choosing an Old Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast Episode for November Poll:

Choose a New Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast Logo - October:

Get in Touch Through Social Media:

Spirit Guide of the Week:

Statue of the Goddess Oshun.
By Wikipedia Loves Art participant "Department_of_Trife" - Uploaded from the Wikipedia Loves Art photo pool on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.5,


Dream Symbol: (There are three)

group of people running on the road during daytime.
Photo by Capstone Events on Unsplash


five jackets on clothes rack.
Photo by Amanda Vick on Unsplash


person's hand reaching on water with reflection ]
Photo by Serrah Galos on Unsplash




Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. At the top of the show, you heard Harold Carter with My Love Moon. The topic of today’s show is all about Pagan Singles. But before I get into that, let's start with some fun stuff! I've got two exciting polls for you. One lets you help choose the new logo, and the other invites you to pick old episodes for a revisit. You can vote in the show notes or by scanning QR codes on the blog and Substack page. These polls run for a month, and next month, I'll reveal the winning logo and episode, along with fresh content. Don't wait – join in today! Speaking of the episode poll, here's an exciting update for you listeners out there. There is a winner in both polls. You can see the reigning champ go up against new challengers for the best-looking logo for this podcast. And there is an old Samhain episode that you want to hear again, after this one. If you are a new listener, you can join in as well. Just vote for the one that you find intriguing. Once again, you can find the links to both polls in the show notes. Speaking of community involvement, I'd like to extend an exciting opportunity to Canadian Pagan musicians. You can get your tunes heard on the Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast. Reach out to gain new fans and boost your online presence. International musicians, you're welcome too! Contact me now for this exciting opportunity. Listeners, consider subscribing to my newsletter at Have ideas for subscription benefits? Let me know; I'll be creating a poll soon. If you want to get the newsletter, you can subscribe for seven dollars a month, seventy dollars a year, or for free. Now that I've covered community engagement and podcast subscriptions, let's talk about how you can connect with me and share your ideas. Do you have a show idea, a spirit guide suggestion, or a dream symbol to share? Connect with me on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Mastodon, visit the blog at, and now on the social media site Threads. Now for the topic: Pagan singles. I myself am one, and I know that many of you out there are too. But there are some challenges and advantages to being a single pagan. I’ll talk more about this after you hear Perfect Love by Alexian,


I'm thinking about how to talk about this topic. Should I share my experiences as a pagan in the dating world? You see, there are online dating sites specifically for pagans, but they're pretty similar to regular dating sites nowadays. Whether you're a witch or not, dating in today's world can be a real challenge. Imagine this: you're dating someone who isn't a pagan, and they're trying to make you stop practicing your pagan beliefs. On the bright side, there are folks out there who don't mind dating someone who's into witchcraft. But honestly, finding the right person these days can be as tough as looking for work. You've got to find that perfect fit, and that's no walk in the park. Some pagans are lucky enough to meet their soulmates through covens or festivals. Lucky for them. Now, here's a bit about me: I've been single all my life, never been married, and I don't have any kids. Surprisingly, I've never met anyone who had a problem with me being a pagan. Sure, I've faced other challenges that come with being single, aside from my spiritual beliefs, but I'm hopeful about finding the right partner. I'll get into this topic in more detail after you listen to 'From Love to Love' by Ginger Doss.


Time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. I am back in Africa to talk about the Yoruban Goddess Oshun. She is the goddess of water, the spirit of love, romance, wealth, beauty, abundance, and Mystical wisdom. One fascinating thing about Oshun is her strong connection to things that flows, such as water, honey, money, mother’s milk, and more. She also has power over the human body, including the reproductive organs. Depending on the myth, Oshun may be Yamaya’s daughter or sister. However, she is the youngest, sweetest, smallest, and toughest of the orishas. For those who wish to honor Oshun on their altars, here are some items you can consider placing: Her favorite is honey, and it's important to taste any kind of honey when offering it to her. Oshun also appreciates dishes like spinach with shrimp, chamomile tea, as well as yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. Additionally, you may choose to offer her flowers, fans crafted from yellow sandalwood, and items associated with feminine beauty like makeup, mirrors, brushes, perfumes, and more. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.


You just heard Ginger Ackley with Come and Make Some Magic With Me. I'm going to approach this segment in the following manner. If you're a single pagan, here's what you can say when you come across these types of dates: Let's start with this first scenario: What should you do if you meet someone who isn't familiar with paganism? In this situation, it's describe l to describe paganism as a nature-based religion. While some pagans in the past may have described it as not involving devil worship, it's more accurate to say that paganism revolves around worshiping the earth. What if your date knows about paganism and Harry Potter is the first thing that came to their mind? In this situation, explain that paganism is all about connecting with nature. It's important to point out that our idea of magic is different from what's portrayed in Harry Potter or any other Hollywood film about witches. You can also mention that not all pagans are fans of J.K. Rowling; some are, but not everyone is into it. Another dating scenario is when you mention that you're pagan, and your date's initial response is the assumption that all pagans worship in the nude and have orgies. It's possible they know a friend who practices paganism or have read books by Gardner or Buckland. How do you respond in this situation? You should clarify that paganism isn't solely about being naked; it encompasses more than that, and not all pagans practice in the nude. But you definitely have to say that we don’t have orgies. Now, let's consider the last scenario: You tell your date that you're pagan, and their immediate response is to label you as a devil worshiper. This situation can be challenging to navigate. I recommend starting a conversation about their own religious beliefs and spirituality. This approach helps you understand their perspective and whether you share similar beliefs. It's a pivotal moment to decide if you want to continue dating this person or not. Remember, not everyone who associates Wicca and Paganism with devil worship belongs to the category of Right-Wing Extreme Christians. When it comes to sharing that you're pagan, the timing is up to you. Some of us are okay with talking about it on the first date, while others like to wait and see how the situation unfolds. I remember one date where I mentioned being pagan, and my date asked if there are some Alt-Right Conservatives in the community. Sadly, I had to answer yes. But he was okay with me being pagan. And he already knows that there are people who are pagan are not just on one side of the political spectrum as well. Which begs another question, what to do if you met a fellow pagan or even a non-pagan on a date, whom you find out is an Alt-Right White Supremacist Trump Supporter? This one is where you have to tread lightly on. I will mention that I met such a person on a date, but they were not pagan. By the way, this person was a trucker, and being Canadian, who supported the unorganized Convoy White Supremacist Protest that happened last year. I didn't find that out until they said "Scamdemic" when I talked about the Pandemic. Thankfully, that was a first date, and I didn't see that person again. However, you can end this type of date by excusing yourself and ending the date early. Or do what I did and not be in contact with this type of person. Who wants all this disagreement and drama, anyway? Let's enjoy some more music. How about listening to Circle of Love by Arthur Hinds?


Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Race, Rack, and Reflection are the three this week. If you have a dream where you're in a race, it means you're a competitive person and often compare yourself to others to see how good you are. To dream that you win a race, then it represents your full potential and your ability to achieve your goals. Dreaming of winning a race signifies your hidden talents and your capability to reach your aspirations. If you dream of losing the race, it suggests that you might be pushing yourself too hard. Dreaming of being in a dog race suggests you're focused on yourself and your own desires. If your dream featured a clothes rack, it signifies your uncertainty and lack of self-confidence. If you dreamt of an empty rack, it means you're very worried about something, and it's causing you a lot of stress and anxiety. Dreaming of being racked suggests that your actions and decisions are under scrutiny or being questioned. If you dreamed of seeing your reflection, it symbolizes your authentic self. Dreaming of not seeing your reflection in a mirror suggests a loss of identity. If you see an unknown figure or something else in the mirror instead of your own reflection, it may show an identity crisis. And dreaming about seeing someone or something strange in the mirror instead of your own reflection may indicate confusion about your identity. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.


Here's another story from This one is an Arabic tale called The Wonderful Man Who Overcame the Chan.


Before the story, you heard Emerald Rae with Magic Mirror. And that's it for this show. Once again, I'm your host, Midnight Starr. Thank you all for joining me. I'm thrilled to invite you to participate in two exciting polls that will shape the future of the podcast. First, we have a poll for selecting the new logo. Cast your votes using the links in the show notes, or scan the QR codes on the blog or Substack page. Make your voice heard and let your opinion matter! I will reveal the winning logo next month, and there will be new challengers. The polls will remain open for a month, providing you with ample time to participate. Join in now, and together, let's shape the future of the Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast! Do you have an idea for a show topic, a spirit guide, or a dream symbol? Share it on the website at and on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Mastodon, and now on Thread. If you're a Canadian Pagan musician, I'd love to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I can't wait to discover and feature more Canadian Pagan music! And if you want to be the first to hear the latest episodes, you can sign up for the newsletter at As I wrap up this show, I’m going to play Love Eternal by Cernunnos Rising. Blessed be.



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