What it's All About:
This one is for all you Pagan Healers out there. Despite this, I would rather focus my attention on nurses, doctors, and other health professionals who have spent years studying before they begin working in their field. There is nothing wrong with herbalists, energy workers, and others working in alternative health. There's just been a lot of stress, Covid patients, and misinformation in traditional health care for the past two years. It's just that there are people in the health care profession who are also pagan. I believe traditional and alternative medicine can also work together.
Songs Featured:
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

By upload by muesse - www.focus.de, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8328492
Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Image by Selene Marie on Unsplash.

Image by Ekaterina Grosheva on Unsplash.

Image by tof Mayanoff on Unsplash.
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host Midnight Starr. You heard Blackmore's Night's Health of the Company at the start of this show. Pagan Healers is the focus of today's shows. But first, if you haven't already, please visit the blog goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home. I encourage you to spread the word of this podcast through the blog, the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault, and TikTok at Midnight Starr two. That's Midnight Starr (with two r's) and two. Now onto the subject of Pagan Healers. I'm going to start reading what I wrote about this in the show notes. This one is for all you Pagan Healers out there. Despite this, I would rather focus my attention on nurses, doctors, and other health professionals who have spent years studying before they begin working in their field. There is nothing wrong with herbalists, energy workers, and others working in alternative health. There's just been a lot of stress, Covid patients, and misinformation in traditional health care for the past two years. It's just that there are people in the health care profession who are also pagan. I believe traditional and alternative medicine can also work together. Otherwise, anyone in the health-care industry will benefit from this episode. I'll go into more detail later, but before all that, let’s listen to Medicine Wheel by Brian Henke.
This is another difficult subject for me to discuss because there is little information available about paganism and the medical profession. Of course, there is a wealth of information available on magical pagan healers. However, I am more concerned about pagans who work in the medical field. Again, I'm not dissing anyone who practises alternative medicine. There is also a place for it. Before I continue, I want to point out that everyone in the pagan community hold different political views. It is so tiring to hear the Alt-Right online bullying those who disagree with them, calling them names, spreading misinformation, and acting childish online. You can only change your own political point of view. It's impossible to change everyone's beliefs to get what you want all the time. Democracy doesn't work that way. You have to respect everyone's political opinion, even if you disagree with them. And not everyone that you call leftist or lefties is in that political ideology. There are those who are in the middle and those who despise politics altogether. So, it’s not just all black and white. Even if you don't like the governments that are currently in power, learn to cope with it. Additionally, bullying, name-calling, and acting childish are not appropriate ways to discuss politics with someone. And if someone asks you to prove your point, do so rather than merely saying it. All they want to know is where you got that information. Otherwise, I believe it is preferable not to get statements such as "the government and Big Pharma are paying me," because this is not the case. In the past, I attempted to monetize this podcast with limited success. I feel sorry for those pagans in the medical professions who are constantly subjected to these kinds of comments. Many of you work 14, 16, or even more hours a day. I know how stressful it is to be on your feet all day and care for people who are ill. In the following segment, I'll look at more information about pagans in the medical field. For now, let's listen to Ginger Doss with I Am Healing.
It’s time for another spirit guide of the week. I'm returning to Greece to discuss the spirit Chiron. He is a centaur, which means he is half horse and half man. He is, in fact, the wisest of all centaurs. In Greek mythology, Chiron is a clever, intelligent, and an intellectual figure. However, he has always been regarded as eternal. Unlike other centaurs who are untamed, uncivilized, inebriated, and promiscuous; Chiron is intelligent, cultured, and gentle. His talents encompass music, healing, gymnastics, herbs, prophecy, archery, hunting, and sorcery. He is known for restoring sight to the blind. Heroic figures such as Achilles, Jason, and Heracles looked up to Chiron as a father figure and tutor. One of the myths says that his father was Kronos in the form of a stallion, and his mother was the Oceanid Philyta. Otherwise, Chiron is Zeus' stepbrother. And he lives in a cave with his kind as a centaur. The following can be offered to Chiron on your altar: Wine, Water, Honey, and botanical gifts. Make sure that you pour your libations directly onto the earth. That is it for now, stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Magicfolk and Horses of Poseidon. Again, this is where I am stuck when I talk to you about it. I know that the modern medicine we see today has its origins in Ancient Greece. Compared to modern medicine, there is a lot more information about folk or alternative medicine in paganism. I do know, however, that some of you, medical professionals, grow herbs as well. Though I may be mistaken because of misinformation (I am not immune to that), I did see that modern medicine might be going back to nature. I apologize if I am mistaken. In a recent show, a medical researcher went into a forest to look for plants that heal. This is a way to learn about those healing properties that can be used to treat some of the illnesses that we have today. It is for this reason that I believe both traditional and alternative can work together. According to an article I read, the health care sector is also contributing to climate change. Most of the things that doctors use are made of plastic. I have also read that inhalers for asthma and COPD are also harmful to the environment. The problem is that there are many sufferers who require these. There is a way that traditional doctors can practice in an environmentally safe way. However, this is still in the future. Hopefully, something will change soon. Right now, I feel like I'm babbling. So, I'll come to a stop here and play some more music for you. Here’s Healing Chant by Heather Alexander.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. As always, there are three elements in the dream symbol this week: undress, zipper, and eagle. Dreaming of yourself undressed means you must reveal your true feelings. In dreams in which you see someone undressed, you should be aware of another person’s emotions. When you dream you are undressing someone, it's telling you that you are trying to understand them better. Dreaming that you are being undressed by someone shows that you have complete faith in them. Zippers in dreams often represent sexuality and innuendos. Zipping up in your dream means you are mentally closed off. In your dreams, if you see yourself unzipping, it represents you freeing yourself. A zipper, broken or stuck, in your dream means you are having trouble expressing your passionate desires. Eagles in dreams usually represent royalty, dignity, independence, dominance, bravery, and strong mental ability. To have an eagle's nest in your dreams denotes that your successes have propelled you to the top of the social hierarchy. And an eagle killed in a dream represents aggressive behaviour. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
It's time for a nice, deep and relaxing meditation. You know how it works. When listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, you need to skip ahead. Getting into an accident is not worth it. The track is from the album Treasure Within You: Guided Meditations and Exercises by Mitra Somerville. It is Loving Kindness Meditation.
Love is the Law is from Pagan Rap Gang. In the preceding track, Mama Gina sings The Eagle and the Owl. This concludes the show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol; or simply want to like, share, or comment; you can do so on the Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page. At https://goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home, TikTok at Midnight Starr (With two r's) two, and Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault. Healing by Castalia is the last song I am going to share with you. Blessed by and stay safe.