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Photo by Joel Vodell on Unsplash
What it's All About:
A listener from Quora requested this. I was asked to do a show on Ocean Magic. Because it does sound interesting, I'll try to talk as much as possible about it. If you'd like to suggest a topic, I don't know how you can reach me on Quora, but you can still let me know in the comments. Or there are other ways to do that which I will mention in the podcast.
Songs Featured:
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Image by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash.

Image by Christina Rumpf on Unsplash.

Image by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash.
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. What you heard was Descend the Ocean by Wendy Rule.
Today's show is about Ocean Magic. Did you know that there is a Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast newsletter? Yes, there is, and I have posted the latest episode there. As a result, you'll be the first to know when new shows are released. You can also get past episodes if you pay seven dollars a month or seventy dollars a year. Or you can subscribe for free at That's Also, please donate some money to the podcast by going to either That’s K-O-dash-F-I dot com forward slash goddess vault. Or you can do the same at All the money will go towards paying the bills for this podcast. You can donate once or monthly on both sites. Also, please help me figure out what to put on those tiers. Nonetheless, here are the links once more: Ko-Fi (that's K-O dot F I) forward slash goddess vault and Please check out the blog goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home if you haven't already. You can listen to the show from there. Please share this podcast on the blog, the Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault, and TikTok at Midnight Starr two. That's Midnight Starr (with two r's) and the number two. Now for the topic: Ocean Magic. This one was a request from a listener on Quora. This is something that I haven’t heard of before, but I will try to extend it into 45 minutes. By the way, if you have ever asked a question on Quora, you already know that there are idiots who do not answer the question or answer it in a stupid way. One person quoted a line from the movie Fight Club, but made it pagan. A negative comment was also made about this podcast by this person. Fortunately, you can flag these comments and let Quora know they didn't answer. Don't respond to a question if you don't know the answer or you don’t want to answer it at all. That's all there is to it. Another idiot told me not to mention the word pagan in my question. Anyway, let's get into Ocean Magic. First, let's listen to Sirena with Ocean Flower.
We all know that water is one of the four elements. It is my intention to speak about the ocean or sea without being too scientific. In the next segment, I will discuss ocean magic.
For now, the water in all oceans, lakes, and rivers is also part of the weather cycle that creates thunder and rain. This cycle is where evaporation of water from the ocean moves up into the atmosphere and comes down as rain. Approximately 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered by the ocean, according to National Geographic. Oceans contain 97 percent of all water on earth. It affects not only the weather but also the temperature and food supply. It is even more mysterious because 80 percent of what lies beneath the ocean has never been mapped. Here’s another song about the ocean, Land, Sky, and Sea by Damh the Bard.
This is another request from a listener on Quora. I am going back to the world of mythical creatures to talk about the unicorn. Having the unicorn as your totem animal indicates that you are very creative. You are always painting, playing music, writing, or doing anything creative. It is also telling you to play and let go of worries and responsibilities. You’ve been overwhelmed and you need to relax and have fun. Having the unicorn as your power animal indicates that your child will have extraordinary abilities. You may also work creatively with children. If the unicorn is your totem animal, you’re into faeries, angels, and other nature spirits. You’re attuned to Mother nature and you are passionate about saving the environment. Also, you have the ability to heal and purify. Your spiritual powers are intense, and you have a clear vision for your goals. There is a way for you to have a better life by utilizing the energy of the unicorn as a power animal. The Unicorn is your spirit animal, so you do have intense lucid dreams every night. Best of all, the unicorn is telling you that you should harness your intuitive powers to heal others.That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Unicorne by Faun. Online, I can only find a few resources and a book about Ocean magic. We don't all live near an ocean. I certainly don't. My home is near a river. For all of you Sea Witches out there, Ocean Magic is like fire magic. It's a way to connect with the energy of the particular element. The only difference is that you can get all four elements at the beach. There's obviously water, but there's also sand as earth, sun as fire, and the air. With Sea magic, you can do more things than with Fire magic. There are a lot of things you can do with Ocean magic. It is a good place to meditate on the elements. You can take some sand and seashells to your altar at home. You can even do banishing and reverse curse spells there. You can make a witch bottle. The beach is a great place to do a ritual with a group or even alone. As I mentioned, there are few resources on Ocean magic online and one book. The book is called Sea Magic: Connecting with the Ocean's Energy by Sandra Kynes. Information on that, as well as the resources, are all in the show notes.
Here’s Drumspyder with Heart is Like the Sea.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Dream symbols for this week include Jam, Jaw, and Jeans. Spreading jam in your dreams suggests that you might be trying to do too much at once. The dream that you were eating jam portends sweet delights, pleasant surprises, and new discoveries. Or that you might be in difficulty or trouble. If you had a dream that you were making jam, it alludes to a happy domestic life. Dreaming that you can see your own jaw is a sign of tenacity, strength, and drive. Your jaws tightening up in a dream is a sign of suppressed rage and other strong emotions that you are still holding onto. If you shatter or dislocate your jaw, it implies that your values and convictions have been compromised. Seeing an animal jaw in your dream foresees miscommunication. Additionally, it can imply that you are moving too quickly. Jeans in your dreams can just reflect your everyday self and have no added meaning. If you tried on jeans in your dream, it means that you are attempting to blend in with the crowd. Dreaming that you are wearing or purchasing designer jeans suggests that you are unconcerned with money. If you dreamed that your jeans were too tight, it may be a sign that your standards are too high. And if you saw ripped jeans in your dream, it means that you are handling a crisis or problem by being lazy. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Time for a nice, deep, and relaxing meditation. If you are driving, please don't listen to this part of the podcast. The next meditation comes from Tony Murdock's album Toward Stillness: Guided Meditation for Beginners. This track is called The Concentration Flow Meditation.
That is it for this show, again I am your host Midnight Starr. You can be the first to listen to this podcast by signing up for the Music From the Goddess' Vault Newsletter. You can find it at Sign up for free or pay seven dollars or seventy dollars for a year. Again, that’s if you want to sign up for the newsletter. You can also support the show by donating as little as three dollars to either (That’s K-O-dash-F-I dot com forward slash goddess vault) or The sites will soon offer some items you can purchase. To donate, simply visit or All proceeds will be used to fund this podcast. Other than that, you can suggest a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol, or like, share, or comment at Through the Facebook page Music From the Goddess' Vault. On TikTok at Midnight Starr with two r’s two. And on Instagram and Twitter @goddessvault. Let me leave you with Lady Moon's The Water is Wide. Blessed be.