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Narcissism in Paganism

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr


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What it's All About:

Back to our regularly scheduled program. Narcissism is every, even in the pagan community. The allure of Neo-Paganism is partly due to its emphasis on community and inclusivity. However, an emphasis on community also requires an ability to put oneself second—or at least be open to doing so—and this can be difficult for those with narcissistic tendencies. Many Pagans see Neo-Paganism as a safe space where they can be their true selves without judgment or fear of reprisal; however, this can be hard for those with narcissistic tendencies because they crave praise and adulation from other people. And some of these narcissists can be quite successful in the Pagan community by becoming leaders and teachers. But this is dangerous. I will explore this topic in more detail in the podcast.

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Spirit Guide of the Week:

By Unknown author -, CC0,


Dream Symbol: (There are three)

By Pyotr Yevgenyevich Myasoyedov (1867-1913) [1] -, Public Domain,


Photo by ZEKERIYA SEN on Unsplash


Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash




Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard As I Mee Walked by Libana. On today's show, I will be discussing narcissism in paganism. You can stay up-to-date on the latest from the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast by signing up for their newsletter. You will be informed as soon as new shows are released. You can access past episodes by paying seven dollars per month or seventy dollars per year. Or you can subscribe for free at That's You can also support the podcast monetarily by donating at or All of the money raised will go towards paying for the bills associated with this podcast. You have the option to donate once or make monthly donations on both websites. Here are the links again: or Please check out the blog if you haven't already. You can listen to the show from there. And finally, if you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol you can contact me through the blog. The Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page. TikTok at Midnight Starr with two r’s and the number two. And Instagram and Twitter @goddessvault. Now about the topic: Narcissism in Paganism. Several months ago, there was a blog post on this very subject. I will have to find that one for this show. But this topic is also personal to me because a family member is a Narcissist. However, Paganism is not without its own share of people suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Yes, like everything else, we are not immune to this. It is a grave concern that there might be a Narcissist out there who could turn their coven into a cult-like following where everyone is required to obey the leader. I will expand upon this topic after you have listened to Arthur Hinds with I Am Taliesin.


I will not tell you where the word Narcissism comes from. You’ll find out the reason why. But it's been around for a long time. And you all know what Narcissistic Personality Disorder is. What I didn’t know is that there is a Narcissism spectrum. And we all are narcissistic. However, most of us are in the middle of it. Otherwise, some self centeredness is okay. The problem is when someone is on the high extreme of that spectrum, then they would become pathological. These people are mentally ill and have no empathy for anyone. These extreme Narcissists often gaslight, distort the facts, make false accusations, break rules, violate boundaries, exhibit aggression, and display antisocial behavior. I am going to tell you the pagan aspect of all this later on. Here’s Save Me by Alexian.


It's time for another spirit guide of the week. Guess who the spirit guide is this week? If you guessed Narcissus from Greek mythology, you’re right! He is a woodland spirit and an extremely handsome boy. He is where the word narcissism comes from. He is the son of the river spirit Kephisos and the nymph Liriope. Because of his looks, Narcissus had many people fall in love with him. However, arrogance led him to insult Aphrodite and reject a male suitor named Ameinias. Well, he tried to make up with Ameinias by giving him a sword. But Ameinias committed suicide in front of him. As he was dying, he cursed Narcissus. You all know that Narcissus came to a pond and fell in love with his own reflection. Then the nymph Echo saw and fell in love with him. She waited for him to pay attention to her. But that never came. Narcissus never left the pond to eat or drink. He just stared at his own reflection until the day he died. In his place grew a Narcissus flower. You can invoke Narcissus if you have rejected your lover and would like them back to get a second (Or more) chance. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another Spirit Guide of Week.


That was Narcissus by Cynthia McQuillin. Do you know anyone in the pagan community who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance? They think that the world only revolves around them. They exaggerate both their talents and achievements, thinking that they are the best witch. They think they are powerful and successful. But they don’t realize that they are just as mediocre as any other pagan. They love to exploit and manipulate others because they believe that they are superior. They want all the attention for themselves all the time. They love admiration and praise. If the narcissists don’t get what they want, they would lash out and become a bully. They think that they are entitled to everything in life. They can even gaslight you. I’ll give you an example of gaslighting. If you criticize their behavior at a past event, they would say something like “That’s not true. That never happened.” When it actually did. Or they turn it around and question your credibility, making you doubt yourself and thinking that you are crazy. Pagans who are narcissists have a hard time with relationships because of their immaturity, arrogance, and lack of empathy. They only care about how they feel, not how you feel. They also love to one up you because they think that they are the best witch/priest/priestess/magician/pagan in the world. They think they know everything, but in reality, they know very little. Some narcissists love to complain so they can get attention. They would do anything for attention because they constantly crave validation, admiration, and respect. And narcissists do even show their grandiose sense of self on social media. This is dangerous in the pagan community. A narcissistic pagan will do anything to become priest or priestess. This can include manipulation and bullying. Once they do, they would make your coven more like a cult. Another thing that might happen is that you and your coven mates will leave and not attend any more rituals because of this narcissist. What can you do to avoid these narcissists? Well, you can ignore them or run away, but they do need your attention, so that is hard to do. So you think that hexing them will be better? Ah, remember the threefold rule: harm none, and do as ye will? The best way to deal with them is with a protection spell or create an energy shield when you meditate. That’s the only way to deal with these narcissists who think that they are gods or goddesses. But narcissism is everywhere, you can’t ignore or run away from it. I did find that one article on called the Narcissistic Witch, that is in the show notes.

I think that is what these Pagan Narcissists want: Witch War by Loke E. Coyote.


Here's another dream symbol to interpret. There are three in this week’s dream symbol, they are immolation, instruments, and iron. If you had a dream that you set yourself on fire or immolate yourself, it may be a sign that you are oblivious to some areas of your life because you are so obsessed by your ambition, desire, and/or objectives. If you dream that someone immolates you, it probably means that you are struggling with something. To dream that you see someone being immolated indicates that a major transformation is taking place in your life. The presence of musical instruments in a dream may mean you anticipating fun and enjoyment. If you actually play an instrument in real life, your dream could be a practice session for bettering your technique. Seeing surgical instruments in your dream can be a sign that you need to be more cautious in your next move. The metal iron in your dream denotes hardness, wrath, rage, aggression, ruthlessness, and strife. It can also denote power, tenacity, and will. A hot iron in your dream is a symbol of productivity. And an ancient, rusted iron in your dreams represents destitution and failure. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.


It's time for another myth. This story can be found on This one is a Celtic folktale, called Connla and the Fairy Maiden.


That was The Fairy Queen by OMNIA. Before that, you heard Fire and the Mountain by Krista Chapman Green. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. If you want to be the first to know when a new show is coming out. You can subscribe to the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Newsletter at Again, that’s Or if you want to make a one time or monthly donation to you can do so at or Or if you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol - Or you just want to like, share, or comment - you can do so on the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page. On TikTok @midnightstarr2 with two r’s 2. And on Instagram and Twitter. I am going to leave you with Mojo Kemp and Before My Eyes. Blessed be.



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