What it's All About:
Last week, I explored Gen X Pagans, this week we shift gears to a generation known for its tech-savvy nature: Millennials! Join me as we delve into why Paganism's focus on nature and personal practice resonates with this digitally connected generation. We'll discuss modern Pagan rituals, debunk stereotypes, and explore what it means to be a Pagan witch in the 21st century. Buckle up for a fascinating look at Paganism with a millennial twist!
Songs Featured:
Spirit Guide Background Music by Samuel F. Johanns from Pixabay
Meditation Background Music by Jerome Chauvel from Pixabay
Links Mentioned:
Old Episode Poll for July:
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Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol:

Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard a classic from Emerald Rose, Chocolate Frog. Today, I will be exploring Millennial Pagans. Alright everyone, before we get started, let's catch up on some quick announcements. Feeling nostalgic? Head over to the show notes or scan the QR code on the blog or Substack to vote on which classic episode you want to hear next month! I’ve also prepared two questionnaires for you to answer. First, craft the perfect membership perk with me! I'm considering returning to Patreon, but I'm stumped on what kind of rewards to offer at different membership tiers. Stickers and/or T-shirts are a possibility, but I'm open to anything that excites you! Head to the show notes for a short survey where you can share your ideas for awesome perks. Your input is what will make these memberships truly special! The second questionnaire is all about diving deeper into what YOU want to hear! Are you curious about specific aspects of Spirit Guides or dream symbols? Perhaps you have a completely different show topic in mind! This questionnaire is your chance to tell me what sparks your interest. You'll find the link to the questionnaire in the show notes. But wait, there's more! Let's keep the conversation going! Share your ideas on social media - I'm on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Blue Sky, Mastodon - or visit my blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home. I can't wait to hear your thoughts and what ignites your spiritual fire! Calling all podcast devotees! Want to stay on top of the latest episodes and connect with a vibrant community? Head over to musicgoddessvault.substack.com and subscribe to my newsletter. There's a free option to keep you updated, or you can choose a paid subscription to show your support and become a core member of the Music Goddess community! For just $7 a month, or $70 for the whole year, you'll be part of a thriving group of podcast lovers who share your passion! Now for the topic: Millennial Pagans. Last episode, I talked about Pagans from my generation, Generation X. This week, it's all about Millennials and their impact on the Pagan community. But before we get into it, let's listen to Silver Doe (Song for Harry) by Magicfolk.
Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are people born between 1980 and 2000, coming of age in the 2000s (hence the name). While Generation X may have used early forms of the internet, Millennials grew up with it readily available, influencing their communication and social interactions. They are credited with inventing and popularizing social media platforms. Because of social media, more and more pagans are connecting to each other. You can now find Pagan groups thriving on platforms like Facebook or Reddit. And because of this, Paganism has slowly been accepted into the mainstream. I mean, 20 years ago, if you told a stranger you were Pagan, they might look at you like you were a devil worshiper and/or that you have two heads. Nowadays, if you say that you are a pagan, you still get those who think that way, but you also get people who are open-minded, or already know a friend who is also one of us. Back to the topic of Millennial Pagans, and how they're shaping the future of Paganism! I'll explore this further after you listen to Hem Netjer and their song Connect.
Time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. Let’s go back to Greece to talk about the goddess Hebe. She is the goddess who embodies the vibrant energy and beauty of youth. Hebe is considered a patron of young brides, symbolizing the joy and new beginnings of marriage. She is also the cupbearer for the Olympian gods. Hebe is the daughter of the powerful Zeus and his wife Hera. She often assisted her mother, and even served as an attendant for Aphrodite. Hebe was also married off to Heracles before he became a god himself. As the cupbearer for the Olympian gods, she served them ambrosia, keeping them forever young with ambrosia, the food of immortality. If you want to reclaim your youthful spirit, you can call on Hebe for inspiration. Through prayers or meditations, you connect with her energy, hoping to rekindle the vitality and zest for life you associate with youth. For an altar to Hebe, choose vibrant items: candles for youthful energy, perfumes and spring flowers for beauty and new beginnings. You can also add objects reflecting your own youthful pursuits or growth. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Assembly of the Sacred Wheel with Feral Beauty. My search for information on Millennial Pagans was surprisingly thin on the ground. There are resources out there, of course, but for such a growing movement, substantial information seems to be scarce.
Interesting, right? Paganism seems to be gaining traction, especially among younger generations, yet resources specifically for Millennial and Gen Z Pagans seem to be hard to find. The only resource I found that specifically targets this growing movement is the Millennial Pagan Podcast. It sounds like a great listen, and if you're interested in learning more, check it out! As a Gen Xer myself, I'm curious about the rise of Paganism among Millennials and Gen Z. What's drawing you in? If you're a Pagan listener from these generations, feel free to reach out and share your story! I want to talk about the rise of Paganism among Millennials and Gen Z. What I want to talk about is the growing interest in Paganism from not only Millennials, but Gen Z as well. Many of them are tired of the fear tactics that more noticeably, Alt-Right Wing Christians are doing. Pagan beliefs often center around honoring the Earth, which resonates with a generation witnessing climate change firsthand. Plus, Paganism celebrates diversity – it doesn't discriminate based on who you are, who you love, the color of your skin, or what your background is. That's a message that appeals to everyone, wouldn't you say? Speaking of nature, let's take a break with some music that reflects this connection. Here's a song from Moon and the Nightspirit with a beautiful title, translated in English to mean 'The Sigh of Mother Earth.'
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Today there is only one dream symbol and that is Friend. Dreaming of friends can symbolize parts of yourself you haven't fully accepted. The dream suggests you might be ready to acknowledge and integrate these traits. If you see your childhood friend in a dream, it might symbolize a desire to return to a simpler time in your life, free from burdens and obligations. Friends from the past appearing in dreams can hint at a longing to rekindle a connection with a side of yourself you haven't explored in a while. Forging a new friendship in a dream could symbolize a journey towards greater self-acceptance and authenticity. To dream of your friend's friend might represent unfamiliar aspects of yourself that you're beginning to discover. A dream of having sex with a friend may symbolize a deep connection and emotional bond you share with them. It could also represent a desire for greater closeness, not necessarily physical And a dream where your best friend is dying could symbolize the fading or neglect of a quality or aspect of yourself that you associate with your best friend. It might be a call to reignite that part of you. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
For those listening on the go, this next segment is a guided meditation. If you're driving, feel free to skip ahead and come back to it later when you're in a safe space to relax. This next meditation is titled Simply Healing - Guided Meditation and comes from the album Simply Being - Guided Meditation by Tahlia Newland.
You just heard Healing Chant by Heather Alexander. Before that you heard Best Friends by Fay Brotherhood. And that's all I have time for today. But I’m not done with you just yet! Before you head out, I've got some exciting news to share… Next month, I'll be revisiting a classic episode chosen by YOU! Head over to the show notes or scan the QR code on my blog or Substack page to cast your vote in the poll I've created. You have a whole month to pick your favorite episode for a nostalgic listen next time around. Don't miss out on this chance to choose what we revisit! Help shape this podcast by answering two quick questions in the show notes, blog, or on my Substack page. One question asks about dream Patreon perks you'd love to see. The other? It's your chance to brainstorm killer episode topics! Do you have burning questions about spirit guides or dream symbols? This is your chance to ask! I'm also all ears on social media sites like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc. So why not connect and share your thoughts there too! Don't miss a beat! Subscribe to my newsletter for early access to the latest episodes. Head over to musicgoddessvault.substack.com to sign up and be the first to hear all the pagan magic! To end this episode on a powerful note, let's listen to a song that sort of embodies the theme of this show. This is Maiden, Mother, Crone by the Spiral Rhythm. Blessed be.