Image by Jimmy Baum from Unsplash.
What it's All About:
It's all about the ancient Mayans. This culture has a deep connection to nature that many of us can learn from and incorporate into our own modern pagan practices. This civilization is known for its detailed astrological knowledge, its connection with the earth, its respect for nature, its connection with the stars, as well as its detailed understanding of how these things affect our lives. There is also a strong connection between Mayan culture and the spiritual world. I will discuss this all on show.
Songs Featured:
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Spirit Guide of the Week:

By Artist unknown - As detailed., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17665232
Dream Symbol: (There are two)

Image by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash.

Image by Adrien Bruneau on Unsplash.
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. This show began with Circle of Women singing May the Circle Be Open.
This episode focuses on Mayan Paganism. Let's start with some housekeeping. If you like this show a lot, you can contribute as little as three dollars to the Music From the Goddess' Vault Ko-Fi account. You can do this once or monthly. The latest episodes are available there as well. Your money will go to keeping this podcast going. Making a podcast does not come cheap. Donations can be made by going to Ko-Fi.com/goddessvault. Additionally, I will set up a Patreon account soon. As for the newsletter, it hasn't been published yet. I need help with that. If you are doing a newsletter or have done one in the past, please let me know. For the rest of you, I'll keep you posted. Please check out the blog goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home if you haven't already. You can listen to the show from there. Please share this podcast on the blog, the Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault, and TikTok at Midnight Starr two. That's Midnight Starr (with two r's) and the number two. Here is the topic: Mayan paganism. Mayan culture is known for its detailed astrological knowledge, its relationship to the earth, its respect for nature, and its understanding of how these things affect our lives. The Mayans believed that our lives are directly affected by the stars and planets. In pagan belief, we also know that everything is connected, and that there is a strong connection between the stars and planets and the earthly realm. It's been a belief of the Mayans for thousands of years, and we can tap into it as well. I will talk more about Mayan paganism. Here is some more music: Snake Star Song by S. J. Tucker.
Remember that there used to be a conspiracy that the world would end on December 21st, 2012? It was the end of the Mayan calendar cycle, not the end of the world. Let's be clear about that. As modern pagans, the ancient Mayans believed in cycles of life and the natural world. This empire was located in what is now southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and northern Belize. The Mayans were once a powerful civilization. They were at their height of power and influence during the sixth century. Not only are they known for their calendar, but also for pottery, agriculture, hieroglyphic writing, mathematics, artwork, and architecture. The latter has to do with their pyramids. The Mayan Empire collapsed in 1697 because of diseases brought by Europeans, war with the Spanish Conquistadors, and slavery. My next topic will be Mayan paganism. Let’s listen to Crow Women with Belly Pot.
It’s time for another spirit guide of the week. Sticking with the Mayan theme today, I am going to talk about the Goddess Ixchel. She is the goddess of sex, childbirth, healing, creativity, and weaving. She even has complete control over the menstrual cycle. That is the positive part of her personality. Ixchel signifies devastation through water in her bad form. Whether it's the ocean or amniotic fluids, she suppresses the water of life. She is also the goddess of rain and hurricanes. Ixchel fell in love with the sun and her grandfather killed her with lightning bolts. For 13 days, dragonflies sang for her and she appeared alive again and moved into the sun's palace. Since he found out she was having an affair with his brother, the Morning Star, the sun quickly turned into an abusive, jealous husband. Ixchel found refuge with the Vulture Spirit when the sun kicked her out. Soon, the sun changed his mind and asked Ixchel to move back with him. She did so, and he returned to his old ways. She eventually left. Ixchel became the moon, to remain invisible to the sun. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
The song was Rainbow Around the Moon by KIVA. Like modern pagans, ancient Mayans worshipped nature gods. There was a priestly class among them. Astronomy and astrology were important to them. The only difference is that modern pagans don't perform human sacrifices. We don't do the same for animals either. Currently, the Mayan religion survives among the natives of Mexico and Central America. This religion is combined with Roman Catholicism. Now comes the most challenging part of this segment, locating modern pagans groups who worship Mayan gods. I believe there are some pagans who worship them. Through a now defunct pagan study group that I read, someone did ask about worshiping Mayan gods. She received a rude reply. No, it should be only worshiped where the Mayans lived. If you want to worship Mayan gods, go ahead. However, cultural appropriation is another concern. Well, maybe you should just keep worshiping these deities while incorporating them into your modern life. After all, they are nature gods. Cultural appropriation can be tricky to navigate. The next song is God of Thunder by Pagan Rap Gang.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. The dream symbol for this week has two. Television and police. In a dream, watching television reflects your mind and its continuous flow of thought. The television being blurry or broken in your dream indicates that you are approaching a problem incorrectly. A dream in which you were on television means that you have something you want to share with the world. To dream that you are on a reality TV show, it means that you are evading some obligation. The presence of the police in your dreams denotes order, discipline, dominance, and authority. A dream in which you were having trouble getting in touch with the police may be a sign that you haven't accepted your own responsibility. If you dreamed that you were being stopped by the police, it is a sign that you should slow down and relax a bit. To dream that you were being detained by the police, this may indicate that you feel emotionally or sexually confined due to shame. If you flee from the police in your dream, it represents a refusal to accept responsibility for your actions. If you dreamed that you were a police officer, it symbolizes your own integrity and conscience. If you dream that you are looking for a suspect, it means that your moral principles clash with your mischievous and cunning side. And having a dream that you are an undercover police officer suggests that you are acting unethically. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Time for another myth.I'm going back to worldoftales.com. The story is based on a Brazilian tale called The Boy and the Violin.
That was one of the Wigglians himself, Mojo Kemp with Harvest Dance. You can listen to him and Sparrow on The Wigglian Way Podcast wherever you get this podcast. You previously heard Balance of Nature by Alexander James Adams. Before I leave, I have some news to share with you. People have been asking me for a newsletter in the past, and I have forgotten about it. Last year I tried to create one, but discovered there was a lot to consider. I have now created a Music From the Goddess' Vault Newsletter at musicgoddessvault.substack.com. It's up now, and you can sign up to be the first one to know when new episodes will be available. Sign up for free or pay seven dollars a month or seventy dollars a year. It's your choice. Those who pay monthly or yearly subscriptions might have the advantage of seeing a past show, but I haven't decided yet. Just keep in mind that the money will be used to pay for this podcast. As well, I apologize to those of you viewing the blog through a mobile device. I tried to make the newsletter banner fit, but it isn't mobile-friendly. You can tap a link below that to do just that. In addition, I mentioned at the beginning of the show that the podcast now has a Ko-Fi account. I am asking for one-time or monthly subscriptions through Ko-Fi.com/goddessvault for as little as three dollars or more. I have already posted some previous episodes there for you to listen to again. Feel free to donate. You can also make suggestions for songs, show topics, spirit guides, or dream symbols, as well as like, share, and donate to the show through the Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page, goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home, one TikTok at Midnight Starr (With two r's) two, and goddess vault on Instagram and Twitter. I am going to leave you with Janice Kephart with Star Stacked Tall. Blessed Be.