What it's All About:
In this episode of Music From the Goddess' Vault, I discuss the concept of manifestation. I focus on a straightforward exploration of manifestation itself, distinct from any specific lens such as music. Share your experiences, and subscribe for more episodes. Let's examine the practical aspects of intention and belief, tapping into the limitless possibilities of manifestation. Tune in, let the discussion unfold, and watch your desires manifest!
Songs Featured:
Spirit Guide Background Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
Dream Symbol Background Music by ValentineSeasons from Pixabay
Meditation Background Music by Ivan Ryzhko from Pixabay
Links Mentioned:
December Choose a New Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast Logo Poll
Choose Your Favorite Past Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast Episode for January
The Witch's Guide to Manifestation: Witchcraft for the Life You Want
I Asked A Witch About Manifesting & It Made Me Realize I’ve Been Doing It All Along
December Choose a New Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast Logo Poll:

Choose Your Favorite Past Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast Episode for January:
Get in Touch Through Social Media:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)



Welcome to another episode of the music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard a new track from WillowWynd called Retrograde. The topic of today’s show is all about manifesting. Before we jump into today's topic, I've got a couple of quick announcements. I've set up two polls for your input—one to help choose a new logo, and another for you to pick which past episode of my show we should revisit. Don't miss the opportunity to make your voice heard! Simply click the links provided in the show notes or scan the QR codes on the blog and Substack page. Act quickly; these polls are only open for a month. If last month's winning choice for the logo retains its top spot, this could be the final round for that one. The second will be ongoing. And for our new listeners, you're more than welcome to participate! Now, an update on both polls: As of now, no one has cast their votes on either of them. I understand you're all busy, but rest assured, participating won't take more than five minutes. With December 31st approaching rapidly, your votes are crucial, especially for one of these polls. So, don't delay, click the link, and have your say before the year comes to a close! Update on both the polls: No one has voted yet on either of them. I know that you are busy, but this vote won’t take you more than five minutes to do. You better hurry because December 31st is fast approaching. I do need votes for one of these two polls more than the other. I invite you to check out my newsletter at musicgoddessvault.substack.com. Choose the subscription that works for you: $7 per month, $70 per year, or get it for free. Your support really means a lot to me! Stay tuned for a poll coming soon where I'll be asking for your ideas on extra perks for podcast subscribers. I'm eager to hear your suggestions! Whether it's a show idea, a recommended spirit guide, or a dream symbol you'd like to discuss, your input is valued. Connect with me on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, Threads, or visit my blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home. Now for the topic: Manifestation.I know that you most likely heard of this term before, and opinions vary. Some may find it a bit too mystical, while others swear by its effectiveness. I'll discuss manifestation and its connection to paganism after you listen to Wish You Were Here by Blackmore’s Night.
I know when you hear the word manifestation, you might picture one of the following: the documentary The Secret, writing in your gratitude journal, creating your vision board, or casting a spell wishing for something. Otherwise, anything related to wishful thinking. The concept of the Law of Attraction traces back to 1906 with the publication of a book called Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkins. This work introduced the idea of thoughts, vibrations, energy, and the notion of gratitude.
Then there was another book published in 1910 called The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Delois Wattles. This is where he continues on with the thoughts becoming things idea, but this time with money involved. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s when the whole idea of the Law of Attraction first came into my awareness, thanks to Jerry and Esther Hicks. Some of you already know who this couple is. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Esther Hicks started channeling an entity known as Abraham. Her experience piqued her husband's interest, and their popularity grew from there. But there is more to manifestation than meets the eye, and part of it has to do with hard work. The best example of what I mean is looking for a new job. You just can’t do a job search spell and hope that one comes out of thin air. You still have to write your resume, go onto the job boards, network, and do job interviews. I am not saying not to do a find a job spell; you can still do that while doing all that leg work in looking for one. And I know in this example, looking for work is extremely hard these days. There are many reasons why, which I will not get into because I don’t want to get off topic here. However, the same goes for looking for love. you don’t just sit there and wish for a man or woman to instantly fall onto your lap. You still have to go on dating sites, talk to other people in person, and go on a bunch of first dates to do that. You see where I am getting at with this. I am going to talk about how Manifestation is related to Paganism after you hear The Law of Three by Crow Women.
I’m back in India to talk about the God Krishna. There are many adjectives that vividly describe the multifaceted nature of this Hindu deity. He is a free-spirited, lively, and fearless presence, exuding a vibrant aura that captivates those who encounter him. In his role as the divine child, Krishna becomes a manifestation of vitality, bringing forth boundless energy, unbridled joy, and an innate playfulness. Moreover, Krishna's charm is nothing short of captivating, leaving an indelible impression on those fortunate enough to witness the divine spectacle that is his existence. Krishna is known for his playful antics, always in good spirits and without any evil intentions. As the most cherished Hindu deity, Krishna takes on the roles of a spiritual teacher, guide, and advisor. Krishna is also portrayed as a captivating and alluring lover. He is the avatar of Vishnu and is a powerful deity who triumphs over the most formidable, lethal, and poisonous demons. And he also played a big role in the epic the Mahabharata. What you can offer Krishna on your altar are the following: Butter and Sweets. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Child Divine by Ginger Ackley. How does manifesting tie into paganism, you might wonder? Well, in the pagan community, opinions vary. Some argue that spells and divination are a core part of it, while others firmly disagree. It's a diverse perspective within our community – some say no, others say yes. The concept of the Law of Attraction isn't anything new ; however, it experienced a revival amid the pandemic. Yet, I believe it might just be another fad, like the Secret was. What are your thoughts on this? In the pagan community, the way we define magic differs from what you often see in the media. It's not about wishes materializing out of thin air. Instead, we emphasize the importance of being clear and specific about our desires before going into any divination or spells. How we approach magic is rooted in intention. This holds true for any wish we may have. As pagans, we recognize that putting in the effort and undertaking the necessary work is crucial to achieving our desires, much like everyone else. When it comes to the question of whether manifestation is witchcraft, I'd respond with both a yes and a no. What are your thoughts on this? Now, let's enjoy Goodnight Sweet Witches by Reclaiming.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Once again there are three: Banana, Bank, and Baseball. In dreams, when you see bananas, it often symbolizes feelings or desires that you might be keeping to yourself or not expressing openly. If you happen to dream about a banana peel, it suggests a reminder to be cautious and avoid making mistakes. Dreaming about eating a banana may suggest that despite your efforts, you might experience limited rewards or gains for your hard work. Dreams featuring banks often relate to your wish for financial stability and security. If you dream of robbing a bank, it might indicate that you're expending too much energy, leading to potential exhaustion. Dreaming of someone robbing a bank, or you were witnessing a bank robbery can symbolize a sense of financial instability in real-life. To dream of going to a baseball game can symbolize a sense of satisfaction and tranquility. Dreaming of being on a baseball field suggests the importance of paying attention to the opportunities that may be presenting themselves to you.
Seeing a baseball field under construction in your dream may point to lingering unresolved issues regarding sexuality. And dreaming of playing baseball suggests a desire for setting and accomplishing goals. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Once again, if you're listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please feel free to skip ahead. The track is from the album Nammaste - Guided Meditation by Tearing Up. It's simply called Music and Guided Meditation.