What it's All About:
I guess that you can call this a double feature. First, two days ago, on Social Media, I wrote this question: "I need some Pagan Music recommendations. Anyone got one?" I got a lot of responses. So I will try to play as many as I can in this show. Plus, I will be talking about Liminal Deities. Who and what are they.
Songs Featured:
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)



Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess' Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard Hekate by Faun requested by Raven Crow on Facebook.
Today's show is all about Luminal Deities and musical requests. But first, if you can, please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook, goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home, or wherever you can talk to everyone you know. And don't forget to check out the blog. Out of the blue, a few days ago, I posted a question on Social Media asking for Pagan Music Recommendations. I didn't think that I would be getting any responses, but I did. So I will be playing as many as I can in this show. That is why I am calling this a Luminal Deities/Request Show. Sometime in the coming days or weeks, I will be requesting show topics, spirit guides, and dream symbols. I don't know when I will be doing those.
Now for the other topic: Luminal Deities. You might be asking yourself what are luminal deities and who are they? I will be answering those two questions here. Here is a request from Wild Urban Priestess on Twitter. She mentioned two names. One of them is Heloise Pilkington, whom I never played before. So the Song that I am going to play is I am the Beauty of the Goddess.
Before I get into the Liminal Gods and Goddesses, I want to focus on the word Liminality for a moment. I looked around and found that every website agreed with this definition of Liminality. It's a rite of passage or an inner transition, or a phase. We all go through some sort of change from one stage of life to the next. So the deities that I will be talking about have something to do with a transition. Here's another artist requested by Wild Urban Priestess on Twitter: Damh the Bard with Winds of Change.
Time for another spirit guide of the week. I am going back to ancient Greece to talk about the Levantine deity Adonis. He is an extremely handsome god. Adonis is the deity of pleasure. He’s gorgeous, loves to have fun, and is a divine lover. He also loves to hunt. Adonis’ myth is that he was the son of the myrrh tree. As the story goes, a wild boar slashed the tree in halve and out came him as a baby. Aphrodite soon rescues him and gives Adonis to Persephone. He grew up in Hades’ underworld palace and became Persephone’s and Aphrodite’s boy toy. There was another myth that Persephone and Aphrodite did agree that Adonis spends four months with Persephone, four months with Aphrodite, and four months to do whatever he wants to do, which is to spend more time with Aphrodite. Adonis’ name is a Jewish variant of a word translated to mean “My Master.” He was a very important Phoenician god. What you can offer Adonis on your alter are the following: Any hunting equipment, Aphrodisiacs, Easter cake and bread, sex toys, and other sensual gifts. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Handsome Rogue by S. J. Tucker, requested by Celestial Spirit on Twitter. So who are the luminal deities? Well, I am not going to mention all of them here. So instead, here are a few of them. Of course, you got Hekate and Hermes in the Greece pantheon. But there is also Adonis, Persephone, and Dionysus. In the Roman Pantheon, you got Bacchus, Janus, Diana, Mercury, and more. In Norse mythology, you have Odin and two others which I cannot pronounce their names. Plus, there are a lot of Liminal deities in all the different Asian and African pantheons. Here's another request; this one is from the artist themselves on Facebook. It's Derek Schmidt with XVThe Devil.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Again there are three in this week’s dream symbol. They are sentencing, sesame, and sewer. Dreaming of prison sentences usually means that some area of your waking life is holding you back. If you dream of being sentenced, you need to be responsible for your actions and face your problems head-on. To dream that someone else is being sentenced indicates that you think that they need to be responsible for their actions. If you had a death sentencing dream, it’s telling you that you need to do something for a limited time. Sesame in dreams usually means wealth and hidden treasures. If you eat or cook sesame paste in your dreams represents you processing something in your life. If you had a dream with sesame oil in it indicates you are striving to work hard. Sewer in dreams means letting go of old beliefs. Sewer pipes in dreams symbolize a deep, suppressed subconscious mind. And if your dream had a sewer that was flooded with mud and/or garbage means that you are feeling disrespected, unacknowledge, and belittled. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show.
Here's a nice, deep, and relaxing meditation. If you are listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle or working on machinery that requires your attention, please skip ahead. The following meditation is a single from Guided Meditation called 5 Minute Guided Meditation for Happiness.
That was Wendy Rule with World Between Worlds. It's another request from Celestial Spirit on Twitter. Before that was (And I hope that I pronounce this right) Auciello Grifone by Emian requested the band of the same name also on Twitter. That is it for this show. Again, I'm your host, Midnight Starr. I don't mind you contacting me through the Music From the Goddess' Vault Podcast, or goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com, or Instagram and Twitter at Goddess vault if you want to make a song request, or suggest a topic for the show, spirit guide or dream symbol. Or if you're going to, you can like, share, or comment. I am going to leave you with Persephone by Kellianna. Blessed be and be safe.