What it's All About:
In this episode, I explore Folk/Traditional Witchcraft. Join me as I talk about this interesting subject.
I'll share insights and knowledge to provide a deeper understanding of this tradition. Whether you're a curious seeker or a seasoned practitioner, let's delve into the world of Folk/Traditional Witchcraft together.
Songs Featured:
Queen of the Witches (Alternative Version) by Tuatha de Danann
Merry May Folk by Emerald Rose Spirit Guide Background Music by Paolo Argento from Pixabay Dream Symbol Background Music by 42860308 from Pixabay Meditation Background Music by Benjamin James from Pixabay
Links Mentioned:

Choose Your Favorite Past Music from the Goddess' Vault Podcast Ostara Episode for April:
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Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are two)


Amusement Park
Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just heard an alternative version of Queen of the Witches by Tuatha de Danann. The topic of today’s show is all about Folk/Traditional Witchcraft. Before we jump into today's episode, I'd like to share some quick updates and announcements with all of you. Among them, I have two polls waiting for your input. The first one is about choosing new logo for the show, and your votes will decide the winner! The winning logo, chosen by you, will need to maintain its position for three consecutive months. Only then will it become the new face of the podcast. You can access the links in the show notes or scan the QR codes on the blog and Substack page to cast your vote. In the second poll, choose which of my earlier episodes you'd like to hear again. And again, you just simply follow the links and vote! Remember, these polls are open for just a month, so be sure to act quickly!
As we move forward, you're welcome to subscribe to my newsletter at musicgoddessvault.substack.com. Choose from the $7 monthly plan, the $70 yearly plan, or enjoy the free membership. Join me to stay connected! Have suggestions for upcoming show topics? Reach out to me via Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, Threads, visit my blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home, or now on bluesky. I can't wait to hear your ideas! Now for the topic: folk/traditional witchcraft. You probably got the idea of what it actually is. I'll talk about it more, once you've heard Wood Witch by Willow Wynd.
Folk and traditional witchcraft include many cultures worldwide, not just in Europe. This also includes the America’s, Australia, Asia, and Africa as well. Otherwise, all over the world. Modern witchcraft began with Gardner's creation of Wicca, but each culture's traditional practices are special to its own stories and beliefs. According to the author of the blog The Cursey Trash Witch on Tumblr, traditional witchcraft embodies the myth and folklore of various cultures, such as Scottish, Italian, African, and more. It's not limited to European traditions. While modern witchcraft traces back to Gardner and Wicca, each culture's traditional witchcraft is unique to its folklore.” I do have that article in the show notes.
Many of you are reconnecting with your ancestors through this form of paganism, starting with genealogy or conversations with family members. It's not just about ancestor worship; it's about reconnecting with the land. You already got the gist of what this path is all about. In the next segment, I will talk about how to get into Folk/Traditional Witchcraft. I think that I have already mentioned one way here. But there are more. Now, let's move forward with this next track: Talking to Ancestors by Spiral Rhythm.
Time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. This time, I am going back to Ancient Rome to talk about the spirit Sylvanus. He is the horned guardian spirit of the forest and open fields. You might think that I am talking about Cernunnos, but this is Sylvanus. He also watches over the edges of the wilderness, thresholds, and natural barriers. Sylvanus wasn't merely a typical deity symbolizing the wild; he embodied the spirit of fields when his woodland transformed into fertile grounds for agriculture. Accordingly, he assumed the role of guardian for herds and cattle. His name in Latin translates to mean “Forest Spirit.” The Ancient Romans sometimes compared Sylvanus to Faunus. He's also similar to Pan because he enjoys scaring travelers who are alone. For those who wish to worship Sylvanus on their altar: traditional offerings include the first seasonal fruits of the harvest, along with meat and wine. However, in Ancient times, these offerings were strictly a part of a ritual performed by men. Women were barred from taking part due to animal sacrifice. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Faun with the song that in English is translated to “The Wild Hunt”. Before I go into discussing how to become a Folk/Traditional Witch, I'd like to touch on some common beliefs within this tradition. I get that each culture is different, but there are shared themes among those who practice Folk Traditional Witchcraft. Allow me to share some of these common themes: Most practitioners believe that all living spirits are present in everything and are conscious beings. They can be animals, rocks, plants, bodies of water, and more. When it comes to gods, some practitioners believe in and interact with them, while others don't. I know everyone is aware of this common aspect, which is Familiars. Familiars can originate not only from the animal world, but the spiritual or ancestral realm as well.
And the last thing that most Folk Traditional Witches have in common is ancestral veneration. This can manifest through healing or acquiring knowledge. Now I am going to talk about how to become a Folk Traditional Witch. The first thing you have to do is to read everything related to Witchcraft, Paganism, or Wicca. This involves more than just online or social media content; you must read books by Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Scott Cunningham, or any of the many renowned Pagan authors out there. Also, check out books on herbalism, tarot, astrology, chaos magic, and more. Just keep reading and soaking up as much knowledge as possible. The second step is to learn about your ancestry. You can achieve this by talking to your family members, and conducting research on sites like Ancestry.com. However, don’t limit yourself to merely knowing the country your ancestors came from; read books about the folklore of those cultures. This is to get a sense of how you are going to practice Folk Traditional Witchcraft. If you want to learn more about this tradition, there are tons of information on the web. Now let's move on to another track: Ancestors of Stone by Dargaard.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. This week there are only two: Ace and Amusement Park. Dreaming of seeing an ace within a deck of cards may indicate a sense of uncertainty in your life. If you saw the ace of hearts in your dream, it means that you are involved in some love affair. If you dream of seeing the ace of hearts, it suggests that you are involved in a romantic relationship. If you dream of seeing the ace of spades, it could mean you're caught up in some kind of controversy. To catch sight of the ace of diamonds, it represents your heritage or reputation. Dreaming of seeing the ace of clubs, suggests that you might find yourself embroiled in a legal issue or affair. If you dream of being in an amusement park, it suggests that you should make time for more leisure and pleasure in your life. If in your dream, the amusement park was closed, it implies that you're depriving yourself of opportunities for fun and relaxation. Dreaming that the amusement park is deserted or abandoned suggests that you should be more open to experiencing enjoyment and thrills. And If you dream that the rides at the amusement park are falling apart, it means something in your life isn't going as you thought it would. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Again, if you are listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. This next track comes from the Simply Being Version 2 by Tahlia Newland, and it's called Simply Being - Guided Meditation.
That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. Currently, there are two polls going on right now. I want you to go cast your vote on both of them! I'm looking for a new logo, and I need your help to choose the perfect one. Head to the show notes or easily scan the QR codes on my blog and Substack page to check out the options. Once the polls close each month, I'll reveal the winning logo. But that logo will face off against four new contenders. If it remains undefeated for three months, it will be declared the winner. Next, Here's an opportunity for you to choose one of the past episodes of my podcast you'd like to hear again. To participate, check the links in the show notes or scan the QR code on my blog and Substack. This poll will continue each month after the logo one is finished. You have a full month to make your choices, so feel free to do it without delay! Do you have any topics for the show, questions about spirit guides, or particular dream symbols you'd like me to cover? You can visit my website at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home or find me on various social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, X, Instagram, Mastodon, Thread, and Bluesky. I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas! And stay ahead and be the first to receive the latest episodes! Subscribe to my newsletter at musicgoddessvault.substack.com! As I bring today's show to an end, let's enjoy Merry May Folk by Emerald Rose. Blessed Be.