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What it's All About:
On this episode, I'm going to dive into Faery Wicca. People who follow this religion believe humans can make powerful magical faeries. People who practice Faery Wicca think they can summon powerful magical faeries through spells and blood magic. It's one of the most popular forms of magic, and it's also linked to the idea of the perfect woman—where women are having endless potential for greatness. This has been linked to the concept of a perfect woman living in a place known as the "Fairies Wood."
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Spirit Guide of the Week:

By Taken from http://hosting-24300.tributes.com/show/Eris-Martin-Loomis-93929974, where it is/was stated: "photo. Museum (I.Gesk) © Berlin Antikensammlung", Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1171641
Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash.

Photo by Vala Alta on Unsplash.

Photo by Tharun Thejus on Unsplash.
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. I’m sure you liked the song I just played, Fairies Stole My Keys by Emerald Rose. Today, I will be talking about Faery Wicca. But first, I am now on Mastodon. You can find me @goddessvault@witches.live. For those who are unaware, Mastodon is a Twitter alternative. It’s different from Twitter, so there’s a bit of a learning curve. This microblogging site focuses on community, and each Server (Or Instance as they call it) has rules to follow. But I’ll still be on Twitter @goddessvault. If you love this show, you can become a supporter of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast on glow.fm. You can pay five dollars a month, $50 a year, or a one time fee of 20 bucks. The payments will go towards keeping this show running.. To do this, please visit: http://www.glow.fm/musicfromthegoddessvaultpodcast. You can also make a donation to http://www.ko-fi.com/goddessvault or http://www.patreon.com/goddessvault. You can stay up-to-date on the latest from the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast by signing up for their newsletter. You will be informed as soon as new shows are released. You can access past episodes by paying seven dollars per month or seventy dollars per year. Or you can subscribe for free at http://musicgoddessvault.substack.com. That's http://musicgoddessvault.substack.com. And finally, if you have any suggestions for this show, you can contact me through the blog https://goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home. The Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page. TikTok at Midnight Starr with two r’s and the number two. Instagram and Twitter @goddessvault. And now Mastodon at @goddessvault@witches.live.
Now for the topic: Faery Wicca. I think that there is more to this form of Wicca than just worshiping Fairies. I’m going to learn more about paganism with some of you after you listen to Bran Cerddorion’s song, Dancing with the Fae.
When I say fairy, you likely think of Tinkerbell and all the other ones in fantasy literature and folklore. The core of Faery Wicca is built upon a foundation of those beliefs, but there is an entire realm of knowledge and understanding that cannot be overlooked. I will go into more detail about the practice at a later point. But to give you a better understanding, I will give you some background on it. Kisma Stepanich is credited as the founder of Faery Wicca, yet any further information on the history of it has been difficult to find. After extensive searches, the web could not provide an answer as to when this form of Wicca may have originated. It is nothing like the Feri tradition, which was created by Victor Anderson. Faery Wicca draws on both Irish Mythology and the traditions of the Tuatha De Danann, and incorporates these elements into its practices and rituals. If you aren't aware, the Tuatha De Danann were a mythological race of powerful gods from days gone by. Here’s Ophelia’s Dream with Fairy Dance.
It's time for another spirit guide of the week. I’m going back to Greece to talk about the goddess Eris. She was known as the one who brought chaos and strife, and was highly regarded as an influential force in ancient Greek culture. Her character was often seen as both powerful and mischievous. She’s also known as Discordia. Her brother is Ares, the god of war. She is one of many spirits who helps her brother whenever they are in a battle. Eris is usually portrayed as a beautiful woman with wings. Her most famous myth is the one that she is not in. She didn’t get the invite to attend Thetis’ wedding, which was a major event in Mount Olympus. She threw a golden apple with “For the Fairest” written on it into the banquet hall. Then there was total chaos when Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena fought for the apple. Even though Eris’ present was meant for the bride. She observed the chaos while she was in hiding. The three women’s fight caused the judgment of Paris to happen, leading to the Trojan war. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week
That was Death Comes (The Wedding Night) by Inkubus Sukkubus. Faery Wicca is another branch of Celtic Paganism. They focus on the natural world. They practice in nature, like forests and parks, when the weather isn’t too cold. They focus on working with magical creatures, elementals, and nature spirits. Practitioners of Faery Wicca often take their magickal practices and combine them with the wheel of the year, solar and lunar cycles, and nature. They understand the divine through many deities or Fae aspects. Hey, no matter how you spell them, Fae and Faery mean the same thing in this path. Otherwise, they are used interchangeably. They think a way into the faerie realm could be through a hole in the ground, a hidden cave, lake, or a whirlpool in the sea. They say the passageway to the Astral Realm, the Land of the Fae, or whatever else it's called, is wide open when something is in transition.That includes changes in the day, Equinox, Solstices, moon phases, and Samhain. I talked about Kisma Stepanich, who created Faery Wicca, earlier in this podcast. She wrote a book all about Faery Witchcraft called Faery Wicca Book One: Theory and Magic: A Book of Shadows and Light. It's in the show notes if you are interested in learning more about Faery Witchcraft. Let’s take a pause and groove to Summer of the Fae by Mama Gina.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Again there are three: Hammock, Handkerchief, and Hanging. Typically, hammocks in dreams indicate that you should take some time for fun and relaxing activities. In your dreams, you were lounging in a hammock; this alludes to your respect and gratitude for life. If you dreamed that you fell out of a hammock, it means that you are being misled to believe that everything is fine when it is not. Handkerchiefs in dreams typically indicate that you will suffer some sort of humiliation or dishonor. In dreams, seeing a ripped or stained handkerchief denotes broken connections. Losing a handkerchief in a dream represents being cut off from your friends and family. If you dreamed that you were hanging your clothes up, it may be a sign that you are refining your ideas and expanding your consciousness. If you were hanging out with and socializing with friends or other people in your dreams, it is a way for your mind to relax and loosen up. If you ever had a dream that you were hanging yourself, it may be a sign that you are attempting to run away from shame or fear. And If you had had a dream that you were witnessing a hanging, it symbolizes unease. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Time for another myth. So, I’m back to sharing another story from https://www.worldoftales.com. This one is from Ireland and it is called The Field of Bolianus.
That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. Got an idea for a show topic, spirit guide or dream symbol? Share it on the website https://goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home, through the Facebook page, TikTok at Midnight Starr with r’s 2, Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault, and now on Mastodon at goddessvault@witches.live. If you want to help keep this show going, you can donate money to either https://www.ko-fi.com/goddessvault,https://www.patreon.com/goddessvault, or you can become a fan on https://www.glow.fm/goddessvaultpodcast. If you want to be the first to hear the latest episode, you can sign up for the newsletter https://musicgoddessvault.substack.com. I’m going to leave you with The Faery Ring by Magicfolk.