Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash.
What it's All About:
What is energy magic? Join me on the Music From the Goddess' Vault Podcast for a discussion on how to use this energy in your own spellwork. Plus, does the Law of Attraction have something to do with it? Find out this and more when you tune in!
Some of you might be asking yourself, what is Energy Magic? There are two ways that you can use energy in your spellwork. So stay tuned. Plus you might have to excuse the fact that the host has a sore throat.
Songs Featured:
The Law by Threefold
Words of Encouragement (Soft Female Voice) by Bob Baker’s Inspiration Project
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Photo by James Wainscoat of Unsplash.
Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Image by John Paulsen on Unsplash.

Image by the blowup on Unsplash.

Image by Zane Lee on Unsplash.
I am your host, Midnight Starr. What you heard at the start of the show was Spirit of the Green by Spiral Dance. The topic of today’s show is all about Energy Magic. First, I would like to thank Leatica from Facebook for responding with a personal story regarding the last show about Modern-Day Witch Hunts. She also talked about colonization which is the reason for these Witch Hunts, particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. If you haven’t done so already, you can check out the blog goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home. Also, please spread the word of this podcast through the blog, the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, and on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. Now for the topic: Energy Magic. I first encountered this in the form of the Law of Attraction thanks to the movie The Secret. I will not put that in the show notes because there are some controversies with it. But the Law of Attraction does have something to do with the Energy magic. There are two ways that you can use Energy Magic in your practice. I will explain all after you hear Energy in Motion by Elaine Silver.
I will put this into layman’s terms for those of you who didn’t listen to my Law of Attraction episode. It’s a universal law of like attracts like. An example of this would be that you attract people who are similar to you. The catch is that you have to think and be positive for positive things to come into your life. The same thing goes with if you are negative, then negative things will come into your life. The problem with the law of attraction, as it seems, is that you can’t be positive all the time. So you do need to express those negative emotions sometimes. The other problem is the belief that life will be better if you think positively. No, it won’t if you think positively and do creative visualizations to manifest more money, a soulmate, or an expensive car. That is the idea behind the movie The Secret, which critics laughed at. You will not get what you wish for immediately; it takes weeks, months, and even years to manifest itself. Otherwise, life doesn’t work out that way if you just visualize what you wished for, hoping it will come soon. I’m not saying that you can’t be positive and dream of an expensive vacation or a car. You can be positive, but you also have to be realistic. Now you are asking what does this has to do with Energy Magic? Well, I will give you a slight hint; it has to do with intention. I’ll explain more after you hear Threefold with The Law.
Off to the animal kingdom, I go to talk about the Hummingbird. I know that you are very busy right now. Totem animal hummingbird is here to remind you to become playful and bring more joy into your life. You need to enjoy your life more than you are. Even if you find yourself surrounded by negativity, you might have to call on Hummingbird to protect you from that and lift your spirits. It also tells you to be in the present moment and not worry about the past or future. Power animal Hummingbird lets you know that you are adaptable with whatever twists and turns that life brings you. You know that you have to keep an optimistic outlook during those times. But I know that sometimes you might feel shame or guilt towards a situation. In that case, you might have to call on Spirit Animal Hummingbird to help you out with that. And Hummingbird is also saying that you are a very fiercely independent person. You know what you want. So why not treat yourself with the gifts of flowers, herbs, or other plants that you can grow indoors. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Wings by Reclaiming featuring Suzanne Sterling. I talked about the Law of Attraction earlier because the only thing that you can learn from it is the manipulation of energy. But again, the instant wish fulfillment part of the Law of Attraction will still not happen. Like anything, Energy Magic does take time to master. There are two ways that you can do Energy Magic. The first one is the most obvious with all the ingredients of a spell or ritual. In this case, Energy Magic is in your intention before you do a spell or ritual and in the meditation. And then, you can put whatever ingredient you want in your spell, but you still have to focus on the intention throughout it. The second way to do Energy Magic is without any ingredients. Again, intention and meditation are involved. But you can do it without any herbs or crystals or candles. But you can chant, drum, dance, or say what you want. There is a book that I haven’t finished reading called Kinesic Magic by Donald Tyson. His reason for writing this book is that people new to paganism do not have to spend a lot of money on crystals, candles, herbs, etc. By the way, I do have the link to the book Kinesic Magic in the show notes. Kinesic magic is all about using your body. He has illustrations of postures that you can try out and integrate into your ritual and spells. I haven’t played any Three Weird Sisters tunes in a while. So here is Blue Spell for you all.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. There are once again three in this week’s dream symbol: Garage, garbage, and garden. Garages in dreams usually represent inactivity and lack of direction. If you put your car into the garage in your dreams, you would be stable and secure because of your efforts. To open the garage door in your dreams signifies a decision that you made. If you had a dream where a homeless family is living in your garage, it’s telling you of something missing in your waking life. If you see garbage in your dreams, it signifies an unwanted and rejected part of yourself. To throw away garbage in your dreams means that you are getting rid of some bad habits, characteristics, and traits. If you find something of value in the garbage in your dreams, it indicates that you will find some value in your life where you least expect it. If the garden of your dreams had fruits and vegetables, it signifies that whatever hard work you did will pay off. If it is a flower garden that you saw in your dreams, it means loving, comforting, tranquility, and nurturing yourself. If the garden of your dreams was a tropical one, it’s telling you that you need to be cozy and warm. And if the garden in your dreams is sparse and infested with weeds, it represents forgetting about your spirituality. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Again, if you are listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. The following meditation comes from the album Guided Meditation for Abundance, Energy, Relaxation, and Creativity by Bob Baker’s Inspiration Project. This one is called Words of Encouragement (Soft Female Voice).
That was Blackmore’s Night with Spirit of the Sea. Before that, you heard Green Garden by Eivor. That is it for the show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol. Or if you don’t, you can always like, share, or comment on goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home or through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page. And on Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault. I am going to leave you with Set Your Spirit Free by Arthur Hinds. Blessed be.