What it's All About:
This was spoken about in the last show. However, apologies to all but this form of divination isn't scrying. It's something else. There are two forms out there. I will talk about each plus more.
Songs Featured:
Pendulum by Elaine Silver
Water by Threefold
Storm and Stress by Ostara
By and By by Leslie Hudson
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)



Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. What you heard was Pendulum by Elaine Silver. The topic of today’s show is all about dowsing. Please check out goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home. Go ahead and let me know what you think of it and this show. And you can even listen to this podcast on the website. If you can, please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook, goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home, or wherever you can talk to everyone you know. Now for the topic: dowsing. I have to apologize for something that I said in the last show. I mentioned that the pendulum and another form of drowsing is scrying. I also have to apologize for mispronouncing it. I said drowsing instead of dowsing. The latter is the correct term. Well, I didn’t know that I would do a show on dowsing after the last show. So I am going to talk about those two forms more on this show. Just to note here, it is essential for you, the audience, to suggest a topic for a future show. If you don’t know what topics I’ve already covered, you can listen to past shows. There is one past episode that I had to delete that I will talk about again later on. Let’s start the show off with this next song, S. J. Tucker, with Stick it.
The history of dowsing is as old as us being on this planet. It was initially called Rhabdomancy. You know that dowsing can be a pendulum or a wooden or metal Y or L-shaped rod. In Ancient Egypt and Babylon, they used split reed as a method. And in circa 2200 BCE, the Chinese Emperor Kwang Sung was also known to have dowsed. Feng shui evolved from the theory of linking both Rhabdomancy and geomancy. The ancient Romans and Greeks used dowsing as an oracle. Even early Jews have used it for their benefit. However, dowsing as we know it today came from 16th Century Germany, where it was used to find metals. And of course, you can find water with that as well, which is the next tune from Threefold.
It's time for the spirit guide of the week. I am going back to ancient Greece to talk about the Goddess Hera. She is the queen of Greece, goddess of women and marriage. And, of course, Zeus’ vengeful wife. Actually, Hera is Zeus’ older sister, whom he tricked into marrying him. He did this by taking the form of a cuckoo, which was caught in a rainstorm. The first 300 years of their marriage were happy. But you know Zeus is known for his many extramarital affairs with both goddesses and mortal women. When Hera finds out about his affairs, she becomes bitter and angry to the point where she fiercely punishes his lovers. She even punishes Heracles, who is Zeus’ son, born to a mortal princess. Hey, she’s been giving him a hard time even before he was born. Her name might mean lady or the feminine form of hero. Hera has the power to fulfill your wishes or punish you when you displease her. What you can offer Hera on your altar are the following: Flowers, honey, perfume, incense, and pomegranates. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was Chainless by Leslie Hudson. So how do you dowse, the beginner’s guide? I know that some of you already know this. If I miss something, again, please write to me.
I am going to start with the pendulum. Before you set an intention or ask a closed-ended question, you first want to determine the pendulum’s movement for “yes” and “no.” To do this, you have to ask the pendulum what the movement is for, yes. For example, it might move in a clockwise circle, for yes, and back and forth for “no.” The next step is to meditate and set your intention. Then you ask the pendulum only yes or no questions. I do have three videos on the blog that will show you how to use a pendulum correctly. As I mentioned, I can’t do it because of essential tremors. I tried to find a stand that I can use a pendulum on, but there isn’t any. There are lots of clothes, paper, and you can even draw yourself a circle with “yes,” “no,” “maybe,” etc. on it. But I would rather keep it simple. Now for dowsing rods. I already told you the different types of dowsing rods, the Y and L-shape ones made out of wood or metal. When you first try to get a feel of the rods in your hands. You can ask it to show you the movement for a yes and then a no. You can meditate to set an intention. You can also ask it to find something, like your keys, for example. Again, I do have some YouTube videos on the blog for you to watch how to use those. Here’s Elane with Crystal Clear Water.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Again there are three in this week's dream symbol. They are washing, weather and weight. If you had a dream where you were washing yourself, it means that you are pleased about your social life. To dream that you are washing your hands indicates some worrying issue that you need to work at. If you had a dream where you are washing your feet, it's telling you that you are ready to make those significant changes in your life. Weather in dreams usually represents your own emotional state of mind. If there was stormy or windy weather in your dreams, it signifies aggression and conflict. Rain and hail in dreams mean sadness and depression. If there were either rainbows and/or sunshine in your dreams, it represents hope and happiness. To dream that you can change the weather, it's telling you that you can turn your emotions on and off. To dream of your own weight usually means something about your self-esteem, influence, self-worth, or persuasiveness. If you had a dream of losing weight, it suggests that responsibilities are not weighing you down. To dream that you are gaining or are overweight indicates you are feeling pressured and overburdened. And to dream that you are underweight means that you need to work hard at something. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show.
You already know where this story comes from. I mean in terms of websites. The country that this particular folktale comes from is Estonia, and it's called Foolish Wishes. (Due to copyright, I will not be posting the story here.)
That was Wish You Were Here by Blackmore’s Night. Before that, you heard Storm and Stress by Ostara. That it is for this show. Again, I’m your host, Midnight Starr. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol; or you just want to like, share or comment; you can do so on the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com, and on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. I am going to leave you with By and By by Leslie Hudson. Blessed be and be safe.