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Down the Crossroads Episode

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

What it's All About:

It is not about Hekate or the devil. And it's nothing to be scared of either. It is more about where we are in our own path in life. Which decision do you want to make to go down one of the two paths? Is it a good decision? When we look back, did we make the right choices? I will not answer these questions for you because they are yours to make. But I will be talking about this in the show.

Songs Featured:

Links Mentioned:

Spirit Guide of the Week:


Dream Symbol: (There are three)






Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess' Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. At the top of the show was Gaia Consort with Secrets of the Crossroads.

The title of today's show is all about going down the crossroads. But first, if you can, please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook, goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home, or wherever you can talk to everyone you know. And don't forget to check out the blog. Now for the topic: Down the Crossroads. You can already guess what this show is about. It's not Voodoo or Hekate. Let me put it to you this way since this pandemic started, many of us got laid off, and some were working from home. Plus, there were lots of people who got Covid-19. Not to mention all the other effects of climate change. So I consider Covid-19 a part of climate change because it has something to do with biology. But some of you might say that Covid started in a lab. Well, yes, it did. I did read an article, which I forgot the name of where it talked about where the location of the Virology lab is in Wuhan. It is right next to it was a Zoo, a Forestry, and a Vet Centre. So it is obviously from an animal that we humans screwed around with. Anyway, I don't want to get too political because this show is all about getting personal. Because that is what being down the crossroads is all about. During this pandemic, we’re forced to think about where our lives will be heading in the future. And if we did make the right choices after this is all over. I'll explain more about this after you hear Crossroads by Jenna Greene.


This one is a tough one for me to research. Because when I googled it, I got many business names, music, and movie titles with the word crossroads in them. Plus, I got a lot of links to anything Robert Johnson. For those of you who don’t know, Robert Johnson was a famous American blues singer whose myth was that he sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads and became a better musician. And he also died at the age of 27. But I did manage to some information about the crossroads that I was referring to earlier. You already know that the crossroads is about being at that point in your life where you have to make two crucial choices, much like you traveling the road and come to a three or four-way intersection or a fork in the road to figure out if you are going to turn right or left. Some of you might not know that there is another version of the crossroad. This one is in folklore, where it is a place between the spirit world and ours or a location where there are two realms. It’s a location where you can contact spirit. Otherwise, this folkloric crossroads is one between worlds. It’s a representation of liminality, which I will be talking about in a later show. I am going to play another tune for you. Here’s Lonely Road by Emerald Rae.


It's time for another spirit guide of the week. I am going back to Japan to talk about another Kami: the Dosojin. The Dosojin is not one spirit but many. And sometimes includes Daruma and Chinamata. And sometimes, not always, come in twos. The Dosojin are the spirits of the crossroads. They are roadside deities. They offer help and protection to travelers. They have shrines all over Japan in their honor. The images of the Dosojin are placed on the side of any roads, villages, and country roads. They are there to bless and protect not only travelers but the residents as well. The Dosojin also tries to prevent illness, droughts, epidemics, and infestations in towns and villages. They are also sometimes places in the intersections in busy urban cities. Its to protect pedestrians from any modern dangers. Not only are Dosojins crossroads spirit, but they are Kamis that also help prevent danger, disaster and ward off evil spirits. And they are also the spirits of marriage, fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth.

I cannot find anything that you can offer any of these Dosojins on your altar. So you would have to figure that one out. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.


That was Moonbeam Road by Bran Cerddorion. So how do you get onto this crossroads? Well, that all depends on the path you are on, what deity you worship (There are lots of gods and goddesses of the crossroads), or you if what to do some shadow work on your own. You can do rituals at the crossroads. I don't think literally, though. But if you want to learn how to acquire wisdom, keep a lover, or something like that, you can give it a try. You can find a crossroads ritual online. You can also do a Crossroads Magick Spell. You can do one to remove blockages, find a lost pet, honor your ancestors, or do something else that you need help with. You can do a Google search on Crossroads Spells, and you'll find plenty of those. And you can use tarot to help with the crossroads in your life. Here's another song about the Crossroads from Gaia Consort - Search of the Crossroads Devil.


Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Again there are three in this week’s dream symbol. They are ice, needle, and nest. Ice in dreams usually means that you don’t have any ideas and lacking in thought. If you had a dream that you slip on ice, it tells you that you have low self-esteem issues. To dream that you fall through the ice indicates that your emotions will come crashing in. If the ice is melting in your dreams, it represents yourself slowly come through in a situation. Needles in dreams usually mean that you need to pay attention to something out of hand, whether it is a relationship or a situation. Another meaning is some kind of physical or mental pain. To see knitting needles in your dreams represents you shaping a situation to get what you want. If you are threading a needle in your dreams indicates an unfinished problem, you need to pay attention to it to solve it. To see a needle get stuck in your finger, it’s telling you that you are not feeling appreciated in your dreams. If you were looking for a needle in your dreams, it signifies that you shouldn’t worry over little things. Nest in dreams usually means being homely, comfortable, safe, and protected. To see a nest full of eggs in your dreams represents a comfortable financial future. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show.


Here is another folktale from Folk Text. This one is from Ireland called Taken by the Good People.


That was Beltaine with Red Haired Boy. Before that, you heard Inkubus Sukkubus with Fire and Ice. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol. Or you just want to like, share, or comment, you can do so at goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, and on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. I am going to leave you with Moonstruck with Crossroads. Blessed be and be safe.



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