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Divine Feminine in Men

Writer's picture: Midnight StarrMidnight Starr

What it's All About:

There was a debate on a Facebook group on a book about the Divine Feminine that discriminated against transgender people. It got me thinking, why isn't there a book on the Divine Feminine for men? Surely there should be one written for them. I have my reasons why there should be one. And it's not for straight men either. I will explain more in the podcast.

Songs Featured:

  1. R U Witchy 2 by Harold Sanford Carter III

  2. Persephone’s Dance by Cloud the Pagan Rapper

  3. Wise Woman by Inkubus Sukkubus

  4. Cats Are Not Graceful by Cynthia McQuillin

  5. Women of the Earth by Spiral Dance

  6. Find the Cost of Freedom by Hecate’s Wheel

  7. Guided Gratitude Meditation: 5 Important People in 7 Minutes by Bob Baker’s Inspiration Project

  8. Thank You Lady by Shining Wheel Pagan Chorus

  9. Pagan Man by Moonstruck

Links Mentioned:

Spirit Guide of the Week:


Dream Symbol: (There are three)





Midnight Starr 3:21

Welcome to another episode of the music on the goddesses wealth Podcast. I am your host midnight star. That rap that you heard was "R U witchy 2" by Harold Sanford Carter the Third. Today's topic is all about the Divine Feminine for men. But first, if you haven't done this yet, check out the blog. It's Go ahead and let me know what you think of it and the show. And you can even listen to this podcast on the website. While you're on it. Why not click on the shop button. It'll take you to the music from the goddesses vault store where you can buy all sorts of merchandise. If you can please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook,, or wherever you can to everyone you know. Now for the topic, the divine feminine in men. How this topic came to be was a Facebook group post about discrimination. I wanted to inquire more about this and asked others what happened. As it turns out, it was a heated discussion about a book about the divine feminine in women. The author of this book, who shall remain nameless, mentioned in the introduction, somehow hinted that her book is for women born with a vagina and not transgender. As you can see, this book became a heated discussion about discrimination. Being a straight woman myself, this offended me too. I mean, I don't care if you're born with a vagina or not. The Divine Feminine isn't everybody regardless of gender or sexuality. So that got me thinking, why isn't there a book about the divine feminine and men? This is an important topic to discuss because of the toxic masculinity in this patriarchal society and the media. The Divine Feminine is more than just pretty little dainty things and the color pink. I'll explain what it really is in men later in the show. but first here's another new rap tune this one is from Cloud the Pagan Rapper called "Persephone's Dance".

Midnight Starr 9:25

Before I go on, I know that there are men listening to this show. Please let me know if I made a mistake or agree about what I will be talking about here. I was watching Canada's Drag Race for the first time a few weeks ago. For those living outside of Canada, it's a Canadian version of RuPaul's Drag Race. There was one drag queen who was from one of the native reserves here in Canada. He did talk about what two spirited people are in the first episode. For those of you who don't know, before colonization, two spirited Native Americans were highly revered in their communities. What is two spirited indigenous person, is someone born with both masculine and feminine energies. All of these two spirited indigenous people are all in the LGBTQ communities. What does this have to do with straight men? As I mentioned, we are all born with masculine and feminine energies. However, in straight people, one is more dominant than the other. But that doesn't mean that all straight men are born 100% masculine, that is not true. There are some femininity in straight men too. This is where the Divine Feminine comes in, and all men should learn about it. Unfortunately, since they were born, men were taught to suppress their femininity in favor of masculine energy, otherwise be more action oriented and competitive. It is this energy, by itself, that is not only ruining the planet, but also men themselves. According to Statistics Canada, the suicide rate is three times higher for men than for women. The main reason why is because men do not seek help for their mental health. They see it as a sign of weakness. However, that is a myth. Talking about your mental health is a sign of strength. That is just one example. There are many other examples of toxic masculinity in this world. I don't have the time to talk about all of them here. This is one of many reasons that men should get in touch with their divine feminine energy. However, I'm not just talking about emotions here. It's about nurturing themselves, trusting their intuition, creativity, love and the flow of things. Our patriarchal world is all about competition, who would get the most resources out of Mother Nature. As you can see, that’s not doing our planet and ourselves any good. Did I mention ourselves? Since both genders have careers some women have this issue of having too much masculine energy. It's easier for us women to take a break from our busy schedules to get in touch with our femininity. For men, this is hard to admit to doing for themselves. As pagans we all learn to accept the presence of the Divine in everything whether it be the moon, the trees, or the oceans. So how can a man balance both his masculine and feminine energies? I will explore that later in the show. Here's "Wise Woman by Incubus Sukkubus.

Midnight Starr 16:42

It's time for the spirit guide of the week. I'm going back to the animal kingdom to talk about the domestic cat. If the cat is your Totem animal, it's telling you that you're an independent person, yet you enjoy your own social connections. The feline as a power animal is also telling you that you need to listen to your intuition. You have the power and magic to create anything you want. You might also want to pay attention to signs and omens as well. Cat is also telling you that the best time to be creative is at night. If you're currently wrapped up in someone else's life, call on the feline spirit animal to help you with them. Call on the cat if you're feeling peer pressure to conform. The feline also says that you need to start exploring your life or aspects that you don't know well. You also have the patience to go into a period of self reflection. It would be best if you have this time to be introspective. And if cat is your Totem animal you need to start dancing gracefully. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.

Midnight Starr 20:21

That was "Cats Are Not Graceful" by Cynthia McQuillin. So how does a man get in touch with His Divine Feminine? We as pagans know that everything in life needs a balance and the Yin Yang, masculine and feminine energies are one of them. Men who do suppress their divine feminine are not whole. They do not live in abundance with their divine feminine partner. Men who suppress their feminine energy are chasing external factors like fame, money, cars, luxury, etc. He never learned to do internal work on himself to feel unconditional love. The society that we live in right now, is built on the idea of separation and competition. For example, we have to compete with another country regarding how many students are getting higher grades. Another example is the media always showing us images of rich and famous people, and the dream of working hard and making it big in Hollywood. There's more to life than who has the best car or the bigger house. This is where the balance between both masculine and feminine energies come from. So how does a man get in touch with his feminine energy? First off, he has to learn what the true divine feminine is. It's not painted nail polishes and frilly stuff. The Divine Feminine is connected to the sun, the moon, the stars and the earth. She's also connected with her body and her inner self. She listens to her intuition through feelings and listens to it. She is the Co-Creator of the universe. The Divine Feminine is confident in her wisdom, and she lives in the moment. She never fights against her nature. However, she is all about intuition and knowledge. The Divine Masculine is all about having the most vital sense of truth. He has a quest that he asked to take and never gets easily distracted from it. This quest is the means to get anything he desires. The Divine Masculine has the courage and takes action. A man who has equal amounts of masculine and feminine energies, is whole and powerful. He is not into competition, nor does he feel superior to others. However, none of us women or men have equal amounts of both energies, thus the balancing act of life. There's lots of information on the web about the divine feminine in men. However, there are no books on this subject and I wish there were. There are books on the sacred feminine for women, but unfortunately some of those books, I feel, are not geared towards transgendered women. I could be wrong there but I believe that both the divine feminine and the Divine Masculine is in everybody regardless of gender or sexuality. This next song is "Women of the Earth" by Spiral Dance.

Midnight Starr 28:25

Here's a dream symbol to interpret. There are three in this week's dream symbols. They are fighting, film, and find. If you had a dream where you are in a fight, it means inner turmoil. If you dream about fighting to the death, it symbolizes your refusal to acknowledge some conflict or inner turmoil in your waking life. If you're trying to fight back cannot throw your arms as hard as you want in your dreams, represents a lack of self confidence in one area of your life. To see other people fighting in your dreams, means that you don't want to acknowledge your problems. To dream about watching a film, indicates that you're analyzing your thoughts and self through an objective lens. If you had a dream where you see someone filming you, it would signify your need to stick to your words and actions. If you had a dream where you found something, it means that you're in contact with an aspect of your subconscious. If you dream about looking for something you can't find it, indicates a loss of direction in life, spirituality, security, identity and more. And to dream that you found someone means that you see a new side of a relationship. That is it for this week stream symbol. If you want a dream for me to interpret and maybe have the dream symbol featured. The contact information will be mentioned at the end of the show. So keep dreaming.

Midnight Starr 32:00

It's time for nice, deep and relaxing meditation. Again, if you're listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. This next one comes from the album "Gratitude Affirmations and Guided Meditations on Being Thankful" by Bob Baker's Inspiration Project. This track is "Guided Gratitude Meditation, Five Important People in Seven Minutes."

Midnight Starr 39:53

That was "Thank You Lady" by Shining Wheel Pagan Corus. Before that, you heard "Find the Cost of Freedom" by Hecate's Wheel. That is it for the show. Again, I am your host Midnight Starr. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol; or you just want to like, share, or comment. You can do so at, through the Music From the Goddess' Vault Facebook page, on Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault. I'm going to leave you with "Pagan Man" by Moonstruck. Blessed be and be safe.



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