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Writer's pictureMidnight Starr

Discordianism Episode

Hilly landscape with mountains off into the distances and a tree stump as the focus of this picture.
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What it's All About:

In this episode, I’ll will talk about Discordianism, a lighthearted philosophy that revels in chaos and questions traditional norms. Discordianism invites us to embrace disorder and absurdity as pathways to creativity and freedom. I’ll discuss its main principles and the playful essence of this belief system, emphasizing how it encourages us to view the world from a unique perspective.

Prepare for an engaging conversation about the role of chaos in our lives and how embracing a Discordian perspective can open the door to more freedom and self-exploration. I’ll also reveal some unexpected insights that could encourage you to welcome the unpredictable in your own path. Join us for a refreshing take on embracing the absurd and a sprinkle of irreverent wisdom!

Songs Featured:

Spirit Guide Background Music by Aldus-X from Pixabay

Dream Symbol Background Music by primalhousemusic from Pixabay

Meditation Background Music by u_55bjfhjrim from Pixabay

Links Mentioned:

Get in Touch Through Social Media:

Spirit Guide of the Week:

By Taken from, where it is/was stated: "photo. Museum (I.Gesk) © Berlin Antikensammlung", Public Domain,


Dream Symbol:


Photo by Andrey Storn on Unsplash


black tire on ship
Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash





Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just Dragon Ritual Drummers with their song Masters of Chaos.

Before I get back in, I’d really like to hear which classic episode you’d like me to revisit this January. You can cast your vote in the Choose an Old Episode poll linked in the show notes.

I would appreciate it if you could take a moment to complete a brief questionnaire regarding the topics you’d like to see covered on the show. I like to hear your suggestions for future Spirit Guides and dream symbols. You can share your thoughts via the link in the show notes or reach out to me on social media—Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Blue Sky, or Mastodon. Also, be sure to visit my blog at

To stay updated with the latest episodes, be sure to subscribe for FREE at If you're interested in supporting the show even more, consider a paid subscription for just $7 a month or $70 a year. Your support really makes a difference and helps me continue providing great content!

Now for the topic: Discordianism. This is something that even I don’t know much about, but I am willing to learn. I know it has something to do with chaos.

I’ll explain more about this after you hear Daughter of Nature by Natalie Fee. This song captures our connection to nature, and I hope you enjoy its energy.




If you are wondering what Discordianism is, it's a religion that emphasizes chaos over order, while still maintaining a balance between the two. The central figure in this belief system is Eris, the goddess of chaos and discord.

This religion was introduced in the book Principia Discordia, written by Greg Hill and Kerry Wendell Thornley in 1963. They also used pen names, which I will not pronounce here.

Soon after the release of that book, some critics labeled it a mock religion, pseudo-religion, or parody. However, there are those who take it seriously, and they might consider it the first virtual religion. Neopagans and Thelemites are among the followers of this spiritual path.

I will explore more about this spirituality and its connections to paganism. But first, let’s get into some more music. Here’s Willow Wynd with Our Universe.



As you can guess, today’s spirit guide is the Greek goddess Eris.

Eris is the sister of Ares and is known as the goddess of chaos, discord, and strife. Her name can be translated to mean either "discord" or "strife."

One of the most well-known myths about Eris is one where she doesn't actually show up. It starts with a lavish wedding on Mount Olympus for Thetis and Peleus. Every deity was invited to the festivities—except for Eris. Upset by this snub, she decided to take revenge by tossing a golden apple into the banquet hall as a gift for the bride. The apple had the words “For the fairest” inscribed on it.

This act ignited a heated argument among Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, with each goddess vying for the apple. Eris watched the chaos as it unfolded, eventually resulting in the Judgement of Paris and, notably, the Trojan War.

Eris also appears in the Iliad as the instigator of battle.

That’s it for now! Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.


 I would now like to examine the similarities between Paganism and Discordianism.

Both traditions share a focus on ritual and magic. Rituals serve as a means for practitioners to connect with the divine, whether through the organized ceremonies found in Paganism or the whimsical, often absurd rituals characteristic of Discordianism.

A notable similarity is the worship of goddesses. Discordianism holds Eris, the goddess of chaos, in high regard, much like how many Pagans celebrate different goddesses. This highlights a common respect for feminine divine energies

The symbols used in Discordianism are quite intriguing. One symbol is the sacred chaos symbol, which resembles the yin-yang and signifies the balance between polar opposites. Additionally, they incorporate the pentagram and the golden apple, representing the concepts of order and chaos.

Community plays a vital role in both traditions. Pagans frequently come together for rituals and festivals, building connections and offering support. Similarly, Discordians cultivate community through humor and shared experiences, joyfully embracing chaos together.

Both paths maintain a deep respect for nature. Pagans often worship nature directly, while Discordians regard chaos as a natural force, celebrating its unpredictable nature.

Both traditions continue to hold significance in today's world. They draw in individuals looking for alternative spiritual journeys, providing a sense of flexibility and personal discovery in a landscape frequently dominated by strict beliefs.

Though different, Paganism and Discordianism share core elements that enrich their practitioners' spiritual experiences


If you want to learn more about Discordianism, there are plenty of information about them on the web.

 Let’s shift gears and listen to some more music with Pentagram by Chalice and Blade.


Here's another dream symbol to interpret.

Here are the three neglect, nipple, and number.

Having a dream where you feel neglected might represent a part of yourself that isn't receiving the attention it deserves.

Dreaming of a neglected child suggests that you might be ignoring the needs and desires of your inner child.

If you dream of a neglected dog, it could mean that you aren't fully valuing some of your friendships.

Nipples in dreams often symbolize a basic, childlike need.

Dreaming about having no nipples or noticing their absence might suggest a reduced sense of sexual desire.

Dreaming of nipples that appear elongated and drooping may signify that you are pushing yourself too hard or offering too much to those in your life.

If you dream that your nipples are scabbed or scarred, it could indicate feelings of being undesirable or a lack of femininity.

Dreaming of squeezing pus from your nipples can indicate negative emotions regarding your relationships.

In dreams, numbers often represent financial rewards and belongings.

If you keep seeing the same number in your dreams, it often points to an important issue or theme in your life that you might be overlooking or not giving enough attention to.

And hearing numbers in your dream indicates that you should slow down and tackle a situation more gradually.

If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.


If you're listening to this podcast while driving, please skip ahead. Today’s meditation comes from the album Connectivity (Guided Meditation) by Tamara Thompson & Blackfoot U-Ahk. The track is simply called Breathe.


Before the meditation, you heard Numbers by Bards of the Koad.

That brings us to the end of the show. I'm your host, Midnight Starr, and I have some fantastic news to share with you!

I'm really looking forward to discovering which classic episode you’d like to see return this January! Be sure to take part in my 'Choose an Old Episode for January Poll'! You can find it in the show notes, on my blog, or on my Substack page.

I also have a brief questionnaire for you

I'm love to hear what topics you'd like me to explore on Music from the Goddess Vault! Whether you're interested in Spirit Guides, dream symbols, or any other subjects, I'm all ears. Don't hesitate to connect with me on social media (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Blue Sky, Mastodon) or check out my blog at

Interested in keeping up with the latest? Join my newsletter at for exclusive updates on new episodes. Be the first to find out about the newest shows—sign up now!

As I finish this show, let's tune in to The Winter King by Damh the Bard. Blessed Be!

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