What it's All About:
Some of us who began as pagans went through the Correllian Nativist Tradition. You got all three degrees and learned more about the tradition. If you are unfamiliar with this path, I will explain it more in this show. There are many paths one can take within the Wiccan Religion, including the Correllian Nativist Tradition. It incorporates the use of nature and ancient pagan practices into its practices. Listen to the podcast to learn more.
Songs Featured:
Links Mentioned:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

By Jeff Dahl - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3287657.
Dream Symbol: (There are three)

Image by Gio Bartlett on Unsplash.
Talent Show

Image by Clark Gu on Unsplash.

Image by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash.
Tarot Cards
Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You heard Luna's Coracle by OMNIA at the top of this show. In today's episode, I explore the Correllian Nativist Tradition. We'll start with a few things. What I am going to say next is obvious. If you haven't already, please visit the blog goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home. From there, you can listen to the podcast.I encourage you to spread the word of this podcast through the blog, the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter at goddess vault, and TikTok at Midnight Starr two. That's Midnight Starr (with two r's) and two. Here is the topic: the Correllian Nativist Tradition. This is how I began my pagan journey. I'm sure some of you have as well. When I was training, I bought all three books. When they required it, I organized and performed my first ritual. But like some of you, I took my own path. For those of you who know little about this tradition, I will explain it to you in more detail.
Let's listen to some more music. What about Pollen Path by Elana Low?
The Correllian Nativist Tradition was founded by Orpheis Caroline High Correll in the early 20th century. She claimed to be a descendant of Cherokee and Scottish ancient witches and practiced as a clairvoyant, herbalist, and spiritual healer. In 1879, Orpheis founded the Correll Mother Temple in Danville, Illinois and served as its head until her death in 1940. Orpheis originally referred to the church as Nativist. It wasn't regarded as wiccan or pagan until the 1970s, when first priestess LaVeda High-Correll aligned it with the Wiccan and Pagan traditions. It was then that the Correllian church adopted eclecticism and universalism. The church is not without controversy. However, one is claimed as a family tradition. That's because it's older than Wicca. Remember, Gerald Gardner founded what is now known as Wicca in the 1930s. Another controversy has, I think, died down, which involves people paying to learn about paganism from them. With the advent of the Internet, however, the Correllain Nativist tradition has spread worldwide. I will talk about another aspect of Correllian Wicca that differs from most other traditions, and it is the way that it is structured.
Here’s Mother Tongue with Ancestor Chant.
I'm returning to Egypt to discuss the god Nefertum. He is the god of the lotus blossom. Lord of scent and fragrance. Nefertum is associated with the lotus flower's lovely aroma and its medicinal capabilities. This also means that he is in charge of the fragrance's ritual, medicinal, and shamanic applications. According to legend, Nefertum sprung from the primordial waters as a blue water lily at the dawn of time. "He Who Is Beautiful" and "Water Lily of the Sun" were other names for Nefertum. He is frequently depicted as a beautiful young man with a lotus headdress and a scepter, a curved sword, or the ankh in his hands. Nefertum is the son of Ptah and Sekhmet. However, sometime’s Nefertum’s mother was either Basset or Wadjet. As Basset's son, he was shown with a lion's head and a mummy's body. There is another myth that says that Nefertum brought a water lily to the sun god Ra to ease his pain. What you can offer Nefertum on your altar are the following: flowers, incense, perfume, and essential oils. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That's Dead Can Dance with the Flower of the Sea. As opposed to most other pagan groups, the Correllian Nativist tradition has some sort of hierarchy. They consist of the Inner and Outer Court members. Members of the Outer Court are those who have registered and are eligible to attend ceremonies and take part in Temple activities. Furthermore, these individuals are members of the temple order. Priesthood is the Inner Court. It is made up of several members. The Dedicants are the first. These are persons who have studied for a year and a day and are preparing to become priests and priestesses. They have the option of joining the Outer Court or becoming First Degree initiates at the end of their training. Then there are others who have earned the honorary rank. These are pagans who have come to Correllian Wiccan through other traditions as clergy. They have not, however, sought any clerical education. Next, you have students in the first, second, and third degrees of initiation training. This is self-explanatory. Those who have completed all three degrees are now part of the Clerical Initiation. You could say that they are the Priests and priestesses.
This is Derek Schmidt singing High Priestess.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. In this week's dream symbol, there are three. Talent show, tank, and tarot cards. If you had a dream about being on a talent show, it implies you're identifying and putting your talents to good use. If the audience at the talent show in your dreams applauds your performance, it means you have a strong support system. If you had a dream that you were seeing a talent show, it signifies that you aren't maximizing your skill set. Seeing a tank full of water in your dreams denotes wealth and contentment with your existing situation. In dreams, tarot cards usually refer to your current predicament and mental state. A suit of wands in your dream symbolizes heat, creativity, devotion, energy, courage, and the ego. In your dreams, any of the cup cards represents water, feelings, cleanliness, and your attitude about life. In your dreams, the pentacle cards symbolize money, social power, worldly wisdom, and your connection to the earth. If the suit of swords appeared in your dream, it represents your ideas, mind, intelligence, attitudes, and opinions. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
It’s time for another myth. I'd like to switch gears and go to worldoftales.com. It comes from Canada and is called The Tobacco Fairy From the Blue Hill.
The song Fairies in the Morning was by Ginger Ackley and Brian Henke . Before that, Sharon Knight performed Double-Edged Sword.This concludes the show.I am your host, Midnight Starr . If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol, or simply want to like, share, or comment, you can do so on the Music From the Goddess's Vault Facebook page, goddess vault one dot Wixsite dot com forward slash home, TikTok at Midnight Starr (With two r's) 2, and Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault. Last but not least, I will play Witchy Things by Cloud the Pagan Rapper. Blessed be and stay safe.