What it's All About:
This is nothing against all the metaphysical or pagan stores, but more towards the big brand stores (Both online and off) that don't understand the meaning behind the witchy stuff that they sell. This is something new as Paganism grows in popularity. I came about this topic when searching for a niche in my soon to be a freelancing business. Plus when I was on a Pagan Zoom meeting, someone mentioned something that got my attention. I will also be talking about the portrayal of witches in popular culture. I'll explain more about this topic in the show.
Songs Feature:
Pagan Beat by Arthur Hinds
Mercury in Retrograde by Lisa Dancing-Light
Three Witches by Spiral Rhythm
Pagan Revolution by Elvenking
Links Mentioned:
What Pop Culture Gets Right And Wrong About Witches, According to a Real Coven
Mass Media and Religious Identity: A Case Study of Young Witches
"We Are the Weirdos": How Witches Went From Evil Outcasts to Feminist Heroes
Real Witches Explain What Movies and TV Get Wrong (And Right) About Witches
Women are invoking the witch to find their power in a patriarchal society
Hag, temptress, or feminist icon? The witch in popular culture
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol (There are five of them):




