What it's All About:
It is going to be a controversial topic. Marijuana and other drugs are not allowed in Pagan Covens during ritual or at a Festival. Yet, there are still some of us that use cannabis for spells. It is still illegal to use in most places around the world. And the health implications of using this are still being talked about. What will be discussed in this show is the Pagan view of Marijuana. Should it be used in this context?
Songs Featured:
Heartbeat Healing by Jana Runnalls
Down, Down, Down by Leslie Hudson
Mindful Body Breath Focus Just 7 Minutes by Geoffrey Favaloro
Keep Your Weed by Jex Thoth
Links Mentioned:
CBD vs. THC: Properties, Benefits, and Side Effects (healthline.com)
Wiccan Archives | The National Cannabis Industry Association (thecannabisindustry.org)
Cannabis Craft | The Witchcraft of the Green Goddess - Pagan Culture Blogs (witchesandpagans.com)
Cannabis And Religion: When Spirituality And Marijuana Coincide - RQS Blog (royalqueenseeds.com)
Weed Witchcraft: A Ritual with the High Priestess of Smoke (lunalunamagazine.com)
20 Health benefits of cannabis that everyone should know (healtheuropa.eu)
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are two)


Welcome to another episode of the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. At the start of this show, you heard “Heartbeat Healing” by Jana Runnalls.
I just got a message from a listener named Leaticia Mytchell. She has a business called Broom Closet Cards. These greeting cards are specific to Sabbats, life events, and day-to-day pagan life. She also told me that she uses everyday people to model for her card. You can also frame these cards. Leaticia is also thinking about doing a calendar on these cards. If you are interested in learning more about her greeting cards and her business, go to her Facebook page Broom Closet Cards. I’ve also put the link on the show notes. Have you checked out the blog? Its goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home. Go ahead and let me know what you think of it and this show. And you can even listen to this podcast on the website. If you can, please share this podcast via Twitter, Facebook, goddess vault one dot Wix site dot com forward slash home, or wherever you can talk to everyone you know. Now for the topic: Cannabis in Paganism. Some of you might like it, some of you might not. When I first heard that cannabis should be legalized in Canada (Before it was), I thought more that it could help people with cancer or other life-threatening terminal illnesses. I was on board with it. I still do believe that since it is now legal here. But I do have issues when people who don’t have major life-threatening illnesses like Epilepsy or Multiple Sclerosis are currently consuming marijuana. I just wish that the government would control what types of diseases cannabis should be used for. I mean, this is my opinion, so go ahead and argue with me on these points. Still, I don’t think that if you have ADHD, depression, anxiety, or anything along those lines, you should not be taking marijuana as a last resort. I also think that healthy people shouldn’t be taking recreational use only. People tend to forget that there are still addiction problems when it comes to using this as well. Remember that there are two major chemicals in marijuana. I know that there is more. I just want to focus on the two. One is THC, and the other is CBD. I could be wrong because I am not a scientist, but THC is a more addictive psychoactive component than CBD. Depending on the type of cannabis, some products might have more or less CBD than THC. Since I got diagnosed with asthma a few months ago, someone did suggest cannabis to me. I know that is weird because people with breathing issues cannot be around anyone who smokes anything. I thought that too. But there is now edible marijuana on the market. I still don’t want to take it because of a family history of heart issues. Anyway, I will be talking about the pagan aspect of using this drug. We’re going to continue this discussion after you hear “Healing Chant” by Heather Alexander.
By the way, if you have kids listening to this show with you, you might want to skip to one of my previous podcasts if you wish. I mentioned this because I had to confirm that I am over the legal age on some of these websites while doing the research. And also I am not trying to promote the use of cannabis and paganism. That's all up to you. You already know that I am on the fence when it comes to this issue. I mean, but I'm also all for using hemp, which comes from some cannabis plants. It comes from the plant's stem. You can do all sorts of things with hemp, make jewelry clothes and more. It's just when it's about marijuana. That's when I get somewhat concerned. I do know a few people who do use cannabis, but it is their choice to do so. I don't want to push my own opinions on them, I just let them be.
You know that part of a witch's ingredient when doing any spell also includes herbs. Some of these herb spells that we do heal all sorts of ailments, from Constipation to arthritis.
This is where cannabis does come in. I can tell you that marijuana is good for relieving pain, fight cancer, regulate and prevent diabetes, and regulates seizures, to name a few. There are other benefits that she can read up on yourself. I did find a book online called "Witch's Cannabis Diaries: For the Pot Smoking Pagan" by Pagan Essentials on Amazon. It talks about the different strains they use as well as the science behind it. I have to apologize for stalling on this segment. It's a good topic of discussion because there are negative side effects to use marijuana, all you need to do is be aware of it. I really do want to talk about cannabis and paganism next. For now, let's listen to some music. How about Harold Sanford Carter the third with "Witchcraft Hustling"?
It's time for the Spirit Guide of the Week. Today’s spirit guide is from the Middle East. She is the goddess Astarte. She was worshipped by Egyptians, Canaanite, Philistines, and Phoenicians. Astarte is the spirit of prosperity, hunting, abundance, horses, love, sex, and war. She also helps guard women’s reproductive health. In the 13th century BCE, she and Anat were thought of as war goddesses in Egypt. Her name translated means “the womb.” Astarte is also mentioned nine times in the Jewish bible. They used the title Astarte to mean Anat. It’s still unknown how the Phoenicians viewed her. When the Philistines defeat the Israelites, they placed King Saul’s armor in Astarte’s temple as a tribute. It is said that Astarte had a sister named Anath with whom she shares many qualities. They have been initially one goddess. What you can offer Astarte on your altar are the following: Roses, Lilies, sweet cakes, and honey. You can even pay tribute to her by decorating your body with henna or honey. And you can make a goddess-shaped cake in her honor. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
That was another song by Jana Runnalls, “Isis, Astarte.” A lot of information about Cannabis in Paganism I found mainly was personal blogs. There are some that talk about how to use it. But, again, if you don’t want to use weed in your practice, that is fine. Here’s one thing that I didn’t know. In Norse mythology, the cannabis plant was associated with the goddess Freyja. The reason is the belief that it contains feminine energy. If you consume it, you’ll be bringing her essence into your body. There was even a harvest festival to celebrate cannabis in Germanic Paganism. Both hemp and marijuana in all phases of life. The plant was also used during fertility and spiritual rituals. They made hemp clothes, and the seeds were offered to the dead. I hate to repeat myself, but you don’t have to use cannabis in your ritual if you don’t want to. If you do, the first thing to do is to educate yourself of different strains and what they are best used for. Also about THC and CBD as well. According to Devin Hunter in the blog “Cannabis Craft: The Witchcraft of the Green Goddess”, you should work with strains that have higher amounts of THC and minimal CBD. The reason is that if you get a strain with too much CBD then you lose focus, your body will feel heavy and it might put you to sleep for a few hours. Otherwise, beware. Hunter does name a few strains and what they are good for. Go ahead and read that article if you like. You can mix it with other herbs, and like most rituals and spells, you do first have to have a clear intention before anything else. And then you can drum, dance, sing, or whatever you like to do in your practice. You do have to ground yourself afterward. And the most important thing is not to overdo your ritual or spell. Being that I am not a garden witch, I do not use cannabis in my practice. If you want to do it, then do it. And if you want to debate this topic with me, feel free to do so. I will mention ways to get a hold of me at the end of the show. I haven’t played anything from Mama Gina in a while. This tune is “Freya’s Lullabye.”
Here's a dream symbol to interpret. There are two in this week’s dream symbol. They are underwater and underwear. If you had a dream that you were underwater, that usually means that you are overcome with emotions in some waking life situation. To dream that you are flying underwater signifies control over your own emotions. If in your dreams, you are breathing underwater, that represents a retreat back to the womb. If your dream had houses underwater, it's telling you that you are comfortable with your emotions. If you dreamt of an underwater city, it’s letting you know about your subconscious. To see other objects underwater in your dreams represents suppressed feelings. If you had a dream where you are in your underwear, it’s telling you of a situation where you lost some respect. If you felt ashamed of being seen in your underwear in your dreams, it represents you being hesitant to reveal your true self. To dream that you are not bothered by being seen in your underwear, you are ready to reveal something you were hiding. If you had a dream where someone is in their underwear, it indicates an embarrassing situation. If you see dirty or torn underwear in your dreams, it means that you are not comfortable in your skin. And to dream that you are not wearing any underwear represents a fear that someone will reveal your secrets. That is it for this week's dream symbol. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured; the contact information will be mentioned at the end of this show.
Time for a nice, deep, and relaxing meditation. Again if you are listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. This next track comes from the album Guided Mindful Meditation to Manage Stress Relax Let Go by Geoffrey Favaloro. It's called “Mindful Body Breath Focus Just 7 Minutes.”
That was “Summerland Rainbow” by Ginger Ackley. Before that, you heard Leslie Hudson with “Down, Down, Down.” That is it for this show. If you have a suggestion for a song, show topic, spirit guide, or dream symbol; or you want to like, share or comment; you can do so at goddess vault one dot wixsite dot com forward slash home, through the Music From the Goddess’ Vault Facebook page, and on Instagram and Twitter at Goddess Vault. I am going to leave you with “Keep Your Weed” by Jex Thoth. Blessed be and be safe.