What it's All About:
This episode explores the complex and fascinating tradition of ancestor veneration, which has been practiced for millennia across many cultures. I'll be discussing the personal significance of ancestor veneration and how it can enrich our lives today. Whether through maintaining family altars, participating in community ceremonies, or simply preserving and sharing family stories, there are many ways to keep the memory of our ancestors alive. I'll share practical tips and insights on incorporating these practices into our daily lives, fostering a deeper connection with our heritage and a greater appreciation for the legacy we inherit. Tune in to discover how honoring our ancestors can provide a sense of belonging and continuity in our ever-changing world. Join me as I investigate the historical roots and contemporary relevance of this enduring custom.
Songs Featured:
Spirit Guide Background Music by Paolo Argento from Pixabay
Dream Symbol Background Music by Benorzo-INACTIVE from Pixabay
Links Mentioned:
Choose an Old Litha Episode:
Get in Touch Through Social Media:
Spirit Guide of the Week:

Dream Symbol: (There are three)

File Cabinet


Welcome to another episode of the Music from the Goddess’ Vault Podcast. I am your host, Midnight Starr. You just hard Spiral Rhythm with Ancestors. Today’s show is all about Ancestor Veneration. Before we begin, I have a few brief announcements and updates to share at the start of this episode. You have the opportunity to pick which of my previous episodes you'd like to revisit, next month. This is your chance to influence the content you'll hear. Don't miss out—click the link in the show notes to vote for your favorite episode. I'm excited to see which one wins! I also have two questionnaires for your answers. The first questionnaire focuses on benefits for Patreon and Redcircle. I've used Patreon before and am thinking about trying it again, along with exploring Redcircle options. I'm uncertain about what to offer in the different tiers, so I'd love to hear your suggestions. The second is for suggestions on future show topics, as well as ideas related to Spirit Guides and dream Symbols. You can find the questionaire links in the show notes, or reach out to me on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, or visit my blog at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home. I look forward to your input! To keep up with all my latest episodes, why not join my newsletter over at musicgoddessvault.substack.com? You have the option to subscribe monthly for $7, annually for $70, or even sign up for free. Be part of our community and stay connected with everything that's happening. Now for the topic: Ancestral Veneration. I know that it is not Samhain. I just thought that I might do it today, since this is another one that is done all over the world, no matter the culture. I’ll talk about it more after you hear With My Ancestors by Galloping Coroners.
Ancestor Veneration has been around since we’ve been in caves. Its all about when a family member dies, their spirit is no longer burdened by the physical body. Their living relatives believe that their is now in the spirit with whatever deity or deities they believe in. And this idea of Ancestor Veneration is all over the world. It doesn’t have a specific time and place. One example is China, where people offer food to their ancestors, either at an altar or by visiting the graves of their loved ones. They perform these rituals in the spring, autumn, and during ghost festivals. In India, when a person dies, their family mourns them for thirteen days. They also prepare the deceased's favorite foods and offer them as part of the rituals.
And, of course, I am not going to forget Samhain, which is the day we Wiccans, and Pagans as well, remember and celebrate our ancestors. I am going to take a break for you to listen to some more music. This song is Samhain Fires by Willow Wynd.
Time for another Spirit Guide of the Week. We’re back in South America to talk about the Incan spirits Anarus. The Anarus serve as the protective deities of the Inca. Their name, translated, means snakes, because that is what these spirits are. They also serve as the Inca's counselors. providing guidance and wisdom to the people. Their influence is deeply embedded in the spiritual and cultural fabric of Incan society. According to legend, some Incas escaped from Cusco following the Spanish conquest, retreating into the mountains with their sacred artifacts. They enchanted the bridges they constructed along their path to prevent anyone from pursuing them. Those who attempted to follow would fall into an eternal sleep due to the enchantment. These people traveled deep into the rainforest to build a sacred fortress city, where giant cat spirits and the Amarus guarded it. It is foretold that one day, the Incas will return to reclaim Cusco. Dramatic natural events, such as earthquakes and hailstorms, will accompany this return. During this tumultuous period, the Amarus will let out terrifying roars to drive away those who have hijacked the power of the Incas. That is it for now. Stay tuned for another spirit guide of the week.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Once again, there are three: File Cabinet, Fireplace, and Flag. Dreaming of a file cabinet indicates a need for organizing and clarifying your facts and information. A locked file cabinet in your dreams signifies that there is something you prefer to keep hidden from others. Dreaming of file cabinet drawers that are wide open signifies your willingness to accept different perspectives, opinions, suggestions, and criticisms. Seeing a lit fireplace in your dream represents feelings of satisfaction, warmth, and happiness. An unlit fireplace in a dream is an indication of poor spirits, boredom, or discouragement. Seeing two fireplaces in your dream symbolizes a challenging decision between two options. Dreaming of lighting a fireplace suggests a strong, burning passion. In dreams, seeing your country's flag represents harmony and wealth. Waving a flag in your dream represents a kind of alarm or distress signal. To dream that you see a flag at half mast indicates that you are mourning. And if you see a flag in your dream at half mast, it means that you are grieving. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Here's another dream symbol to interpret. Once again, there are three: File Cabinet, Fireplace, and Flag. Dreaming of a file cabinet indicates a need for organizing and clarifying your facts and information. A locked file cabinet in your dreams signifies that there is something you prefer to keep hidden from others. Dreaming of file cabinet drawers that are wide open signifies your willingness to accept different perspectives, opinions, suggestions, and criticisms. Seeing a lit fireplace in your dream represents feelings of satisfaction, warmth, and happiness. An unlit fireplace in a dream is an indication of poor spirits, boredom, or discouragement. Seeing two fireplaces in your dream symbolizes a challenging decision between two options. Dreaming of lighting a fireplace suggests a strong, burning passion. In dreams, seeing your country's flag represents harmony and wealth. Waving a flag in your dream represents a kind of alarm or distress signal. To dream that you see a flag at half mast indicates that you are mourning. And if you see a flag in your dream at half mast, it means that you are grieving. If you want a dream symbol to interpret and maybe have a dream symbol featured, I will mention the contact information at the end of this show. So keep dreaming.
Time for a nice, deep and relaxing meditation. And once again, if you’re listening to this podcast in a moving vehicle, please skip ahead. This next meditation comes from the album Today, I Am: A Poetic Meditation by Carmen Warrington. This track is called Sea.
Before the meditation you hear Dance in the Fire by Arthur Hinds. That is it for this show. Again, I am your host, Midnight Starr. Before I wrap up this episode, let me quickly go over some important points you should keep in mind. You have the opportunity to pick an Old Episode of this podcast through a poll. You can take part by clicking the link in the show notes, or by scanning the QR code on my blog or Substack page. You have a whole month to decide, so go ahead and make your choice now! Two questionnaires are ready for your input in the show notes, blog, and Substack page, each with a single question. One asks for your thoughts on Patreon tier perks, while the other seeks your suggestions for future podcast topics, spirit guides, and dream symbols. You can also visit my website at goddessvault1.wixsite.com/home or connect with me on social media like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and more. I’m excited to hear what you have in mind. Stay ahead and be the first to get the latest episodes by subscribing to my newsletter at musicgoddessvault.substack.com! As I wrap up this episode, I'll end this show with a song from Kveld, which translates to "Father of the Fallen." Blessed be.
